Was it really this campy back in '07? really dont remember it being like this...

was it really this campy back in '07? really dont remember it being like this. did they change the game somehow or are the players playing it differently or am I just imagining?

Yes it was always campy. CoD 4 was always a bad game, the people that think it is good are those that played it when they were in middle/high school and are blinded by nostalgia.


i know it was always campy, but not THIS campy

this is ridiculous

i remember people used to actually move around instead of just stay in claymored up headglitched rooms

No, not really. You may remember brief moments of this but for the most part CoD 4 was camping in hot spots and chaining killstreaks.

I remember how you never had friends and you still don't lol

ugly virginal faggot

I played it a fair amount when this remaster came out. I think perks like Juggernaut really ruin what would otherwise be a fun experience.

Try hards,campers are literal scum .

this game is great to play stoned desu. It really feels like you're in fucking Iraq or some shit.

user confirmed has never smoked weed or done any drugs whatever.


People moved a lose on consoles, on PC the aiming accuracy and time-to-kill combine to make it nothing but a camping shit-fest.

i'm talking about consoles bub

standalone version FUCKING WHEN!
jk I know it will never happen.

nope the cod community just to went to absolute shit, they don't play to enjoy themselves they play to piss people off

Why did people like this shitty game?

Really shit player base now. 3 times as many kids and dudebros than before. Plus most people are jumping on first time. Everyone that played before is gone now and moved on to other things or grew up.

>Everyone that played before is gone now and moved on to other things or grew up.
about that...


No, it wasn't, especially on larger games. You couldn't camp like in later games by using claymores or w/e as you'd get flushed out pretty quickly. It was way more fast-paced and tactical than people give it credit for.

You don't need to camp for a 7 killstreak. You could, but due to the ease of sniping and no real way to watch your back (especially in FFA) staying in one spot permanently would be suicide

CoD is always campy in death match type modes.

Try playing 3v3 S&D and it's a lot more about holding angles and rotations.

This basically. More tryhards and muh kd fags.

For a minute I thought OP was being an extra fag and calling the single player camp. MW1 has one of the most manly campaigns in vidya.

Fuck multiplayer though, I couldn't care less.

>For a minute I thought OP was being an extra fag and calling the single player camp. MW1 has one of the most manly campaigns in vidya.
lol the campaign sucks dicks kid. it's scripted cinematic linear bullshit and it sucks balls. stop being so mid '90s born u hopeless cuck.