>real time strategy game >"you cant get good by fighting the AI, you need to go against real players to truly learn" >do just that >get fucking demolished within 5 minutes with no fucking idea how >"lol no, first you gotta read 50 pages of the wiki containing info not in the game to understand the meta first"
>people will defend studying as "gitting gud"
Fuck you
Austin Martin
>play against AI on easy >its literally impossible to lose >bump up the difficulty 1 notch >suddenly you've got an entire army knocking your shit down after 5 minutes RTS was a mistake
Caleb Perry
>Play against AI on Easy >Develop a strategy to completely shut it down >Bump up difficulty to Medium >Uses the exact same strategy, but cheats more
Oliver Sanders
these games are for people that are capable of thought. if you need those 50 pages to understand basic strategy you are a moron.
Nathaniel Bennett
There are so many things wrong with your post
>basic strategy >in age of empires II >implying real strategic knowledge matters shit >implying anything basic works in multiplayer >implying that just by knowing the basic you wont get fucking demolished >all those 50 pages assume you already have the basic knowledge You fucktard
Wyatt Nelson
>Play RTS against the AI >Realize the AI has easily exploited patterns >Win
>Play against players >Players abuse the shit out of your inexperience with speed and cheese brutality
Charles Thompson
>implying real strategic knowledge matters shit
What do you mean by this
Sebastian Stewart
Every game should have a mechanic that allows newbies to beat skilled players occasionally.
Jaxon Ross
>tfw rts is an unded genre constantly necro'd by 2int autists.
Ethan Bell
>ITT: Stupid motherfuckers
Jose Barnes
rome: total war VS warcraft 3 total war will favor flanking, tired troops will fight poorly against fresh ones ect warcraft doesn't care where the attack comes from mostly only if it is effective against the target's armor type EG siege to fortification and troops can run across the whole map in heavy armor without rest to no ill effect
Michael Collins
No. The EA Sports games has a mechanic like this. It's absolute bullshit.
Eli Lopez
Art of War was't really too advanced, it was just about teaching uneducated wannabe leaders to stop mindlessly yelling "chaaaarge!" while hoping for the best.
Landon Torres
damn gooks. no wonder they keep on winning in starcraft.
Cameron Rogers
I know sun tzu's art of war perfectly
Its most important teaching is "win without fighting"
Come on asshole, try to apply that to a strategy game like age of empires or warcraft
Camden Allen
didnt help the chinese when they got royally assfucked by the mongols.
Gavin Kelly
Hold on a minute, user son, and explain yourself for real
One is a grand strategy game with different rules, and the other one is a skirmish kind of strategy with other different rules
Both have rules, therefore, real strategic knowledge can be applied accordingly
Do we agree on this?
Brayden Carter
Thanks to shitters like you the genre is dead. Maybe you should buy For Honor or Overwatch, that seems more like your speed.
Blake Murphy
Break your opponent's PC.
Evan Morgan
if an opponent is easily angered, verbally harass him so that he loses focus. shittalking is random you know. i don't think you artowar, bro.
Lincoln Nguyen
Had we been in 2006 I would have awarded you 9001 internets
John Jones
the thing about RTSes and fighting games is that there is an extremely small window of opportunity in which you can actually learn anything and that's if you play against someone else of your skill level that learns as the same rate as you and you keep coming up with new ways to fight them as they keep coming up with different ways to fight you.
with fighting games it's at least possible to fix yourself up some with training mode and boost your technical skill some and widen this window significantly, RTSes have no such luxury
Benjamin Williams
>This post
Shit talk the enemy team Demoralize them Make them feel meaningless Play perfectly.
IIRC >Victorious warrior win first then go to war, where losers go to war first and then try to figure out shit
Carson Harris
>it was just about teaching uneducated wannabe leaders to stop mindlessly yelling "chaaaarge!" while hoping for the best.
So, this thread people persons and everyone on Sup Forums
Isaac Cook
>be an asshole by using meta tactics like shouting to the mic and spamming through the chat
Adam Martinez
Starve them, don't let them get resources. Annoy and harass them. Send your arches to kill some villagers. Basic stuff, my friend.
Julian Russell
The thing about RTS is that they seem too advanced for most players because young ones are stupid as fuck.
They are games with rules that emphasize on using actual real strategic thinking AND skill speed, with obvious some studying on the rules. The first two CAN NOT or SHOULD NOT BE TAUGHT by the game, because these are learned in your family and school.
But as user posted above, most people do not read.
Julian Barnes
>using meta tactics
You have already lost. Accept defeat humbly and kys.
Leo Lewis
keep losing at life
Adam Jones
>won't use the meta strategy in a strategy game
You shouldn't be banging rocks together at this hour?
Alexander Jones
Economic advantage. By the time you actually engage the enemy, the fight itself is a mere formality.