Are there any games that show off battle damage ingame really well?

Are there any games that show off battle damage ingame really well?

SoF2 and KF2?

super mario bros.

aren't there a couple games where battle damage is portrayed by their clothes ripping until they're nearly nude

Arkham Asylum

Say what you will about BamHam combat and what it's done to action games but when you notice his cape getting more torn up as the game progresses it's fucking magical.

Absolutely disgusting.

Doom, Wolfenstein, and Rage.

WarFrame occasionally does that if you use swords.

Red Orchestra/Rising Storm series if explosives are taken into account.

Fallout series also, but with fists.

Gmod Gore Mod

Should I have Etna keep using speas or is there a better weapon for her?

which game? in 1, I prefer axes for her over spears.

This. Fucking loved DEagle in those games.

Yeah 1.
I like spears, but it just seems like a bad fit for her.
Too much shaft for such a little girl.


In 1, go axes or guns. I preffer guns

unless you unlock Longius, I can't think of many situations where I'd want to use a spear or it's skills over an Axe.

Help me explain the image.

This was a surprisingly fun game. Sometimes I'd see how badly hurt he could get just to watch him heal.


The Senran Kagura games, obviously.

I don't really know either, but don't you get the feeling of wanting to hit that soft tummy?

Wait, how?

Prince of persia TSoT had it, but it was in given points of the story, not a dynamic system.

No one's mentioned Mortal Kombat 9 yet?

Consensual ryona is literally best fetish

No, I want to gently lick it.


skulls of the shogun

your units lose bones and are much weaker until you consume the bones of the weak to rise again


dum modmen