Are you going to play Kolin?
Also topanga league is on
openrec tv/live/_sdw0lP714y
Are you going to play Kolin?
Also topanga league is on
openrec tv/live/_sdw0lP714y
Nostalgia costume is good shit. She looks fun but will probably be annoying to play against.
She seems to have way more options than most characters, so maybe she is very low health or damage
I don't mind these newer DLC characters having more options and lower health, it's more interesting and fun than a lot of the top tier flow-chart safe pressure characters that make up the majority of ranked play now.
Yup. Gonna be her and Birdie for me.
Yah, it's lame that her story costume isn't the nostalgia one though.
She looks like a mix of karin and cammy, I hope she doesn't suck.
This. They should have made the Nostalgia costume her default though. It's a much better design.
I like how they made Juri complete shit and she's still complete shit but Kolin looks like she'll be top tier right from the beginning.
Her face in the nostalgia costume looks fucking goofy. I like the battle costume.
Battle costume is literally Cammy though.
Honestly the story costume is pretty nice all things considered. It hides her face and gives her cool hair.
>Stormkubo's Alex
Even he is struggling to make this work
Alex really just has to go in and hope for the best
Another character with a parry. Could they already give parry to everyone and try to turn this piece of shit into a 3rd strike remake?
Is a balance patch also coming with her?
> Vega parry
Would be cool
Even if she's shit I'm gonna be all over her.
I'd be down with this.
>It's a much better design
That's why they didn't make it her default costume. So people buy it.
Nah. My characters are better in s2 and I'm happy for that, but I have no urge to play the game.
hotter than millia
Probably not, she looks kinda boring.
> ice themed character
Of course I will switch mains, besides I could never get good with bison
They said they are making an announcement about the new balance patch sometime in March. Kolin is being released Feb 28.
Okay but can they at least make the portraits at the top of the screen next to the health bars change when you pick a different costume?
might be cool
Nah man, the fuck? What company do you think you're asking here?
00:00:01 1st of March
>The anniversary is 16th
>They announce the character a week before that
>They release the character 1.5 after that
God damn you Capcom.
yes i will main this russian hottie
mfw colin will be yet another close up shimmy or throw unga character like most of the cast
I think story is best looking, only fault with that one is the gloves.
The story costume is missing that godlike best hair.
The mittens are great fuck you.
ive never played street fighter but want to get into it. Is V good? I heard its bare bones content wise
This stream is unwatchable for me, it freezes every 2 seconds. I wish they had one on Twitch aswell.
The question is what would Ryu's v-skill be if not a parry?
They are kinda growing on me, but the looked strange with the ice blade thing she does.
I think it's good for a noob, just like vanilla 4 was noob friendly when it was released.
it's bare fat