ITT: unironically post the hardest boss you've ever fought in a video game
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ITT: unironically post the hardest boss you've ever fought in a video game
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The only way he's challenging at all is if you don't know you can stand on his hands in the specific spot where the lightning can't hit you so you jump off the hand every time he does it.
Shadow devil from Megaman X5
Its like yellow devil but with random patterns and instakills
3 seconds to run across the arena and grapple, followed by 2 seconds for the other person to run accross the arena and do a QTE, followed by 40 more insta-kill QTEs, a section involving shooting missiles out of the air, and his boss phases apparently reset if you fuck up once. Before you can even do that, one player has to be bait for fucking Neo over here and the other has to land a hit on a moving, bullet dodging target with a single-shot RPG.
This is the easy section. There are two more stages to this boss fight.
You have to have eurobeat on in the background to beat him
He's not hard, just tedious like every other boss in that shitpile of a game.
It's too early for you shitposters to be up, school hasn't started yet.
I'm pretty awful at anything requiring memory or rhythm as is, but I still managed to beat EBA and both Ouendan games with S-ranks on all scenarios...yet I completely and utterly failed at this boss minigame. Never beat it
>stating the truth is now shitposting
>Duct tape the dodge button
>Win every battle in BBS
Sure is hard.
Use rolling shield, he is piss easy.
Hug the top corners of the walls.
It's a weird semi-timed QTE but not really fight.
You basically have to walk into his attacks.
It's been awhile I want to play it again.
Chaos difficulty, no new game +, fox only, final destination.
All I see is a kiddo trying to use insults towards a videogame thinking he looks cool.
I had more problems with BoSpider than with the whole Sigma fuckery.
If you fuck up, just hug the wall while using the barrier in the previous room to refill your e-tanks
This cunt.
So you never played a hard game
>god hard
Holy fucking shit.
Parace, I reckon.
Maybe it's just 11yo me talking.
Im currently playing Bayonetta 2 and I cant fucking beat Rodin
Rangda Bangda from X5 is also bullshit without the Gaia armor.
>Has no ground form
>You are required to pierce armor
>Has a tiny tracking missile that takes like 4 hits to kill. Respawns every 8 secs
>Hovering scythes
>Falling rocks
>If you don't get hit by fireball, it transforms walls and ground into spikes
>Has AoE that hits anywhere except underneath him. Even if you stay underneath. he flies in 8 directions.
>Invincible except in 1 form. In hittable form, only head is vulnerable. After one hit, intangible for most of the tranformation.
>If you messed around or keep dodging attacks wasting precious time, entire stage will be covered in spikes.
>Has double or more HP than the last true boss.
>the only reason anyone could ever have to call a shit game shit is to look cool
whatever, kid
I used to to do that, then the fucking AI starts to push his hand next to his face so I get hit.
This fucking faggot was my bane when I was doing buster only Proto Mode.
>don't play the game as intended
>wooooow wtf is this BS
>Using the crutch that is weaknesses
>The intended way to play
Get a load of this guy
Thread over, this is the correct answer
This better be bait.
I didn't know he was weak to Rolling Shield back in the day. Only way I could damage him was with fully charged shots, and that only did 1 damage per shot.
Needless to say, that made the fight a lot harder and more time-consuming than it should have been.
Even on hard it took me 43 retries before I took them both down, what the fuck.
Yes, I was actually so infuriated that I remember the amount of retries.
I feel like Alma's a meme. As much as I like NGB, I completed the game on hard and on neither run do I remember Alma giving me trouble.
Probably not the hardest boss I've fought, but definitely the bullshittiest boss.
Maybe Mizar from Jet Force Gemini
I think Nightmare is almost universally considered harder, and SA-X on the easy side.
> charge beam while space jumping around
> land on bottom level
> wait a fraction of a second for SA-X to land, discharge gun, then jump immediately
> repeat until reaching even easier 2nd form
>stand behind corner
>shoot rocket
>shoot it again in his hand
>run up to him
The whole fight lasts about 15 seconds
One of the hardest Robot Masters indeed, but not harder than Slash Man or Burner Man, the ones at 10 are on Plug Man's level tho.
I've beaten some ridiculous shit, but Vexx was a decently challenging game, and I've never beaten Vexx's final boss. I haven't tried in 7-8 years, maybe I could do it, but I wasn't bad back then. I've heard people mention about how they never beat em either so I'm not too worried about it
This shit from Drakengard 3, Spent literal hours trying to beat this bitch but the last minute feels impossible without a guide.
Alternatively, Laurence from Bloodborne.
On Black she was hard but Sigma must have either dumbed everything down or I grew up
>at friend's house
>one guy decides to buy MMX on the Wii eshop and play through it
>gets to this boss
>we sit there watching him die to the boss for like 2 hours
>eventually i just i tell him to give me the controller
>i beat it easily on my first try
what the fuck why is everyone so bad at video games
Were they norms?
>deathshead wolfenstein tno
final bosses also just feel harder by nature of being the final boss I guess
he is the most normie of my friends but he's still a huge nerd and lifelong gamer, I think he just mainly plays RPGs, card games, and the occasional ASSFAGGOTS.
To be fair to him it was also like 6 am and we had been up all night, but still.
This guy hands down. Years later I still can't believe I beat this game as a kid.
boost guardian on hard mode
>get two hours of watching attempts and examples of how not to fuck up
>"hurr I beat it on first try"
You're that guy.
MDK2 was pretty ridiculous in general. I don't know how but I beat it (with the dreamcast controls) at 6 years old. I played through again last year and the final boss was pretty frustrating
i think finding all the tribals is harder than the actual boss
one person posts "death" from cv1, an actual pain in the ass boss that cockblocked nearly everyone on the original console, and OP posts sigma from x1, a freebie at the end of a very easy megaman
sigma is a repeat of every single megaman boss since antiquity, and he's one of the easiest iterations of that repeating boss design
I mean I realize OP might be young or something, but it's weird to call something like that hard, even in this current time we have quasi-hard games like dark souls
>the boss spider in megaman x
>slowly sweeps the entire arena with his fuckhuge sword
>pshh nothing personnel kid
Beat the two other dlc bosses but have yet to finish this guy.
>Duplicate file exists here:
Here was my runner up, then:
Holy shit I forgot about the weird Dreamcast controls. You have to use the buttons on the right, A X B and Y to move around. That was so fucking weird.
Marx or whatever the name of the final boss was in Kirby's Dream Land 2 on Game Boy.
I still cannot beat this game.
>Implying the Taiko version isn't even more ridiculous
You are a little baby. For reference, the song is so hard that they had to come up with a unique difficulty for it (Apocalypse).
Obviously I wouldn't have beat it first try blind, that's not what I'm saying. The dude just couldn't fuckin manage to handle charging his buster and jumping/dodging at the same time. If you know how the fight works and are halfway decent at the game it shouldn't be that hard, especially with E-tanks.
Well DaSII is trash so no one holds it against you.
That song was burnt into my brain. I still haven't beaten it, I was one note away and I said fuck it.
Is that the SNES Batman and Robin?
That game was hard as shit. Never even made it there, assuming that's the same game.
Necron from FFIX, he gave me so much shit that I had to grind my party from level 62-65 to 83-85 just so that I could equip as many status negating skills as possible while still having bird killer and shit.
Wouldn't be nearly as hard if you didn't go back to the beginning of The Machine every time you lost to her but
>Hold right at the beginning or die instantly and go back to the start of the 6-minute auto-scrolling level
>No hit invincibility so the mooks can kill you almost instantly
>Your regenerating health is gone for some unexplained reason
>Every time you hit her eyes she fires a million projectiles at you
>Turrets on the wall that never stop firing
>Can eat you in one bite and kill you, go back to the start do not pass go do not collect $200
>While she's trying to eat you you have to physically charge her jaw
>You got her jaw off? Lol do it two more times
>Instakill mooks respawn every time the entrance is off screen, go FASTER if you knock their heads off
This fight was sadism
>Laurence from Bloodborne
that always threw me off, I beat the bastard and his chicken wing first try taunting him half the time because he couldnt touch me yet this fucking reskin wrecked my shit three times
roll backwards, and two hand a club, took me like 20 tries asshole was too cheap
It's fucking hard but timing is way more forgiving and you don't instabtly fail if you miss one note and also all the notes are actually on screen
That shit took me four and a half hours of nonstop attempts
Brackenspore. Took 120 attempts. Probably the hardest time my rain ever had on a fight, because you have to do the movement perfectly.
He was?
He was an ass but the hallway before him is murder
Buff your Adaptability and you can no hit run him with relative ease.
I dont even remember this guy must have been you
Granted he comes out of nowhere, but he's the final boss, I doubt you wouldn't remember him.
>Don't remember the final boss
I didn't have any trouble with him either though
This guy water blasted my ass so hard i had to learn to guard and heal untill his FP ran out. That is how i got into tanking
thats the boss i was on when my dad smashed the shit out of my copy
this fucker was just dumb
This boss was seriously complete horse shit.
Maybe not the hardest but certainly one of the most frustrating.
>LOL what's that, you tate'd like 16 of those tags?
>You wanna hit me with all that?
>Nah I'm going to dance around for twenty second and be completely invincible and laugh while your tate runs out.
Just watch the water. She wasn't hard. Barret was harder.
I could feel the veins on my dick pulsing whenever I managed to one shot a boss in that game.
You have to circle around him in a particular direction, which is a lot easier than the other. Doesn't remember, but I think it's to the left?
One of the rare soul fights where I didn't use my trusted shield.
Barret was a joke
i have one of those guys in my life now and its been driving me nuts
>me and buddy spent months grinding diablo 3 on ps4 couch co op. all classes 60 with all the full sets ect ect (hardcore and normal) both our boxes full of ancient legendary everything
>"that guy" starts playing, to help out we let him raid our boxes as need be.
>"dude im so much better at this game than you guys, ive only been playing a week and have a geared character"
hes doing this shit again in ff14 right now acting like hes some super secret hardcore gamer for being able to grind out to 60 with potd, while it still took him 3 weeks.
dont bother trying to block anything unless absolute emergency
dont try to summon help
im sure you used your wedges on all the bitches around the area so he doesnt get healed. right?
i wont lie, it took a whole afternoon for me to finally get him down.
Assuming you have decent ADP
Dodge toward his left in the first phase, his right in the second phase
And just dodge backwards for free heals whenever you need them
A while back I played it at a friends and I just could not beat wolf form.
Mind you I hadn't played through the game in like ten years or something, I just could not dodge most of the attacks and couldn't find the right place to stand on his hands.
All of his attacks hurt soooooooo damn much.
I had forgotten that sub tanks in X1 don't even fully restore your hp until this fight.
This guy is a massive pain too. Especially bad because he's way tougher than anything else in the game except maybe that stupid fucking minigame, you know the one
Shit, I was wondering who he was too! Yeah, he was a bitch, and yet he was so sudden I forgot he existed.
What was the minigame again?