Official art

>official art

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Not happpy

Konami saving videogames.



>konami amusement

Oh Im amused alright.
Thank you Konami I forgive you from all you did in the past

What am I looking at here?
What kind of game mode is this?

>Arcade only
>Instead we get that R trash on Switch

Art style is terrible

>wanting SJWs to know about it.
It must stay in Japan

It's classic Bomberman but with anime girls instead

I don't mind importing if I have to. But it's Arcade, senpai.

>literally bomberman: senran kuraga edition
I want to kill myself

Is this what MGSV died for?


But it will be a Senran Kagura with actual good gameplay

What does MG has to do with this you stupid idot

Yeah seriously

It's bottom of the barrel sadpanda gallery tier.

>those triggered SJWs in the comments

>westerners go look for news about a product not intended for them in any way, they werent even supposed to know it exists, then they get angry at it

Never fails to make me laugh

>not wanting to see a beloved series following the "kawaii uguu :3" train means you're a SJW

This place has gone too far

You know how nostagiafags and nintendrones cling to old Nintendo stuff and hate anything anime that's not made by Nintendo, they would just bitch and moan about the "Uninspired Waifubait pandering Image" this game has.

Good lord, the Ex-aid memes are starting to spread.

I'd fucking buy it.

You are literally getting a bomberman game next month.
Stupid baka gaijin.

Yes and this is how most likely the series is going to be whether R is successful or not

MGSV is why we have this and really need this. Konami needs more than just metal gear now than ever before.

Not really, you are a very stupid fucker you know that.

Well kinda for obvious reasons. Shame about the arcade only though.

That doesn't mean this game should get a pass.

But then again it will remain relegated to Japanese arcades and will most likely disappear in a few months, so you're right in the sense that it's a retarded overreaction.

both by konami you fucktard

>If you care about a company that used to make good games now turning into kawaii shit, you're an SJW!

I don't mind the Nep tier characters. I just want a Bomberman with good singleplayer again. The last one was fucking Bomberman Tournament for GBA.
It's a good show senpai, it's inevitable

>only counter argument is 'well your stupid'
You must 18+ to browse this site junior


not that other guy but you're a dribbling retard if you think this is the future of bomberman

>People thought R was going to be konami getting back to making video games
>Not just making a quick game to raise the value of an IP
R was literally marketing for future pachinko, we all knew this.

This is just dumb.

I unironically want this more than any bomberman game except maybe a remake of bomberman 64 with online

Is bomberman, dare I say, saved?

>R looks like a half-assed game
>Bombergirls looks like a legit thing

Maybe, but many Hudson IPs are still dead currently.

that's ok, just give all of them the anime girl treatment

Literally any game will be made better with anime girls

>Bloody Roar, but every character turns into animal ears
>Lady Bonk
>Robopon is the same as ever

>barebones bastardized version of a franchise on life support that will be succesful because otaku's will shove anything down their throat if it has cute girls in it.

No. I am not happy at all. I'd rather have Bomberman franchise be dead then whatever the fuck its going to turn into.

>with actual good gameplay

if only.

>2 bomberman games with classic gameplay in the same year
2017 sure is something.

Except its trying to have both by having the MC be bomber man "themed" while have titty pantsu theme and waifu's.

And of course I'd rather "cling" to the style of bomberman for a fucking bomberman game. I don't waif's in every game life a hopeless weab virgin. Just go to sad panda if you want a crank one out don't I didn't need titties in my 80's arcade game reboot.

I unironically agree with this. But they need to be designed and drawn properly and that doesn't happen often.


This is probably just going to stay in japan and fade to relative obscurity and a new traditional bomberman game is coming out soon.

Why should you care outside of bitching just to bitch?

Already has a thread:

>outside of bitching just to bitch?

>Even Bomberman fell for the weebshit meme

Video games are dead.

how long until bomberman threads become /e/ dumps and waifu template posts

>people crying thinking Konami's regular acade division, let alone any of their regular game divisions, is developing this
sweet tears


>literally bomberman: senran kuraga edition

Pretty sure that's already happening as we speak

Far left > middle one > brown hair > strawberry shortcake

Just like old times.

So is this the bomberman counterpart to Otomedius?
awesome. hope it comes to Round 1s in the US.

NepNep crossover when?

It's much worse to be that guy who gets trigger by waifu's and hides it as having "standards" than it is to be the hopeless weeb virgin. At least the hopeless virgin isn't so easily bothered by something so trivial.

Far left a qt 3.14

After they're done with the other crossover

>At least the hopeless virgin isn't so easily bothered by something so trivial.
Because it's catering to them, game could be pure shit and some otaku would buy it just because of a cute girl.

Finding excuses to shame weebs is a passtime on amongst the neo-Sup Forumsfags

Not only buy it but also defend it.

tfw big nep will never look near you

Are you implying that Otomedius wasn't treated similarly here when it was announced?

But why does that bother you so much?
These kind of things are mostly niche as fuck, and this one in particular isn't even leaving Japan as far as we now.

Is this Chapter 3?

Not the same user. Just pointing out that saying "this doesn't trigger the people that are clearly their target audience" doesn't make much sense, that kind of people might get triggered just as easily too but not by the things that are made specifically for them.

That was just Xbot faggotry from 360 crowd back in the day.

>brown girl with heavy tanlines


user, where the fuck have you been?

This is Chapter 5.

Not really, a lot of people knew well it was a dumb attempt at reviving a dead franchise by adding cute girls to it. They were'nt angry but clearly laughing their asses off.

Because I don't want to play another traditional bomberman rehash I want to play Bomberman: Senran Kagura Edition but the Japs aren't sharing.

The only thing I'm "triggered" about how its suddenly ok to make cheep cash in game when it has waif's in it. Do I need to remind you that this is Konami doing this? Or is it suddenly ok because it panders to you specifically. Was the edgy bomberman redesign ok because it appealed to edgelords? Why is their difference now because you can pop a chub at in game art?

Honesty alot of things the japs put on the 360 would have done far better on the ps3 instead.

Looks like ass.
At least a real Bomberman game is coming next month.

Why are people acting like this hasn't happened before with Konami? Did people forget about otomedius?

There is a real Bomberman game launching next month.
A true, honest to god, 8 player battle mode game with a story mode and bosses.

If this makes you think the franchise is dead you're fucking stupid, because a new mainline title and a spin-off sounds exactly like a fucking revival to me.

>wanting a game on the levels of senran
God no, senran kagura gameplay suck fucking ass.

It's fucking funny to me that people are sperging out on Bomberman having nekkid waifus and you know these people haven't played the game in years, decades even.

While Fire Emblem resurrected through waifus and husbandos yet is being praised and you know a lot of them picked Heroes up.

Fuck off you hypocritical faggots. You would be all over this shit demanding a US release if the characters were Jojo posing guys with their tops off.

yea because it was fucking garbage

So they pulled an Otomedius on Bomberman, huh?

I remember a shit-ton of people complaining about Awakening, though?

pc port when??

>While Fire Emblem resurrected through waifus and husbandos
This only has waifus though so it could share the same fate as the newest medabots.

Why are you treating this"cheap cash in" as if it's the first and only thing they're going to do with bomberman in like years, when they alright announced Bomberman R before this? You're literally getting triggered about what is essentially a bonus to the return of interest in Bomberman.

They should have made it like bomberman 64

If Otomedius is any indication then yes, Bombergirl will get a couple more sequels, while classic Bomberman will get none, and then the entire franchise will just die.

The artstyle isn't a problem if the game ends up being good, which wasn't Zero's case.
Like says, there's already a normal Bomberman game coming out, and you're probably never going to encounter a Bombergirl arcade in your life anyway, even less playing one.

>in the near dystopian future, we will have MGS: senran kagura edition
why are we still here? just to suffer...

"a shit-ton of people" being a vocal minority of hardcore fans dwarfed in number by the new audience 13 and 14 have attracted.

Fire emblem since before awakening has always had waifus since the snes days. Awakening saved the series cause they made the entry easier for new players to get into by making perma-death a mode option and what not.

Is this the Bomberman version of Konami's destruction of their Gradius and Parodius properties with Otomedius?

>bomberman goes weebtrash

Why again should I give a shit?


>Like playing Gradius
>Love Parodius
>Couldn't get the arcade game to emulate
>Never bought a 360, didn't play that one

I still want to play Otomedius, just to say I have done so, but I won't buy a 360 and the game just for a few minutes of entertainment. Dammit Konami.

Classic Bomberman is getting a game in the next month though

>always had waifus since the snes days
not to the degree that awakening did
which was make waifus appeal to YOU