This game...

This game, along with others like it and fpses are like heroine and will destroy your will to play a game of any other genre.

Let me explain Sup Forums. Everything in this game is like a small "hit" of dopamine. Each last hit is an addictive mechanism to keep you playing without even realizing that you are desensitizing yourself to other long term rewards given by playing other games. Using your ultimate? It's like another hit but this is a bit stronger, get a kill? Even stronger still. Soon last hits are not enough and you'll just be constantly chasing multikills until you've dumped thousands of hours into this game.

You become bitter as well. Adding numbers onto your MMR is another form of addiction and you start getting angrier and angrier at your team because they are witholding your heroine from you. This is what makes the community so toxic and hateful.

If you are currently playing this game I heavily suggest completely severing yourself asap. I dumped over 2500 hours into this game and that was about a year ago and other games are just not fun for me anymore. Even this game itself was no longer enough to satisfy my thirst for that little hit of dopamine.

Find games with long term work that give rewards at the end. Games like these are only meant as something to keep you coming back without giving you a tangible reward for your efforts.

That's another thing about this too. 2500 hours into this and I have next to nothing to show for it. Some cosmetics? Who gives a shit what my characters look like. I would have been better off putting that time into an MMO or even fucking cultivating a skill of some sort.

Don't make the same mistake that I did Sup Forums. Stay away from games like this with tiny addictive aspects because you'll ruin your desire to play other games for longer than 30 minutes.

Think of it like nofap, and you'll be better off enjoying actual good games instead.

No its not, you're just autistic dude.
But thanks for the heads up

So what you're saying is that you really like Dota.

I don't see the issue. Nioh is the only game I want to play right now. That's what happens when you play a game you really enjoy. Just play the fucking game and stop trying to over-analyze shit.

I stopped playing DotA about a year ago, and even towards the end I was realizing that I wasn't even enjoying it anymore.

The only """dopamine hits"""" I got were getting early kills, ruining the game for annoying bitches on my own team, and getting people to compliment me for being """good""" for pressing buttons

also saging for mobashit thread

but you just said you liked Dota...

OP its right

i played a lot of games and enjoy them the hell of it

but Dota just traps you, if you start to like it it just traps you

Every other game and moba its a normal experience, but this game just doesnt let you go

I wish I could go back in time to 2011 and stop myself from playing LoL. It´s what killed my teenage years, literally spent 5 years on that trash along with dota playing every single day before one day realizing what the fuck am I doing.

let's not kid ourselves, you would have wasted those years on another shitty game like an MMO

nah I always hated mmos. Never could last for more than a week in any mmo.

bumping this

Ive played dota for like 9 years and i still play other stuff

you are just retarded

what other games? what types of games?

I used to play but got sick of it when I realized that I was just trying to get that first high I got when I first started playing and got that big kill streak. The whole game is just trying to re-live that moment and getting frustrated whenever you make simple mistakes every game.

It's just like Golf.

>tfw not autistic
>tfw finish 50 games a year
>tfw so many interesting varied experiences
>tfw about to crack open the PC-98 library

Kids don't know what your missing.

how do you even do it? I can barely finish 5 games a year.

Civ, l4d, indies (broforce, towerfall, tricky towers because I have friends), xcom 1/2, chivalry, doom...

The list goes on.

>point and lick

Choose one.

I think you are a bit of an anomaly, that or you didn't invest that much time into this game or games like it


As much as Sup Forums wants you to believe otherwise the vast majority of games are tiny. It's not "modern AAA cancer".

I just finished Burnout, that is Burnout 1. Never played it before. Took 2 play sessions. Even did all the extras. Might start on the sequel.

I've been slacking this year I've only done 5 games so far. But I replayed Resident Evil 7 a few times damn good game.

Rpg, fps, survival horror

Since i have a laptop, i dont play new games, but i always replay stuff
Ive been replaying Silent hill 2 and Vagrant story
And i cant wait to buy Trails in the Sky last chapter.

You are retarded.

only tryin to help user

I broke my addiction to short-form FPS games and MOBAs, switching over to RTS and grand strategy. I've been a lot happier and find myself more disciplined in different areas of my life, able to hold out longer for a reward. MOBAs and short-form FPS games are mental poison, if you become trapped in them.

>pick up and move pieces

Choose one.

What is a short form fps?

Any FPS where a match can be finished in a short amount of time and doesn't require much input outside of the match to play it such as training and studying. A game where you configure your loadouts and jump into ten minute free for all matches, for example.

Turn based has always equaled strategy noob. Learn to game. Go back to clicking on shineys and chasing your creeps around.

The problem with Dota is the time sink it becomes and the infinite progression. You can always be better and games average at around 40 minutes. This can quickly become quite destructive and leaves most in a constant state of dissatisfaction as the average winrate is 50%. I think for most people, it is ideal to simply not bother with games like this as they will dump thousands of hours and feel very frustrated at the end of it. I myself stopped at 3700 hours after realizing I wasn't really having that much fun anymore and wanted to play other games and do other things than play Dota all day.

I don't necessarily want to have to "study" a video game to play it.

It's why I don't touch JRPGs at all with their autistic monster fusions or whatever.

Idk man. My 2.7k games might disagree /:

Everyone is different. OP is right for some people and is right for others

I dumped 1300+ hours into it and I agree with you. For all the highs this game has, the lows are much more frequent.