Comes out in a little over 2 weeks

>comes out in a little over 2 weeks

It's gonna bomb so hard, isn't it?

Does it matter?

Never heard of it.

it's supposedly a successor to one of the most beloved CRPGs, planescape torment

Is is a sequel or a spiritual successor?

Spiritual successor, Planescape is a completely differerent universe to Numenera, and these are different devs.

spiritual of course

depends purely on the sjw factor

It's gonna be garbo

1st games theme
>How do you change the nature of a man
2nd games theme
>Racism is bad

Hmmm I dunno

Numenera is a great setting and it looks like that game completely fails to capitalize on it, seeing the range of recruitable followers available

Actually most of the big deal devs are the same.

Except the most important one: Avellone as lead writer

It's "What can change the nature of a man?".

The question for Tides is supposed to be "What does one life matter?" a question ironically answered at its most fullest by Planescape: Torment in which the one life you play as/through stands in contrast to the many previous lives you learn about and ultimately you experience what one life matters by achieving whatever ending you get. Which if you get the canon ending is surprisingly little apparently.

Avellone got in as a 4 million stretch goal though. He IS on the team.

Monte Cook was also the writer of Planescape and he wrote Numenera, though from my perspective as a tabletop gamer its a system that isn't for anyone but Cook and his friends and people existing in environments filled with game devs and playtesters, so this vidya is our best shot at ever experiencing that setting in a non-dysfunctional manner rather than trying to make it work in a regular group.

Torment doesnt really answer any of its fundamental questions, and that's intentional, the player and the way he decides to interpret his character are supposed to fill in those blanks

You canonically live several "lives" over the course of P:T considering you have to die for certain objectives, it doesn't really make sense to say it answers the question of "one life"

PS:T doesn't provide an answer to ITS question other than the one you choose and that is the point.

The question "What does one life matter?" Isn't posed by PS:T however, its meant to be the tagline behind Tides, and my point is that it is badly chosen because that question is answered PERFECLY by PS:T and uniquely by the way its story unfolds.

That's one of the biggest flaws of T:ToN in my opinion. They really try to force the question instead of coining it a few time in Ps:T

Like I said, he's not the lead writer. Avellone wrote millions of words by himself (to the point where he became very unhealthy) and is the entire reason Planescape Torment was as good as it was because, let's face it, mechanically the game was horrendous.
Also, personally, I find Planescape to be a heck of a lot more interesting than Numenera and feel like Monte dropped the ball a little on that one.

It does, because you, as the "player life" retain your memory.

In RL if someone is clinically dead and is re-animated, we don't say they're on their second life, because they retained their memory and personality and are the same person. It is one life.

The fact the Nameless One self-reanimates doesn't defy the principle that a person with all the same memories and same personality retention has always been treated as the same person and the same life and the distinction to his previous lives is marked by the memory loss and radical changes in behavior, worldview and personality.

Should I get Planescape Torment on gog?

Not really ?
Everything that happens in P:T is a plan that has been formed by the Practical Incarnation and is affected by the actions of several other incarnations, if you actually remember the plot. There is no "one life", at no point does the incarnation you're playing become the sole driving force behind the events of the game, he's just following a trail of crumbs that was laid down before him by the real puppetmaster which is ironically himself, or not, depending on how you define identity.

So I disagree it's in any way thematically the same as whatever Tides is trying to do

To really understand P:T you need to understand that this right here is your interpretation based on your subjective definition of personal identity, and it is in no way the only possible reading of it.


also Monte Cook, the guy who designed NUMENERA got fired from his original job because he went to see an "art" show in japan where a guy cooked his own severed penis and served slices of cooked penis to the audience... on the company expense account.

I shit you not. Just google japan penis eater lol

Except your "one life" doesn't need to be the driving force or any of that shit.

Because it's a fucking question.

And the answer to how much does one life matter can be "basically fucking nothing" or whatever you want.

In fact, with the canon ending you could lead an entire life of lawful good redemption and undoing all the wrongs your previous lives did and STILL end up in the Blood Wars for the shit the original Nameless One pulled to become immortal, which again is a viable answer to the question of what does one life matter.

It's very text heavy.

I was actually more drawing on aristotelian values here in terms of defining what we (commonly) consider to be "one life".

Did he get fired for eating Japanese penis meat, or for billing it to the company expense account? I mean, if he was in Japan on other business it's not too unusual to bill a few too many things to the company account, not worth being fired over.

>mechanically the game was horrendous.
It wasn't. There were plenty rpg mechanics in dialog aspects of it and those worked fine.
RPG isn't just combat.
Combat was fine too it just wasn't even remotely challenging, but not really bad mechanically unless you simply hate old D&D.

>Except your "one life" doesn't need to be the driving force

It kinda needs to be for it to matter, otherwise it's a loaded question and the parameters are dishonest

>And the answer to how much does one life matter can be "basically fucking nothing" or whatever you want.

So the game doesn't answer the question then, and it's completely viable to make another game based on that premise ?

>It kinda needs to be for it to matter
Except "it doesn't matter" is a viable answer to the question "What does one life matter?".

>So the game doesn't answer the question then
No, it DOES answer the question. And that answer, if you want to use that ending and that reading of events is that one life doesn't matter enough to redeem him. There you go. That is a fucking DIRECT ANSWER. I have no idea where you see it leaving the question unanswered.

The problem wasnt't necessarily the base mechanics of the combat but rahter how poorly integrated they were into the game, right down to the "run" toggle completely breaking it

>and it's completely viable to make another game based on that premise ?
I'm not saying it's not viable, I'm saying they're going to have a hell of a fucking hard time to make a game that can tackle that question in any way better than PS:T did, especially because PS:T's unique story/circumstance of the main character put it into an unrivaled position to answer that question.

It basically seems like a poor choice to me and based on the premise of their story it already seems to be a weaker attempt at exploring the question than the original Torment already provides.

"what does one life matter" is about as interesting a question as "how long is a piece of string"

Yes. It's how you explore that question that matters.

The same was true for PS:Ts question about changing the nature of a man. The exploration of it was what mattered, and Tides is going to have to really work hard to make it good.

I hope not. I love Clarke's Third Law and I want it to be well-done.

sjw garbage

one of the writers is a hardcore lib who wrote gay homoerotic shit

But by your own admission "it doesn't matter" is a personal answer you put into the game that is as valid as any other answer anyone can come up with

>No, it DOES answer the question. And that answer, if you want to use that ending and that reading of events is that one life doesn't matter enough to redeem him. There you go. That is a fucking DIRECT ANSWER.

That's not a direct answer to that question at all because its incredibly reductive to consider the events of the game as "one life", they would barely fit in a couple of months. Not to mention they're not a "life", they're just a small fragment of a huge ensemble that is that being's life. And of course such a small amount wouldn't weight much at all compared to the eternity it has lived. You keep saying that the answer is definitive but you're really missing all the reasons why the designers left the game so open in the first place, you're inserting your own meaning way too hard into this one and missing the forest for the tree

>hacking your way through miles of purple prose and pointless boring lore all to uncover a story inferior to any half decent novel, stabled to a stilted, dumbed down combat system.

no thank you

You make a good point, C&C was great, but it's reliant on the amount and skill of the writing (plus whatever designing in terms of how it affects the character/world).
I think the combat was pretty bad, yeah, but half of that is probably due to encounter design more than anything.

reminder that there's no character customization and you're forced to play as an ugly sandnigger

There, a brief version of numeria.

Should suit you just fine then.

someone that actually played the demo here. aside from the annoying intro where you're falling from the sky and answer questions about your character, i liked it. it managed to give me planescape vibes for the 3-4 hours i played. really hopeful for the full game.

Really wish they would have added the 5th playable character. Fortunately I never fund things in kikestarter so I'll just get it and hope for the best

It's gonna be darkstalkers all over again, shit heads brag about how much they want it and how much they love PST to sound cool but never actually played it or cared then they get what they want and no one buys it

Racism is bad. Well, mostly.
Stop being an edgelord just for the sake of it, user. It's libshits shoving obvious shit up everyone's face that people with common sense should be mad about. It's like if one obnoxious retard was running around screaming at people that grass is fucking green and then get upset when someone looses their shit and hip throws this dumb fuck.

>responding to it

fuck rpg codex?

All I remember of this game is some naked demon with a vagina for a face and huge tits.

So what I'm getting from these posts is they are trying to sell some philosophical message they came up with by slapping a pair of tits on it.

Does not bode well. Racism is good.

i will be incredibly surprised if it DOESN'T bomb


it's coming out on consoles same day as pc, so no it won't bomb.

>Sup Forums complaining about "sjw" shit
>implying Sup Forums buys games

>It's gonna bomb so hard, isn't it?

Well, consider this: the publisher just this week decided to drastically cut down the number of planned retail (or was it just CE?) copies.

If they decide to fulfill the kickstarter stretch goals post launch, I hope they do free updates for the game instead of releasing a 2nd edition of it later on.