Scrap Gun
>Spread decreased by 20%
Chain Hook
>Targets are now pulled to a location 3.5 meters away, up from 2 meters.
>Cooldown increased from 6 to 8

>Critical hit volume reduced by 15%

So an even more guaranteed kill.

>spread decreased

increased distance means no more hook/shoot/melee oneshots

can now more easily dump people off edges and has better range for 1 shots

isn't it just aim better to get kills?

right, but asking roadhog players to use skill is a massive nerf

>Cooldown increased from 6 to 8

He'll keep one-shotting people and they'll nerf him again.

Blizzard don't know how to balance any kind of CC. In fact, Blizzard don't know how to balance anything.

i feel like just the hook is bullshit. traps, feeze, stun grenade and sleep dart feel fair to me atleast

Maybe I'm just overestimating the in-game distance of 3.5 meters, but if I can't one-hit kill small targets with Roadhog then Roadhog is effectively useless (especially because he's the only real direct counter for Tracer and a little bit Sombra).

Have you ever tried fighting a Roadhog without his hook available? It's almost a guaranteed kill. I think this will result in Roadhog keeping a lot closer to his allies, so that getting hooked will still result in an almost instant kill (except for Tracer and Sombra), and will in fact make Roadhog more difficult to kill.

>Winston stop Tracer
>Reaper rips her to shreds if you dont play like an idiot

You just suck I guess

>Maybe I'm just overestimating the in-game distance of 3.5 meters, but if I can't one-hit kill small targets

That's what the spread decrease if for. Your hook still does damage and the smaller spread makes up for the larger distance while also making roadhog viable in any sort of combat that doesn't involve the hook. Seriously, his scrap gun is garbage if you are not point blank range next to somebody.

The reason why the distance is increased is because his spread is being decreased. It'll be just as effective. The nerf is to the hook cooldown, with the spread/distance making his gun more effective when he's not hooking.

what the fuck does critical hit volume even mean

The size of his critbox (head). And honestly they should do this for D.Va because her critbox is enormous.

>this will make teamwork more necessary for roadcuck players
so? you make it sound like that is a bad thing

it means they made his head smaller= harder to headshot

Probably decreasing the size of his head's hitbox.

I don't even main hog and I can see how stupid it is to nerf the hook in any way other than a slight cooldown increase.

Go ahead and add 2 seconds onto it, it won't make you any less of a shitter that gets caught out of position away from your team.

Hook is powerful, but not overpowered. If you get caught and rekt because you don't have a teammate that can displace/disable the hog or bubble you then don't bitch. Hog excels at duels with other DPS as he is a tank DPS.

Hers is huge because she is a huge whore

>ppl crying it's a buff

point is he won't be able to 1shot zarya/mei/reaper before they use their escapes

so aside from zarya how is your team suppose to stop hog from one shoting you after you get hooked from a distance

>it won't make you any less of a shitter that gets caught out of position away from your team

so you're saying that when rein shield is down and everyone is hookable, we're all out of position?

>if you get caught and rekt because you don't have a teammate that can displace/disable the hog or bubble you then don't bitch

so you're saying that i shouldn't bitch if i'm playing perfectly and i still get 1 shot with no reaction chance because my team is fucking up?


Dva's shield

>Before this "nerf"
Hook -> Leftclick -> Melee

Hook -> Leftclick (with reduced spread) -> Rightclick

And now he can hook people off edges even more easily

Doesn't reach anywhere near far enough.

>they will never fix ana
>they will never fix tanks
>they will never fix mcree
>they will never fix sombra
>they will never fix map designs
>they will never fix matchmaking
>they will never fix defense classes
>they will never fix two capture point
>they will never fix imbalance between ults

Don't say a word. Just post your face when.

If I'm playing in a game that MATTERS. I will tell my team when I'm about to drop shield so they can scatter.

Roadhog can only take advantage of gaps in your own gameplay that you aren't willing to cover. If you're playing QP or with peeps that don't communicate, hog already has an advantage. No reason to nerf hogm plenty of reason to buff your communication skills or play on teams with communication.

No Reaper should ever kill a Tracer.

Don't add that into the equation because when someone says "tracer" they mean "average tracer"

And average tracer should never, ever have any trouble whatsoever with any skill level reaper.

genji block, mc stun and lucio or pharas knock back. Oh and mei's wall

No, fuck you.

Dva gets a second chance whenever someone "kills" her by getting a chance to get away and turning into possibly the smallest hitbox in the game, I'm not actually sure what is the smallest character hitbox, it's probably tracer/dva/torb/ana though.

Her critbox should be that way.

I said from distance, also do the knock backs do anything? wont you still be placed directly infront of hog regardless of where he was when he hooked you?

Hook max range 20 meter
Dva defence matrix max range 15 meters.

Unless that hook is always at max range, your jets are off, and can't walk the short distance you can block it with dva

>Dva gets a second chance whenever someone "kills" her by getting a chance to get away
>a chance to get away

You don't play this game do you? fucking shitposter

torbs a fat migit man

PDD does not stop hook

I'm not stupid, but that's not what was asked. The question was what can stop someone from dying after being hooked.

Which is a dva sheild ( after the buff)

Of course it doesn't you retard. It absorb the following shots after the hook. What the fuck is wrong with you?

hook should just be removed because giving to a character with a shotgun is retarded and should not have made it into the final game

there a reason every moba that does the hook give its to no damage tanks.
it should be a strong reposition that requires other people to follow up on to make the most of it not a 20 meter instakill every time it lands

You mean the same way they made Symmetra take no skill at all?

Woops sorry phone posting, linked wrong chat. Meant for

... idk telling the retard who thinks you can block it with PDD that hes wrong? do you have autism or are you black and lack reading comprehension?

Yes I play it.

Please don't delude yourself into thinking you have never seen a babby dva getting away in the middle of a firefight because once that mech is fucked, people will sometimes ignore her for bigger threats.

Don't act as if Dva can't get away EVER. Just don't.

They shouldn't but they can and do, in all ranks, in all modes.

Not really, Tracer's blinks get pretty predictable with enough practice, not to mention she will have to dance in and out of Reaper's one shot kill range

You don't block the hook. You block the follow-up shots from the hook.

The question was what can save someone AFTER THEY ARE HOOKED. Defense matrix can do that.

"Unless that hook is always at max range, your jets are off, and can't walk the short distance you can block it with dva" idk if this is you but this post makes it sound as if he thinks pdd blocks the hook, which is incorrect

because someone said PDD doesnt reach far enough to follow up after a hook, which isnt true.

Hence the max range comparisons

He then followed up with

"The question was what can stop someone from dying after being hooked."

And he was answering

"AFTER" you get hooked from a distance.

He doesn't need to restate the conditions of the original question. Furthermore, this post here:

He is actually stating unless all your cooldowns are spent and it's a tactically perfect hook (which if it is, you deserve to die), then Matrix can save the day AFTER you are hooked.

The original question was answered just fine.

Still missing the pre-Symmetra game, she's nothing but cancer now.

>Tfw stop playing this garbage game months ago

Maybe the fucking tanks shouldn't be out DPSing the offense heroes.

Roadhog's hook should be designed to break up enemy formations by dragging an enemy away so that your allies can dogpile on him, like a more aggressive version of Zenyatta's discord orb, not make him something that can one-shot an enemy every few seconds and cover the length of 1/4th of the entire map.

So if I don't want to get instakilled I have to stand next to Dva at all times and hope she notices and protects me in that tiny window between when I get hooked and when I die? Nice. Or Roadhog could easily hook the Dva and kill her first. Her massive hitbox makes this trivial.

The new Sym makes playing No Limits unbearable. If you face a Sym stack it's pretty much a guaranteed loss on many maps. One shield gen is ridiculous by itself, but 2 is impossible. Temple of Anubis is the worst for this since there's only one way to get the back where they put them. Roadhog makes playing 3v3 awful as well.

It's one of many tools to prevent roadhog from killing you.

They do not, they are just more consistent at landing hits, so at lower levels they outdamage DPS because DPS are shit at aiming/positioning or just straight die left and right.

Roadhog is an exception to this rule currently (before the nerf D.va was also outdamaging the DPS, but now only good D.vas can consistency fuck people up), he can 1 hit kill most of the heroes and can destroy every other hero 1 on 1. He also has an enormous sustain.

Have you tried going behind Rein's shield? I hear it blocks a lot of things, including the hook.

>especially because he's the only real direct counter for Tracer and a little bit Sombra
fatass is the direct counter for fucking everyone



If you're playing Zenyatta that close to a Roadhog then maybe Roadhog isn't the problem.



>hold the fuck up

Roadhog shitters BTFO

>what? I have to work for my kills hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>I don't have an insta kill every 6 seconds, wow ruined

Can't you see? That user wants to be able to be not be with his group and solo everyone. He can't do that if Roadhog is there to punish his out of position ass.

When will retards learn.

The hook is not Roadhog's problem. His heal ability is what actually needs to be nerfed, be it's effectiveness or how vaunerable he is when using it.

It's like I'm really playing battleborn

>The new Sym makes playing No Limits unbearable. If you face a Sym stack it's pretty much a guaranteed loss
Play Pharah. Holy shit, now none of them can lay a finger on you.

Nigga, a stack of Winston hard counters that.

So what do we do against all the Winstons? Is it stack counters all the way down?

Stack Meis? Stack Roadhogs?

So then they're not playing symmetra, and you've accomplished your goal? I don't understand the issue.

Stack Ana and sleep dart all of them, then put them down one by one.

You have to land on the point to capture it retard. All they have to do is hide until I try to cap.

You don't have to be out of position for his hook to hit. If you don't have a Rein, Zarya, or Dva close by to block it he can hook you through everyone else.

This is like some kind of retarded Looney Tunes bit, isn't it?


I don't either. That user had said stack of Symmetra is a guaranteed victory when it's so laughably easy to counter if someone on thr other team actually picks someone else besides their usual DPS picks. Hell, half of all matches can be won if people pick characters that are strong against the enemy's team composition, but refuse to, so they can play attack Hanzo.

Even if Roadhog gets a sizable nerf, I'm just gonna switch to the next fresh meme character causing anal pain.

I only play the characters that everyone whines about, like launch McCree. I have fun by ruining the game for crybabies.

How do you counter 3-6 shield generators then? What if they have a healer too?

Why are you not near your tank in the first place? This is a team game, being near your tank and helping the team push is the objective, not having a high K/D ratio.

Sombra disables shields which leaves Sym with a tiny amount of health.


>Seriously, his scrap gun is garbage if you are not point blank range next to somebody.

That's kind of the point. He's supposed to be extremely deadly in close combat and next to useless in long range. He can drag people to him but he has no mobility (escape.) That's the whole 'balance' thing.

Winston's shield disrupts Symmetra's beam targetting. With their mobility and their ability to kill every single turret with a single sweep, a solo Winston can go Shield hunting while the rest of the team can push. Just stack as many Winston as they have Symmetra, and the rest is some other characters. Symmetra isn't some 'I win' button here.

>Targets are now pulled to a location 3.5 meters away, up from 2 meters.
>Cooldown increased from 6 to 8

Why not remove both the hook and the gun entirely? That way nobody will ever die again and no-talent scrubs can stop crying about being killed by anybody.

He is also fuckhuge, so you have to try to not hit him and his massive crit-sensitive head.

Nigger you can avoid getting shit on by not being a predictable jackass and blinking through the reaper and absolutely assuring to be in range. Just go side to side or diagonal to zone the reaper out. As long as one keeps a decent distance recall will remove most damage a reaper can get on you at a distance.

For a good reaper to kill a good tracer, he needs an ambush on the tracer or the tracer focusing something else when he goes in.


One thing to realize.

The hook cooldown being 8 seconds, means Zarya can always save you after being hooked (also genji can always have his deflect up)

Hahaha ebin look mom I said the buzzword again hahaha I sure showed him! Haha yes mom ill suck your dick nipple now mm hmmmm so sweet my darling mmm yes yes quite nmmmmm oh oh no mommy mommy not the belt mmm mmm yes ill suck harder mmm ahh aaaaahhhh mommy no that's my mmm mmm cuck cuck mmmmmnnn

>Have you ever tried fighting a Roadhog without his hook available? It's almost a guaranteed kill.

Not if the Roadhog can actually aim, which 99.999% of you seem incapable of doing outside of your hook-shoot bullshit.

To be fair, smart Roadhog don't just hook you out in the open. They're like super ninja's. Despite being the size of a car, no one ever seems to notice him until he hooks one of you from the shadows.

Hook 2.0 makes it impossible to hook anybody who isn't retarded. Now they're nerfing it again?

epic, you are truly a BADASS™

I bet played launch McCree and cried when they nerfed FtH

Thign is most decent Roadhog players did Right click, hook, left click, melee combo.

The only nerf is his DPS is now nerfed as he can throw the hook less often. but whatever, maybe now Roadhog players need to learn to aim.

But his reload and clip size concerns me after these changes personally.


>right click is now more effective
>left click is now more effective
>can no longer score super easy hook+shot+melee kills

>hog players complain about this


People are still caring about/playing SJWatch?

>Targets are now pulled to a location 3.5 meters away, up from 2 meters.
>Spread decreased by 20%
By my calculation... Getting hook will always be a one shoot for the 200hp character.
The only nerf here is
>Cooldown increased from 6 to 8
And the combo hook/shot/melee

Yep. Millions.