The Switch is not portable

The Switch is not portable.

why does Sup Forums consider it a portable console?
You cannot bring it with yourself outdoor.

>You cannot bring it with yourself outdoor.
But I can.

cargo pants are not pants

I wear skinny jeans and I'm pretty sure I can carry the Switch with me anywhere I want to. On the other hand I don't go out to play videogames so it will be exclusively used while in between classes or if I'm somewhere were there are wait times longer than an hour, which is rare because I'd never go anywhere I have to wait that long for anything

I guess laptops are not portable computers then

Have you niggers never heard of bags/backpacks?

>Have you niggers never heard of bags/backpacks?

wtf my PS4 is portable now!

>tfw bought laptop because It's marketed as portable
>put it in pocket
>Doesnt fit inside back pocket
>tore my pants

Fuck apple

Why does this retard have the Joy Cons™ attached to it if he wants to carry it in his pocket

What does the PS4's portability have anything to do with the Switch's portability.

then why it is the word pants in there at all?

cargo pants are the best pants
you can never have too many pockets

>you can never have too many pockets
more like hot pockets FATSO?

why is Sup Forums full of so many autists

>"if switch is portable so is a ps4!"

My 3DS doesn't fit in my pocket either

the definition of portable is not "fits in a bag"

You can strap your zelda slate case thing to your belt I guess, or just put it in your bag.

it's a tablet
do you carry tablets in your pants like a fucking autist?

>it's a tablet
where's the browser then?

literally retarded
don't try to defend your terrible analogy, retard

I guess a 7 inch tablet isn't fucking portable anymore, my Nexus 7 just locked itself to the ground

Shit, the original Gameboy isn't portable anymore, even though the target audience of kids, college kids, and teenagers have fucking bags and bring laptops and increasingly large phones with them

>t. underages who never carried a game boy on their trousers

hey wanna know whats great, nexus 7 bro

we can't FUCKING get fire emblem heroes on our shitty tablet


negro I have my OG gameboy in front of me right now

it's clearly more portable than a switch

>tfw playing in car at night and playing intermittently between steetlamps

so is it too big or too small? You guys keep flip flopping

Hey I have those pants

You are a massive faggot

too big for outdoor

too weak for living room

it's larger than a switch


what kind of tiny ass pockets do you have?
you some skinny jeans fag?

My cell phone isn't portable.
It doesn't fit in my pants

>you some skinny jeans fag?

t. obese virgin manchildren

so that's a yes then

how else am I gon grab a piec of that sweet puss man?

shame you cant do anything with it after getting what balls you have left pressed back up inside you

>going outside with a Switch

You're just asking to get it broken or stolen.

>I live among niggers: the post

Skinny jeans is what real men wears, only manbabies wear non skinny jeans


Every time I have to buy jeans I must go to shit stores because the nice ones only sells jeans for beta males with no legs, I can't put my legs on those pants because my leg muscles are too big (I'm a cyclist), so I end buying oversized jeans.

Too big to be a portable handheld, too small and weak to be a home console.

It completely fails at being a hybrid because it can't do either adequately.

when i go to university, when i go to work i always have some FUCKING BACKPACK

Why would you bring it outside anyway? Playing vidya on a 3ds in public already makes you look like a pathetic virgin
Stop embarrassing yourself, you're a 20 something years old white man start acting like one

So the iPad isn't portable?

Clasaic Switch defense drone flip flopping.
>call it a home console when it's convenient for your narrative
>call it a handheld when it's convenient for your narrative

>as a an adult you should be insecure and care what the normies think of you.
Wow user, guess I should also pick up a minimum wage job like you too I guess

>Wow user, guess I should also pick up a minimum wage job like you too I guess
you have to if you want to pay Nintendo for online

it's both
remember: nintendo is always wrong on every path they took and also in every path they could potentially take, forever


Nordstrom will hook you up.

You should, neets is the most pathetic thing ever

So true. All these feminized faggots think that wearing girl pants are better.

it has tablet-shape
are tablets portable Y/N?

Who the fuck wants a nintendo system to play online, I have a gaming pc for that

>i got a laptop in my back pocket

honestly I can't understand why they would market this thing as portable; it doesn't even fit in my pocket!
nintendo is finished, and nitentoddlers will defend this

You're so fucking stupid kys faggot

>Skinny jeans
>Real men

Come on now faggot.

Most of the market wants to play online on a console

blame hackfags for that one.

You're so fucking stupid KYS faggot!

Instead of a mobile console with the power of a home console it's a mobile console with the power of a mobile console and the portability of a home console.

Nintendo copys eminem rap god
>ok when nintendo does it

but guys, the definition of "portable" means "to carry in a pocket", guys, listen, nintendo is doomed!

You're so fucking stupid

kys faggot

>carrying a portable console on a pocket

Why would you scratch and ruin the console? You would also have to take it out from the pocket each time you sit down unless you want to crush it.

Its retarded not to carry a bag anyways, specially when you should be carrying your wallet, keys, phone. hi-fi mp3 player and usb charger too.

Welp, not me. So it isnt much of a lost. Tbh, I think payed online is cancer and anyone for it shoulf be castrated

so it's not even gorilla glass???

Not talking about the screen champ. Plastic gets wear and scratches too.

Neither is a laptop then I guess

You gayniggers bitch about such superficial shit it's hard to even care enough to argue

Portable =/= Mobile.

Unless you carry a 110v battery in your backpack with a monitor I don't think that analogy works.

I always carry an ipad on my back pocket
get on my fucking level



"The Big N" actually stands for The Big "NO"

Can I play third party games?
Can I take my portable Mario tablet outside?
Can I get the matching color wrist-straps?
Can I play modern gaming experiences?
No, but we do have mobile bomberman for 79.99

my nintendick is barely portable too.

>have somewhat large pockets
>can already easily fit n3dsxl inside
>take off joycons, put them in one pocket
>put screen thing in other
>or just keep it in a carrying case in a backpack
I'll admit it's not as convenient as a 3ds, but it's not impossible to bring with you. Just because a laptop can't be stored in your pocket doesn't mean it's not portable, right?

I haven't heard anyone call nintendo the big N in like a fucking decade.

that's what I call my "portable"

That's the beauty of it being a hybrid.

I'll just keep it in my bag where the DS used to go.

So Nintendo is using cheap flimsy plastic?

>I am a cyclist
>everyone else is not a man

Because Nintendo hasn't been worthy of being called "Big" anything other than "Big Fuckups" in over a decade.

What the fuck
What the hell is WRONG with you?
Is that a fucking gun? Those things kill people!!!!!!

Post them legs chickenboy.

Some other fag, here
I've touched and funned with a switch and nah, it's sturdy plastic.
There's no wiggle or looseness to the controllers where the rails attach

t. Californian

You don't read very many articles then because Big N was something writers pushed and they still use it today.

this reads like a 90s sega ad

>blame hackers
A normal person would blame Nintendo.

postan in a succesful bait thread.

Cargo pants are pants but they're pretty much perma-virginity insurers. No woman will take you seriously if you wear cargo pants/shorts.

Dress like a man not a boy.

Real men wear kilts.

guess ipads arent portable because they dont fit in a pocket too right

very epic thread

Neither are tablets but people bring them fucking everywhere.

>saving pictures of his legs

In all seriousness, I have natural freak legs but I do not cycle. even so I refer skinny jeans because they make my cock look enormous.
That said, every pair of pants I have owned in the last 6 years has had the crotch/inner thigh tear apart after a while.

>it has tablet-shape
What does that even mean? Was the Gamegear, GBA, and Neogeo tablets?

I have to get bootcut and they look like skinny jeans. I took these for ironic meme purposes by the way.

I dunno man, my legs look bigger than yours. Like I said, I have retarded huge quads and hamstrings and wrestler sized calfs. If I actually did cycle or lift I'd probably be wider than I am tall. I also have skinny arms and don;t really pack weight on them at all.