What does the "N" stand for?

What does the "N" stand for?




What does the "N" stand for?

Nerd (not Neo, surprisingly)

What is that N supposed to be?

In the first Crash games it seemed like it was a tatoo or a Birthmark, but now they make it look as if it was a metallic add-on or some shit.

>Nitro gin

I'll be damned.

At first it was a tatoo made on his forehead by bullies, the N standing for nerd.
Later he choose to redefine it as standing for Neo.

He's the enemy


A tatoo at first but now it seems to be indeed be some metallic add-on.

I always thought it was engine (N. Gin)?

It's a double meaning.
>Said out as its labelled, it sounds like Engine
>Nitro Gin, his full name, sounds like Nitrogen
And a drop of irony.
>Nitro Gin would make you think he specializes in cold technology


Wtf no we don't. Send that anime slut over to the horizon thread.




