Pirating indie games

>pirating indie games

>indie pirating games

I pirated undertale

>playing indie game

very good post

>charging money for an indie game

>Not charging money for your work

>playing indie games

Currently pirating Nuclear Throne
seed the game you fucks

>having the audacity to ask money for an indie game
it'd be like charging money for a home video

>pirate indie game
>thanks for buying our game

Does 2017 new year episode translated yet?

>paying the asking price for some shitty hipster indie title

I would pay if they didn't ask up to 20$ for their little minigame with dated graphics.

Parts 1-4 are currently translated.

Stop making the same thread repeatedly. It's kind of gay.

Team Gaki is fucking slow again this time. They want to get all the donations before they continue.

games made by independent developers can be good but all """""indie"""" games are automatically awful. we decided this years ago, please try to keep up

cut yourself you little freak

>no batsu video game

Why did people disliked 2015-2016 so much again? That part with Chiaki was bretty good.

Fuck off Team Gaki.

Detective Batsu was actually one of the better episodes.


Charging money for shit work.

>Making a game is work instead of a passion

Your game sucks ass anyways then

Go work at at proper fucking studio if you want to get paid.

>all gaki members will die in your lifetime

Kill urself noob

Consider the following: the game is free but creator accepts donations.

Indie devs are just as poor as I am, they understand.

Well, they're all old as fuck now. They might retire for fucking real in few years from now.

>captcha: calle calle

Some of them actually still appreciate pirate for actually going into problem pirating their game just to play it.
These people making game because they felt like it, i actually really appreciate these bunch of kinds.

man google translate really fucked you on that post huh

Matsumoto is probably going to age to 150


I do it. Guess what? Fuck you neet faggot.

I mean, I tried glittermitten grove and had to refund after 2 hours in because holy shit did NO PART of that game feel worth 20 dollars.

I could have accomplished the same thing when pirating.

As a matter of fact with pirating I -might- have gone past the 2 hour mark and found something I enjoyed about the game then proceeded to buy it.

>giving nu-male SJWs and blue-haired cunts your money

I'll pay them with exposure bucks

>I'll pirate because it's indie therefore it's shit
>I'll pirate because the studio is so big it doesn't matter to them if they lose one sale

Well, which is it? You know it can't be both, and any attempt to pretend it can is an admission of guilt.

anyone got the 'it's a science' housei pic?

If I wanted do pirate Isaac Afterbirth +, do I need to download and install each update from regular Afterbirth and Afterbirth+, or is just the latest update from Afterbirth and Afterbirth+ fine?

>implying there's indie games that ever come out of alpha testing

>Willingly giving away your money to subhuman trash like Phil Fish