Western """""""women"""""""

>western """""""women"""""""

We're doing this again? Really?

>it's another "weebshit attempting to justify their closet pedophilia" episode

>it's not peado if she is a 700 years old dragon

What did you mean by this?


then why the fuck is nintendo is the worst offender

>I like men
Okay, buddy.

There's some good designs in this but for some reason the creator of the image decided to put the worst examples up at top and the better ones near or at the very bottom.

be honest
right pic is what female programmers actually look like, left pic is just a cartoon for pedos

thats a woman? source?

all disgusting desu

do you want more games where people actual look like they would look like in real life?
Its strange, in movies Im more for it. To a certain extend.
But having to deal with ugly ass people all the time in videogames would be too much.

Who is that to the left of the skull girls?

Each of them is just a different type of pandering to its own set of faggots.



Actually the one on the right is missing the sideburns



t. Amerifat
Real programmer women look like any other women where I live.


Her name is Glory from Shadowrun Dragonfall

>two cherry picked examples


Let me guess, the girl on the left fills some kind of fetish and has no unforgivable qualities.

>you will never be saved by a strong waifu that grappling hooks you to safety

See, I thought maybe western devs were just shit at this kinda thing, but then I remembered Kinzie Kensington from the Saints Row games and just realized there's no excuse for this thing on the right.

I'm not him but to me it's the developers choice. Some people play for escapism and I can see why it would bother them, but not everyone is like that

It's not like games with attractive characters will ever stop being made so who cares