Has anyone ever done a non-Legion playthrough where they don't kill this fucker by the end of it?

Has anyone ever done a non-Legion playthrough where they don't kill this fucker by the end of it?

House specifically tells you not to bother killing him.

Is there anyone who did his first playthrough a Legion one unironically?

I love how you can straight murder him during the operation and then tell the guards "uuuh the tumor was too advanced, nothing I could do lol" and they believe it

And you listened?

Only finished the game once, went independent and didn't kill him. Didn't see the point really, and I thought he was more interesting alive than dead.

Almost a must to kill him if you are trying to do Boone's quest, the fucker needs triggers that you could have probably missed and killing this guy gives points to it.

I love how you can trick him to kill literally anyone from Novac
>tell this nigger ranger to come with me in front of Dino
>he agrees
>Boone kills him
>why did he kidnapped my wife?
>he didnt, I just wanted you to kill him
>Boone attacks me and dies

I don't understand why he's the funnest NPC to murder. He's just so fun to kill.

To be fair apart from Vulpes they're all dumb savages

>why he's the funnest NPC to murder

Swanick ?
House ?
Fucking robobrains from OWB ?

I'm just in it for the money.

But killing legion niggers is how I end up with a shitload of caps every play through

it's way more tasty ruining this smug cunt's life work in mere 2 hours while he's watching everything crumble

Because he's the leader of the objectively best faction

what happened to that classic fallout general over on /vg/? It's not like the interest isnt there

It died man

Aw man

Just played through the 'niner' companion mod, junky fucker. It was pretty good albeit short if anyone was looking for companion mods.


These threads are better if they're fast and occasional. That way it doesn't end up stagnanting, like say, /fog/

fuck, i wasn't calling you a junky fucker. the companion is a junky who is known for fuckery

kek, I know

>Only achievemts I don't have are ones involving using different skills a certain amount .
>End up making a cowboy type character every time anyway
Why do energy weapons have to be so boring to use?

I did it and immediately reloaded because of how cheap it was. There's no way the Courier would have made it out alive.

I've never played and I've never killed him. The Legion would be much more dangerous with Lanius giving the orders. At least Caesar has a wider vision for the Legion's future and implies he intends to reshape it so it abandons some of its most barbaric customs. With Lanius you just get a huge army that will perish to infighting, but it´ll do a lot of damage before it does.

Only for the money user? But he's offering SO MUCH more.

Say that to my face faggot

What are mini nukes you mini nigger?