Name one flaw.
Protip: You can't.
Name one flaw.
Protip: You can't.
Controlling it with the N64 controller.
tribals searching
When Vela gets her jet pack upgrade, she puts on spats and you can no longer see her panties.
I'll even give you a bonus: the Tribal collect-a-thon at the end.
Love that game but the manual aiming is cancer.
The fucking gummy bears
This. Vanilla Vela is best Vela.
I like spats
It handles like you're trying to play it by operating the controller with a broomhandle covered in break fluid shoved up your arse.
What's the difference between the 360 and N64 versions?
The aiming.
The collectibles.
One of the few games I'd actually like to see given the modern third person treatment, could be cool.
Unskippable cutscenes
The fucking Floyd missions. It's a good thing you only had to do two of them for quest items and one of those was a freebee.
Floyd RIP
I fucking love this game. I really do but.
100% those is a fresh hell. I pray my cartridge never gets erased.
the shooting got kind of boring towards the end and it was next to impossible to reach the end of the game without a guide book
I dislike how you can't revert the title screen animation. I beat the game once and now it's permanently the victory screen. I don't even remember what it was like when I first got the game.
they did in rare replay
Framerate sucks and aiming could be better bad framerate also does not help.
Other than that nothing really.
N64 controls.
Fuck it, controls in general.
It was too hard for children, but too easy for adults who knew how a map worked.
Standard Rareware collect-a-thon
Doggo OP in multiplayer
You could always remove the battery to reset it. Or just wait for it to die like is.
Running forward while strafing makes 90% of your pistol shots land a hit that will behead blue drones even if they have shields. The flaw here is that the rewards for collecting ant heads sucked.
Find a flaw.
>t's p
The font for "Madness 64" is atrocious.