Post your rarest secrets

post your rarest secrets

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what the shit?

I'm your wife's son

tfw even after 25 years I'm still discovering secret areas in that game.

Welp, I can't beat that




Holy shit. That must be a glitch, right?

Wind Waker 2nd dungeon boss instant kill with the water

some kind of Jizou's mystical power, i guess


No, Tanooki is just weirdly powerful.

In Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask you can walk as close to a Redead or Gibdo as possible, including directly in front of their face, if you walk very slow. Slow as in Link's boots make a gentle "tap - tap - tap" sound instead of "taptaptaptaptaptap". Playing the Sun's Song (OoT only) will freeze them for a minute or so or until you attack them.

I think you already won.


its not a secret if I post it

Having Run on drops your evasion and blocking chance to 0.

No way really? Well that explains why my tank characters have always sucked.

it's while you're running, not just having run on.


A snippet of code in the Anachronox tooles used by Ion Storm berates Corrine Yu:

#define STUPID_CUNT "Corrinne"

extern unsigned char vertexres;

// 0 is UV texture coordinate only of new model
// 1 is a same new model right after the UV texture coordinate
// 2 is same model new animation
// 3 is same model same animation new frame
// if 0x40 bit is on it means it is a .lwo file that also corresponds to the .uv file
int EncodeFileName ( int verify );

//Some real vector operations to try and clear the stench of Corrinfuckyouqqqwassshitfuckne's
//foul smelling cunt

>Wind Waker 2nd dungeon boss instant kill
shit, i did not know that

You have to use Forest Water on the exposed center of the boss. Nobody really knew, it got discovered last year.

Yeah, it's an oversight. I've got the SMB3 disassembly open right now and the vast majority of enemies/hazards run the same collision subroutine. Spinies, Spiny Eggs, Piranha Plants, Thwomps, Podoboos, Rotodiscs, Fire Snakes, Nippers, Lava Lotuses, Chain Chomps, Fire Jets, etc. have a flag set that means you can't stomp them. But if you've got the Tanooki Suit or Kuribo's Shoe that immunity ain't shit.

No fucking way

Kek, did she break some angry virgins heart?


I heard that transformations like the Trang-Oul set vampire and Delirium let you get around this because their walk and run speeds are the same, so while you're "walking" at run speed it's not flagged to lower your defense and chance to block.

Shadow is relm's father.

>this one make's me get wet eye's for some reason.


In Yuri's Revenge, if you put a mind controlled cow unit into an IFV, it turns into a superb version of a prism tank with more armor, faster movement and a stronger beam.



Statue can kill ghosts and thowps too.


Whats the secret?

Everyone knows about infighting in DOOM, but there's actually a bug that causes monsters to kill themselves if they accidentally attack a barrel.

If you beat Super Smash Bros 64 three times in under 30 minutes on hard with only one life and no continues as Kirby, you unlock bowser, ganondorf and wario. Doing the same thing again with link and then ganondorf unlocks zelda, epona and princess ruto.

Does it happen with the melee demons?

It also works with the President unit, but you need a custom map to make those spawn in Skirmish. And it's not actually a Prism tank that is created, but a an IFV with a Prism Tower beam weapon, a lot more powerful than the regular beam.

Mei's ultimate is a projectile, which means Dva can destroy it with her defense matrix.

I learned this the hard way

There's also a Mew under the truck in Pokemon Red.

>Wario will never have his shoulder bash again
>Ganondorf will never not be a clone again
>Epona and Ruto will never be in Smash again
Why did smash get so shitty after 64



Was. Got patched in 1.5 if i remember

the "M" on his hat stands for "Mario".

get out you piece of shit
the current patch made matrix block EVERY projectile at source

in mario game,s yes. but in majoras mask, it stands for majoras

Still waiting for that Lara Croft nude code...

it can also be reflected by Genji and turned against the enemy team, similar to Hanzo's Ult and Soldier's heal.


I had this one guy at school who knew fucking everything about Pokemon. Like this guy was basically Bulbapedia in human form - he knew some extremely obscure shit. The thing is he was always right, so a shitload of people would ask him questions and he'd always give them the right answer. He became the go-to guy to ask about what level my Butterfree learns Psybeam or some shit.

Well one day this absolute madman told people about the Mew under the truck and of course, people believed him because he was the fucking Pokemon guru. He convinced so many people and they all went and tried to do it. Every time he told them of some detail they were missing, like they needed more money or didn't have enough Pokemon in the dex.

I had no idea why he did it


Maybe because he was right?

why are you a liar


absofucking lute madman

Asriel is a really sweet kid and deserves another chance.

>I had no idea why he did it
You have a school's worth of pokemon players who will listen to everything you say as gospel, you could tell them literally anything and they'll buy it

Why would you not use this power for comedy

That gif gave me eye cancer.



In Minecraft we all know that you can turn wooden planks into sticks


Did you know that if you place a stick below 2 stones you get a sword??

nice try troll

I love this fucking place.

I don't hear it.

I only recently learned how to switch Materia mid battle in FF7. Really changes up the game.

>in a game for the mentally challenged who can't be left alone with legos.

Fuck off


Explains why I always fucking miss on my ww barb thought my accuracy was just shit.

Chochi but for the life of me I can't find that one. Lovely Pets has a second chapter, what the hell?


I had a guide for TR2 when I was a kid that said there was a cheat to watch her change out of her wet suit in one of the levels. Why lie?

Mozart has been dead as fuck for centuries

Did you know that you can actually die to the very first goomba in 1-1 of the original SMB?

In a thousand year door right after you give Bombery his letter but before you leave his house, go to his backroom where bomery will follow you in. Switch to Yoshi Kid and ride him. Bombery will hop on your back along with you until you leave his house. The wiki mentions when you escort captain flin as the only time two people can ride yoshi and I felt so smug about it.

Fuck off Bach
t. not Mozart

>implying that you can't

Its not even that lewd.
Roo drops his ice cream in the pouch



When I was a kid, I submitted a 'tip' in a magazine where I thought getting Epona in OoT was a secret. Turns out that there are people who actually DIDN'T get Epona when they played the game.

I don't get it. Why's everyone so awestruck? Is the joke that it's not impressive?


I bet only a handful of people knew that

In Vice city, if you are standing in the street directly facing a car that is speeding toward you and you press jump & sharply move the analogue stick either to the left or right, Tommy will do the same animation the pedestrians do when they dive out of the way of a car driving toward them

Do you even have to in order to beat the game?

At the beginning of Super Mario Galaxy, you can read a note attached to a door, but's you're actually reading a hidden sign behind the door.

Epona is really only useful for the Gerudo bridge, where you can just hookshot across it.

>implying freezing icecream in pouches isn't my fetish

That's because you don't need Epona.
You can longshot across the broken bridge.

Reminds me of the desert wasteland where some people used the hover boots while others used the longshot to cross it.

The fire is normally indestructible
The the fact that a statue can "kill" the flame from a flamethrower is strange, and not at all something you would expect to be possible unless you were directly told "landing on anything in statue form will kill it instantly, no exceptions"

Actually not Chochi, but some doofus named queblock.

This is bullshit

If you're not Mozart why are you decomposing?


thanks user

I want to say I found that by accident as a kid.
