I've been playing Ocarina of Time for the first time and I just beat the Water Temple

I've been playing Ocarina of Time for the first time and I just beat the Water Temple

For my entire fucking life this temple has been meme'd as the hardest, most unforgivable, ball busting, dick punching, face kicking dungeon of Zelda history

it was a fucking cakewalk. you all lied to me. what the fuck guys. i want apologies

there are precisely two pressure points in this temple

1. it's easy to miss one of the small keys (usually the one at the bottom of the tower) unless you're paying attention
2. collecting these, along with navigating the rest of the temple, requires constant tedious adjustment of the water level, along with constantly diving into the menu to un/equip iron boots, and then slogging in slow-mo through the water

don't forget that due to oot's age, this is a great many players' first experiences with navigating a complex 3d environment; it's cakewalk now that we've been doing it for 20 years but don't underestimate how new that shit was at the time

You have multiple paths to chose from by unlocking different doors but you can't enter a deadlock.
It's just possible that you lose your way, not knowing which path you started. It's a bit annoying, but even child-me could solve it without getting too frustrated!

I always have more trouble with the forest temple

you're both exactly right in that the dungeon is just tedious/annoying. but man, the way the internet has built up this dungeon to someone who hasn't ever even played it before is way too damn high

that map was a like saver though. i wouldnt have connected the dots to grab the key at the bottom of the small tower without it.

Don't forget that fucking mid-boss. The first time I got there was the only time I ever used bottled fairies/potions to heal myself and restore mana, and I used all of them. Definitely the hardest fight in the gale if you don't know the obscure tricks beforehand.

Did you somehow undo all of the knowledge you have gained through playing video games over the years when you ran through it for the first time?

OP here, I feel like a retard too because the Forest temple is so far the hardest temple I've done in the game. Hated that fucking shit.

Love the Fire Temple and now, the Water Temple, though.

He was a chump for me. I just didn't use Z targetting and kept hacking away at him. He died eventually that way, and I only lost 3 hearts.

I tried doing that (not Z-targetting) and still lost 15 hearts worth of damage, I have no idea how someone can beat him without prior knowledge so easily.

>1. it's easy to miss one of the small keys (usually the one at the bottom of the tower) unless you're paying attention
The camera literally shows you the platform rising and a hole below opening up.

2 reasons:
>vertical level design with no environmental clues is always going to be confusing
>in the first release of the game, there was a way to trigger things so that it would never work and you had to delete your game if you ever wanted to finish

There was no way to break the temple permanently, even in the original release.

Try Great bay Temple motherfucker then we'll see what's easy

I'm dead serious, all I knew about him was that he was hard. Since he kept jumping on my sword when Z targetting, I figured "fuck, alright, let's just get in there and tear shit up" and there I did.

Basically just one answer to this:

When you're a kid, like about 10-years-old or younger, shit like this hard as fuck. Your dumbass kid self won't utilize maps and other tools. That's when people played it most, so that's why it has that reputation.

Only in the 3ds version

it's literally the only good zelda dungeon tbqh.

I found the shadow temple most annoying(I was an adult when I played OOT)

>Beat it without effort at 12.
>Morpho the most predictable and easy boss of the game

It's a simple fact - Zelda appeals to an enormous demographic and most of the world is ignorant as fuck.

I remember playing this when it came out, being disappointed there weren't more Dark Link fights. It was one of the few enemies that fought the way it did, and you only faced him once in your whole play through.

>in the first release of the game, there was a way to trigger things so that it would never work and you had to delete your game if you ever wanted to finish

What are these steps, exactly? Whenever I see this claim pop up, it's either someone continuing a rumor to pile on the Water Temple slander, or they got frustrated they couldn't find a key or bother resetting the water levels and thought it'd be easier to just start a new game.

I'll be heading there soon. I'm in Gerudo Valley and I've beaten the Forest, Fire, and Water so far.

Man, this game is great. I can really see why people harp on and on about OoT

I have painful memories of the wallmasters

>Had no problems with the water temple as a kid
>Forest temple was hell because I missed the first key and wasn't bright enough to check my map
>Shadow temple, I didn't use the Lens of Truth for majority of the temple
>Didn't cross my mind that to see invisible stuff that was hurting me, to use the item used specifically FOR seeing invisible stuff
>Majora's Mask, spent hours trying to cheese getting to the snow temple by rolling as a goron
>Didn't realize I had to do a whole quest line

I've always unlocked the Biggoron Sword as soon as I get Adult Link, and the stab move with that shit just breaks right through Dark Link's guard. ezpz

The Water Temple is a meme. So is the Great Bay Temple. You want a torturously obnoxious water dungeon in Zelda, look no further than this hell-sent piece of shit.

>thinking a Zelda game would ever be hard


The only Zelda dungeons that I've ever had trouble with is Jabu Jabu's Belly in Ages and the Spirit Temple in OoT Master Quest.

The rest are pretty straight forward.

>meme'd as the hardest, most unforgivable, ball busting, dick punching, face kicking dungeon of Zelda history
It's a great dungeon and a great game, but this is just straight up maymays.
A Zelda game isn't about difficulty.

Yep. That one is by far the worst.