Thoughts on new operators?
inb4 unnecessary nerfs
Thoughts on new operators?
inb4 unnecessary nerfs
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They should fix the shitty fucking netcode/hit reg before they release anymore operators.
Stop blaming the game when you do bad.
>Ubisoft servers
Mira and jackal are both great operators out of the box which is a surprise because the season 1 operators where a hit or miss.
I don't know since I started playing the game 3 days ago, but it's pretty fun
I recently got the year 2 season pass edition on sale. it came with enough store credits to get one of the year 1 ops. Which one would you say is the most unique from the others.
Mira is actually pretty enjoyable to play. The deployable window can create some very interesting situations.
Jackal is pretty much useless.
As always, they're either grossly OP or become a near 100% must pick to encourage season pass sales before getting nerfed.
Also the connectivity issues and bugs and hitboxes and the lighting
Valk is the because more cameras is never bad
I like Mira, fun operator
Jackal gadget kinda eh, but i love his gun though
Depends on your playstyle, but in terms of unique I'd say caveria.
He actually thinks ash hitbox is working correctly
I would take his submachine gun with the drum mag over his assault rifle, but id take Mira's Vector over both.
Mira is a great operator and helps actually defend the obj. Jackal takes more involvement he works best when you have a mic and inform ur team
his sub is the same as valk gun just with a drum, nothing special
Mira is an objective player through and through, it's a shame that all the new maps encourage roaming instead of playing objective
I'm an objective player so i'm also bias
The only purpose of Jackal is to have a way for the attackers to defend them selfs from the defenders that move to other rooms other than the objective.
If nobody moves he serves no purpose.
Jackals scan ability makes no sense, get rid of it.
you must be the roamer in every match
The drum is the best part about it. 50 rounds untill a reload goes a long way.
fair point, no acog though right?
Releasing new content drives sales which allows the R6 team to make a business case to Ubisoft higher management to continue extending support and development.
All you're arguing for is the game dying.
Mira is great. Most people I see just drop her window facing from the reinforced objective, which usually get opened up from a window and expose us from every angle.
I've done pretty well placing her mirrors on reinforced walls in rooms outside the objective facing choke points in areas that are hopefully hard for the attackers to break open. Unless they have an ash or a hibana, you're free to wall bang anyone that walks by.
Jackel is meh-tier for me so far. It helps to know if areas are roamer-free but we have drones for that. The tracking is pretty weak
Even the pros agree that this game is a complete joke online.
It does have an acog
Jackal is probably going to become meta in pro play. Like more than half the round is attackers trying to flush out roamers and secure flanks, so having Jackal just straight up telling you where everyone else is a HUGE asset.
Honestly, I think he's only 'balanced' by his shitty guns.
Am I the only person on the planet who's had no issues with the netcode since Season 3?
Mira puts the team at a disadvantage the soon as the glass gets broken by a knife, bullet, twitch drone, nade, fuze puck, or anything else.
Jackal isn't OP, but I think he could be reworked to only mark the people 3 times. He can already be countered by moving. That marker shows the team where you were for the next 10 seconds. Do you know how far away you can be in 10 seconds? It does the exact same thing a drone would do the only difference is the drone doesn't troll you to the location of the enemy for the next 10 seconds. Roamers are just next level salty that they can't 3 speed around the map spawn.
TL;DR mira is a meme Jackal could use a little tweaking
Live droning in conjunction with Ash (or IQ now) works better, he's a fine crutch for unorganised teams though.
No they don't.
>Hide in spot
>Disorientate enemy
>Pop up
>Win game every time
Thanks for the renown
>nade, fuze puck,
Those don't break the mirror's canister
>if nobody moves he serves no purpose
That is where you are wrong. If you force the other team to not move and stay in obj if gives your team a wider area to occupy and maneuver.
Is there a video proving that? From my experience the canister has been popped when we got bombarded with fuze pucks.
Shitty guns? His weapons are solid so is miras. I mean having a shotgun as a secondary is huge.
I've had no issues. I think people underestimate how shitty their internet really is
>shitty guns
You fucking what mate?
I like Jackal's guns though his ability isnt that useful, Mira's vector is god tier and the windows are fun to play with.
I disagree i think jackals ability is godlike. He takes more involvement. Jackals a tracker as such you need to feed your team info. If you don't have a mic than you are playing jackal wrong.
I would maybe consider getting hibana, She's got more going for her right now since her gadget takes out the black mirror from a distance. Caveira is a solid pick too if you want to roam.
If you want to help your team and take down reinforced walls without picking termite hiba is a good choice.
I have personally found that since the update, the hit registering and netcode have been extra shit on consoles.
Unless you're constantly playing ranked against platinum and diamonds who exploit the weak netcode it's not the most intrusive thing ever honestly. The upside is that if they do fix the matchmaking like they're promising to do maybe the netcode isn't too far behind.
Mira is the new Castle. She has a lot of utility but retards put the thing up at the beginning of the round and fuck the entire team because it got Twitched instantly.
Jackal's great, if only because roamers are annoying as shit. I don't think footsteps should last what, 90 seconds? That seems like too much in a 3-4 minute round.
But I am Platinum.
I'm a Diamond player. The netcode is not "weak", just because you got your shit pushed in by a good player doesn't mean it's the game's fault. The better players are at this game the faster they play, this is in contrast to new players who play extremely slowly. It feels like you died with no time to react because they already knew exactly where you were and you got prefired. Siege's problem is the shitty servers and lag compensation, not the netcode boogeyman.
I went Frost but that's because she's cute and the 'bear trap' gimmick seemed cool.
I play her the most.
This game is a fucking joke for online competitive gameplay. Jesus Christ, where to start? Premades in ranked, netcode, god awful matchmaming, etc? This SHOULD have been a massive success, possibly reached the 100k+ players a day mark, but these fuckers have no idea what they are doing. What? A year in and ranked is STILL in beta? Absolute fucking joke.
Echo is the most unique I would say but not the most useful
95 percent of Echo players are looking at their drones so usually unless you are contact he wont help you
Hibana is best girl
Live droning has never worked against good players who move around a lot and keep destroying drones, especially on larger maps and ESPECIALLY if there's Pulse stalking you.
It's the reason why balance has shifted back to attackers in the S4 tournament after the round time limit was reduced by a minute - half the time you're trying to kill roamers so they don't come and wipe you when you're entering the objective.
Mira's great because it reduces roaming and helps obj play a ton
Peeker's advantage is a known and well documented thing in Siege.
Granted I haven't played for a few months so that might have been fixed now, but to act like it wasn't a thing and the reason why 1 speed operators are so valued is delusional.
Should I get this game? I played during the free weekend and enjoyed my time kinda just fucking around but I'm not sure if I eventually end up wanting to neck myself playing with randoms. None of my friends are interested.
Yee if your team all had mics you can coordinate with your team and get a good kill box going.
Just started playing after the free weekend, what's the best way to git gud?
Stay away from my game your filthy freeloader. just stay in casuals. REEEEEEEEE
why would you ever put the mirror on any non reinforced wall? that's just plain dumb
Play ranked and youll see some shit.
It is dumb but if you break the window and hold a particular angle maybe u can score a kill or 2 in a pinch
>shitty guns
>800 rpm 46 damage
Tbh I was expecting more people telling me shit I already know on mics and whatnot but people who get on mics are usually foreign or say nothing.
As for teamates, even experienced players can fuck up easily but sometimes I've had shitty teamates. Tbh it didn't really bother me since bad playees uaually get salty and leave and get replaced anyway or the rest of the team dies so quickly I can just move on to the next game.
It's fine is what I'm saying.
Wait until the next free weekend and get your friends to try, or play with the anons on /r6g/. Solo queue can be fun depending on who you play, but too many people act like total retards for no reason.
the shit netcode makes the game easier desu
>tfw getting fade-away headshots from around corners
Is it just me or is defending much more fun than attacking?
Also why are hostage matches so rare (is it because it makes Fuze less useful)?
I do much better on attack for some reason.
I find that defence is more..... intense.
>play with /vg/
fool me once
if i see a mirror up on a non reinforced wall, id spam the wall so fucking fast just to see if anybody is behind it
Top three picks for both ATK and DEF?
Is IQ usefull for anything beyond that booty?
Thats when you get killed through a tiny lil murder hole. GOTEM TOOK THE BAIT CONGRATULATION YOU JUST PLAYED URSELF
She has frags and can see people on camera now., so she can play aggressively and punish Valkyrie pretty hard. She's a decent discount Thatcher if the site has a lot of destructible floors and walls.
I still only see tech with her monitor though
Live droning is where your entry fraggers literally follow your drones one room behind, if the roamers turn to shoot the drone they in turn get killed because they're now looking away, there's no time for them to escape or reposition.
Maybe he means you can see operators that have nitro on them? Or something?
>Lord Chanka
>light up 200 ping chick
>nothing happens
>I get rekt by 4 shots from the Vector
OP as fuck desu.
If they did, they wouldn't become PRO
>BlackBeard(before 2nd nerf)
>now: Buck
>Bandit (just for that beautiful mp7)
Mira is now a strong contender for top DEF imo. If in the slight chance they buff BlackBeard a bit I'll pick him up again in a heart beat. He was fine after his first nerf.
Cav is the only DLC character I own.
>he didn't buy the year one bundle
I'm fine with slowly grinding them out.
Yeah well I honestly impatient as fuck. Having a lot of fun with the Year One operators tho. I have a bunch of excess cash I can use tho.
I could drop the money on them right now, but I don't feel like it's worth it for just 8 operators. Especially since I doubt I'd play all of them regularly.
Haven't played since the Eleven operators came out. What'd they add/change?
Some of them I do, others I never play. Or rather I play the girls I pkay regularly but the guys I find to be somewhat underwhelming. But you're probably making the right choice.
Dumping some pre-patch webms.
Been recording some new onese but havnt gotten around to webm them for chans yet.
Okay Sup Forums important question. Which female operators have their nails painted and which don't? I know Caveira does but I heard that Hibana and IQ also do?
Well sheit im retarded as fuck
Cant upload to Sup Forums it seems?
Or im just tripple quad retarded