Don't mind me, just posting Team Ninja's greatest game

Don't mind me, just posting Team Ninja's greatest game.

oh look at me posting the most unoffensive opinion in existence ooooh

I didn't know team ninja made this game. I hate rthem so much for DmC and my soul is being torn in two

DmC is made by Ninja Theory, not Team Ninja

2 was a lot better but 1 is still fantastic. both need to come back to xbone somehow. or just a port of black/2/razors edge for every system at full 1080p/60ps will work too.

But Nioh exists now

What a relief. I swore to myself that I would never buy or play another her Ninja Theory game. I've been seeing all these ninja gaiden threads and wanted to rebuy ninja gaiden 2 and get the series in general because I could appreciate theem more

Ninja Theory is basically that one dev who fall for the GoW meme, so you are not missing much

>or just a port of black/2/razors edge for every system at full 1080p/60ps will work too.
This. Please. Fuck.
Black only being available on the original Xbox after all these years is some serious bullshit, especially when the game is so acclaimed.
But I guess a lot of Xbox exclusives are like that.
>Jet Set Radio Future
>Panzer Dragoon Orta
>Crimson Skies
>MechAssault 1 and 2
>Steel Battalion
>Phantom Dust until they port it

>fall for the GoW meme
What do you mean?

>Hey guys let's make games whose gameplay comprised of mashing Square 20 times over and over again with some intermediate 3D platforming and puzzle and some QTE finishers. The new system sellers right here

GoW 1-3 was fun but their clones downright suck

voodoo vince is getting an hd port so its not out of the realm for some xbox games to come back. a full remake of mechasault or stubbs the zombie for example, could make the xb1 a great console.

Oh I see. Yeah God of War filled that niche well

Is this game easily emulatable? I don't want to get an original Xbox to play it.

>Team Ninja
>Ninja Theory
If can't be bothered to tell the difference between those, I don't think you can't tell DmC wasn't bad.

>emulating Xbox games

Get Sigma for PS3 or in 360 if you have one.

you cant emulate og xbox at all lol. if you have a 360 it works on there, its on the marketplace

>Get Sigma for PS3 or in 360 if you have one.
Playing on PS3? I'd rather not.
Really? That's sad.

The game runs slightly better on the 360 in intensive areas where there's reflective floor or if there's a ton of shit going on and you do an ultimate technique. The only problems are that the CG cutscenes run slightly slower and one one mission doesn't display a texture correctly and gets obstructs your view slightly.

>Playing on PS3? I'd rather not.
Why exactly? What's wrong with ps3?

No, but maybe since 360 emulation is becoming a thing, it can run through that.

DS3 for one, awful controller

>rich master race
>cant buy a $60 360 to play a bunch of console only games from last gen
>or bother waiting for xbone to get those games as bc

PCucks are a lost cause

game aged like fine wine

I prefer Ninja Gaiden 2 but your opinion is not unreasonable.

I hope you have a good night.

are you fucking serious, ninja gaiden was published much sooner than gow, what the fuck are talking?
Sony needed own NG so they ordered santa monica to make gow

>sony being relevant

>ITT we confuse Team Ninja for Ninja Theory

>What is reading comprehension

And now they make Souls clones

When I'm done making my time machine I am going back to stop Itagaki from getting fired so we can get Ninja Gaiden 2: Black

Not so much that it was a terrible game more than it was a bastardization of a beloved series that even made fun of the original at one point that was also made by some faggy narcissist that made the main character look like himself