>Valve ABSOLUTELY needs to go bankrupt.
Nah cause all my games are on there.
but yeah I wouldn't pay shit for mods lmao
>Valve ABSOLUTELY needs to go bankrupt.
Nah cause all my games are on there.
but yeah I wouldn't pay shit for mods lmao
They've gone full jew, and I was fucking right when I told people Valve would never make a game again.
Looks like Valve needs another "truckload of feedback"
This. All we need to do is give them absolute hell the moment they try this.
Anyone need a DL for the realistic horse genitals?
Looks like valve needs to be punched in the face
Threaten to leave and take as many people along with you.
If they want to keep up with this money jewing shit, they're going to pay for it. Literally no better than EA, and it's been like this since they worked on L4D.
They're working on 3 shitty VR titles and changing it so that greenlight is even worse.
Capcha confirms:
"gaylord conv center exit 3"
>modders are in need of payment
>but we aren't going to pay them
This thread ABSOLUTELY needs to be moved to either Sup Forums or /trash/.
My advice is make a mod with AoE II: TFE's level of content and THEN ask for money.
Making your Skyrim character a Teletubbie isn't something you should pay for. It's a day worth of work if you're competent.
Pay for mods that potentially don't even work because there is no way to QC this shit? Remember last time this happened people just started stealing other people's mods and selling them as their own? Yea that was a great time.
Just cut the shit Valve. You think modders should be paid then you fucking pay them.
Why would Valve make a game again? Steam was genius and they have to be swimming in cash.
Kek if Valve goes bankrupt, guess where your games are going?
Not like Valve will go bankrupt anytime in the foreseeable future.
t. /qa/ sperglord
Isnt this the third time theyve talked about doing this? Dont they already know that nobody wants paid mods?
it's not worth it to open that can of worms just so you and devs can take a cut and the modders can get their 25% because with it comes so many goddamn problems we only got a preview of the last valve tried this dumb shit in their infinite greed
here we go again
This would ruin gaming.
Was HE right?
Is that hard implementing a fucking donation button?
>Next Elder Scrolls comes out
>Have to download paid mods through Bethesda servers
>Mods uploaded to other sites are taken down
>wants modders to be paid
>doesn't just hire the best modders to create mods full time
>Valve: Valve 'absolutely' needs to be curbstomped by the PC community again
what did he mean by this
Instead of pricing mods, what about a system "pay what you want" for them? from $0 to whatever you wanna throw to devs?
The problem with pricing mods is there is a lot of people who think replacing a fucking texture transform them in modders or game devs, but there are mods who deserve money, for sure.
In principle, he's right. There's nothing wrong with people being compensated for work done.
Modders being paid isn't even a new thing. High quality mods are often distributed behind paywalls, or actually commissioned by fans to be made by professional artists. I've used a few excellent-looking armors for Skyrim that only existed because someone commissioned a 3D artist to make them.
It's the same as with any other service: if you don't think it's worth paying for, then don't pay for it.
Thats already a thing on Nexus
Then you pay them.
won't happen
Mods are so overrated. They are only popular for Bethesda because they make garbage games and now they want a cut for releasing bad games.
People aren't going to pay money for fixes and improvements but if you want some gaudy dragon sword go ahead and pay $5 lmao
>so that greenlight is even worse.
objectively false. the rest is true though
But it will.
Problem is that they are trying to monetize this, instead of presenting actual opportunities. Commissioning will actually work a lot better than how it was executed before.
The issue isn't about modders being paid for work done. It about all the bull shit that goes along with this that Valve doesn't seem to understand. This potentially would single handedly kill the modding community.
If I am gonna pay for mods, I don't want any compatibility issues. I also don't want to line the game developer's and valve's pockets for doing jack shit.
Pay what you want is the only way to go about mods due to their nature and all revenue generated should go to the modders.
Wouldn't that just be a massive legal minefield?
Modifying games in the first place is forbidden in certain countries via copyright law and in many games terms of service, so is profiting from those games.
>removing the community quality control
>instead just jewing directly and forgoing quality control whatsoever, making greenlight even worse
>objectively false
fuck off valve shill
>Mods uploaded to other sites are taken down
why would they be? I doubt Valve is going to FORCE modders to be paid.
>modders NEED to be paid so we can get a 30% share for doing absolutely nothing again
fuck gaben you fat fucking jew
>content is stolen all the time now
>mod sites die out
>game is updated but nobody is updating the mod so it no longer works and you paid for nothing since you can no longer use it
>idiots sell recolored items for money and even bigged idiots pay for it
>mod breaks the game at some point under some conditions but the faggot who made the mod doesn't care and doesn't update or fix his mod and he already got paid
paid mods are a huge mistake
>pcniggers are going to defend this
The problem is that the masses are stupid and if Valve gives them some concession, any concession, a whole lot of people will just shrug and bend over.
>>I'm sorry, really. I'll buy you another hotdog.
>Well... at least you're showing signs of improvement. Alright, I forgive you.
Mobs are routinely fractured and destroyed in this way.
Back in my day, games LAUNCHED with mod support.
Now the shitty AAA corporations just want more fucking money. Stupid jews.
*Modders need to be paid so we can take a 70% cut.
community quality control never existed
It would only work for MASSIVE mods. Like a total overhaul. And even then it couldn't be any more than $5. I remember when they first tried paid mods there was absolute garbage for $1 when it should maybe be five cents.
Devs and publishers wont care because theyll get a cut
I paid your mom last night for $5 lmao
Stupid frog poster
But that is how Capitalism works, think about that, if you work and get good money from your work, just imagine how much the owner of the company get for doing LITERALLY NOTHING beside throwing money (and maybe he's paying someone to throw money at it anyway).
PC master race is ENTIRELY against this, user. Modding is one of the key pillars of PC Gaming, as is Piracy.
Back in the day, mods cost money like all the DOOM clones
Except we didn't last time and we won't this time.
fuck off baitposter, this is serious
>community quality control
Yeah because users are so great at that
If you genuinely believe the 'community' was any form of quality control, you're a retard.
nice reddit frog
Not a argument commie
they will have to care when legal action is taken and/or the games are banned, kiddo
This, if I am going to be paying for mods (kek no) I want every mod to be compatible with each other no matter what happens. I also want there to be no additional stability issues, script lag and general shit to happen.
I think that sounds reasonable, it's what happens when you go from a free mod to commercial DLC that I have to pay money for.
You are this stupid.
The issue isn't about modders being paid for work. It's about all the bullshit and shenanigans that go along with this. Or were you not watching last time this happened?
If you're willing to pay for her you'll be okay paying for mods
Literally this. This is the only reason. Valve just wants to be paid for sitting around with their thumb up their ass.
You guys constantly complained about muh fucking shovelware, this is the future you chose
Fuck off retard.
Shut the fuck up, hypocrites. I remember a lot of you faggots saying "b-but muh modders deserve payment for their work huurrrr durr stop being poor"
Only consolefags would say this.
So then don't ever use mods kid
Did some? Yea. Did I? No. Stop throwing around empty insults you fucking stooge. Did the majority? fuck no.
Sucks to see that valve is still trying to fuck its userbase.
Valve doesn't care about modders being paid. They want users to make shitty mods that others would buy, and valve to get a cut for free.
Scummy as fuck.
Oy Vey. I have seen this episode before.
Who could be behind this?
What do consoles have to do with your stupidity?
The shills on this absolutely amaze me.
>Wow! If this really takes off, I could buy a game for 60 bucks and pay another 10 bucks to make it playable! Count me in!
How far up your own ass are you to not see how anti-consumer this is and anther attempt for valve to sit on their asses and get paid? Unless devs and valve are gonna step in to make sure that this is going to work 100% of the time with no conflicts with other mods like official DLC, then there is no reason to pay for a defective product.
I do not know my fine shekelheimer. It couldn't be us, god's chosen people? Cucks will love eating our shit
>hurr lel jew meme
You realize you are just as greed as those jew boogeyman you cry about, whats more greedy then expecting people to work for free for you
Found the jew.
>newfag that was never here and only knows about it from the 'member when steam tried to charge for mods' threads and actually believed them
i assume valve wants a cut of each mod sale in return for hosting/distributing the mod for the creator, yes? and there's the inherent value & publicity of having the mod visible on such a hugely trafficked platform like steam instead of the modder's piddly blog that only his diehard followers know about
this is exactly how valve already sells games on steam, and how a lot of game publishing works in general. you guys are behaving like valve is some big bad that's going to force modders to distribute through them and then 'punish' them with a 30% pay cut
valve knows modders and developers are most likely going to be okay with them taking a cut because they know steam is big enough that it's a very attractive storefront for prospective content creators.
to use a brick-and-mortar analogy: let's say I come up with a really great new kind of cell phone case. I could just start manufacturing them and selling them on my own website, but if I can work out a deal with Apple to get my new case inside Apple stores everywhere in exchange for 30% of the revenue from each one they sell?
you bet your fucking ass i'm going to think hard about taking that deal, because Apple is a big enough store that I'll sell WAY more units and earn WAY more money than if I just kept them to myself, trying to sell them on my own.
valve wants a cut of each sale because they know devs are willing to give up a cut of each sale in order to get their product into the steam store. steam has that kind of value as a platform.
Oi goyim. Please put your hardwork and we will only take MERE 50% of the cut.
>its bad because these false assumptions i have about it even though i didn't give them a chance to implement a good system
>it's not possible for Valve to police shovelware that's cluttering their store AND not fuck with the modding scene that works perfectly fine
Fuck off retard, stop playing advocate for corporations
Jew: The Post
Commies detected, work for free to take down capitalism!
Devs and publishers are the fucking jews. They do nothing about the mods and then just want the cut of the modders hard work. The modders know it is either no money or some shitty cut. So they take the shitty cut cause money is money. Thus opening the lid on the pandora's box of modding problems. But anything for money right?
>misusing communism, which is FOR THE COMMUNITY
so you're admitting your jew.
As someone who mods video games, the idea of getting paid for what I do would be cool, but making people pay for my shit and then having a bigger corporation take more of that money is pretty fucking gay.
Tip jars are best in this scenario
expecting people to pay to beta test your unfinished games?
oh wait they already do that...
besides, this isn't 'work' for modders, it's a hobby.
Who could be behind this post?
I'm very cautious with this statement. We all know what a clusterfuck the last attempt was, and I doubt Valve are stupid enough to try an pull it off in the same way as last time, but no matter which form it will take when they actually do try and monetize mods again, it probably won't be a good one. The only way they could make it work without a massive shitstorm would be to have direct donation buttons for each mod, a completely optional payment, and the content maker getting all the money from said donation.
Chances are, however, that Valve will try and find a way to force paid payments for the mods in question and then take a cut of all payments for them.
yeah, because The last implementation sure worked out great and Steam Greenlight sure did prove to me how great Steam is on supporting a distribution system.
>"pcniggers will defend this"
>buried under 20 posts of pc niggers not defending this
Modders deserve the smallest cut as they are using someone elses game and on someone elses program
>, this isn't 'work' for modders, it's a hobby.
Football is a hobby, they dont need money :^)
>Modders deserve the smallest cut
>But the one incharge of maintaining the mods are the modders
>Patch breaks mod? Modders fault
>But modders deserve the smallest cut
Goldstein is that you?!
>Devs and publishers are the fucking jews. They do nothing about the mods and then just want the cut of the modders hard work.
They made the fucking game. No game = no mods.
>And [modders] create a lot of value, and we think that … absolutely they need to be compensated
I wont blame valve when the modders get a 100% cut...
Eitherway Steam needs some competition.