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Just need to push this button to send out the baneblades to the regiment.
don't fuck up
Motherfucking Stubbs needs that fire support
>BRB charging my giant lazer
>its an Ork raid episode
>Kaurava has factories that produce baneblades in just a few minutes
How did they lose? Doesn't it take like loads of hours just to produce 1 Bolter yet the IG can ghetto-rig a fully functional Baneblade in minutes?
>tfw no honor guard
>Kaurava has factories that produce baneblades in just a few minutes
They dont, they are just profiting from an administratum decimal placement error.
Probably the same retard adept who sent them who knows where.
He is a magus of t´zeentch, just as planned.
you guys have no idea how fucking annoying the commissar is, I was on the line holding it and he fucking shoots Anderson, because he was "failing" despite killing a fucking CSM with his meltagun 5 minutes ago
>He thinks anyone is safe
Thank the Emperor I'm in one of the Leman Russ crews.
You guys seen the Orc gameplay trailer for Dawn of war 3?
I think it looks good with the scrap/looting mechanic, Kinda wish it costed power or took longer for it.
Orc voices need more work though
Warhammer is soooooooo Kewl !
>Gorgutz axe spin attack
>Fuckhead Commissar
You normie guards are pathetic
Realtalk, quadrupedal titans sound really fucking practical
Does the Imperium have any
I like what I've seen of the
Only thing that bothers me is that there will only be three factions and all of them are the same-old, same-old.
Couldn't even switch Eldar for Dark Eldar or something for fucking once in their lives.
>Does the Imperium have any
They only made one but it grew sentient and escaped to a Feudal World.
>Youtube comments
Hating DOW3 has become some kind of meme that's moved past common sense now.
They could announce that it gives free blowjobs now and people would still shit on it.
So I saw one of those Banshees yesterday on their way to fight the 'Crons. Call me a heretic but DAMN they got some fine bodies.
It looks good I know it's not finished but I hope they keep the cartoony animations for the orcs.
>Those buildings animations
I love it
Meanwhile - in DOW3.
I want to see chaos orks.
Tzentch chaos orks.
Doing most retarded shit for no apparent reason, trying to behave like a spy from Austin Powers movie, while all their plans work.. Due to gestalt field and ork tech.
>that elite unit warp-in
>A side of effect of being Jain Zar is that her ass is always small. Akin to Macha's virginity.