How do I git gud?

How do I git gud?

Hit enemies and don't get hit back

Realise that while you have a shield, it is nearly useless. Rolling is what will win you the game.
The only reason to realllly have a shield equipped is if it is the Grass Crest shield. Because it gives you increased stamina regen as a passive.
Also what weapon you use doesn't terribly matter. You can just find a fairly decent weapon and use it, just whatever feels right to your style of gameplay.

Be patient, dont try to hack everything to death as quickly as possible. Slow down, get a hit in, and back off while they do their attack animation. Do this until you learn enemy patterns and then get more ballsy with how many attacks you get in before they attack and start throwing in some well timed rolls.

Make sure your equipment is light enough so that you can fast, it is a better defense than whatever you might be able to absorb with full heavy armor.

Find a weapon you're good with and upgrade it. Stick with that.

if all the getting good fails you can load up with the Havel set of armor and some hugeass weapon+grestshield, and just tank through with that.

Also, use the bow as much as possible to take out far off enemies. Especially if you know they get pulled when you go to attack a different enemy. Try to make sure you're in 1v1 battles whenever possible

Like any game, once you play it enough you start recognizing attack patterns. That coupled with the fact you start learning about stamina management is what makes you git gud.

Or since this is dark souls 1 you can just facetank with poise

Stop permeating that shitty meme

>It is nearly useless

A bold faced lie. In Dark Souls 1 and 2 as well as Demon's Souls, your shield can fucking carry you through the whole of the game. Shit, I even did an ONLY shield run of Dark Souls 1 and 2, where I beat the bosses to death with my shield, arguably fucking faceroll and easier than normal in 2, since it ALSO blocks while you're attacking.

As soon as you reach blighttown and get the eagle tower shield, you can just start turtling the entire game, but even the spider shield can be good to just fuck the whole game up. You can turtle mode any boss in the game, even and ESPECIALLY Ornstein and Smough.

Dark Souls is all about learning the attack patterns of enemies. Be passive and observe the enemy attacks, learn how to defend against them and look for openings to attack. This goes especially for bosses.
Shields make you pretty much invulnerable against most enemies and bosses if you get a shield with 100% physical absorption and manage your stamina correctly (lower your shield after an enemy attacks to recover stamina, only hold block right before you take a hit). It's more efficient to use the roll to dodge attacks, but if you're bad it will just get you killed.

Learn how to backstab regular enemies.

Learn how to abuse i-frames by rolling with bosses.

Once you get the hang of those two things the game will be ez mode

>Learn how to abuse i-frames by rolling

>using a game mechanic exactly as intended

Just keep playing and let the game teach you.

Shield won't really carry you through the DS2 DLC. It's obvious they were frustrated with how strong shields have always been, when they started adding unblockable versions of attacks you've already blocked before, nerfing stability across the board, and giving bosses combos designed to break even Havel's once they detect they've been blocked.

But yeah, shield is unstoppable for everything before then.

ignore lock-on and run behind the backs of enemies

>Realise that while you have a shield, it is nearly useless
That's bullshit. Shields with 100% physical damage absorption are invaluable. Just because you want to parade around like you don't need a shield doesn't mean they're useless.

Almost anything can be solved by taking your time, and studying your opponent/surrondings.

The game is really easy by that point. It's almost comical.

this is like the biggest bullshit
shield let you practice rolling without dying if you fuck up

Don't be afraid to grind. Don't be afraid to look up what to do. Don't let 'git gud' memers dictate your playstyle.

Both of these people are right
If you have a shield that blocks 100% or even 95 of damage you're good, but it wastes more stamina

Also don't put any levels on to res, and look up how scaling works you dont wanna be leveling useless stats if you're doing strength build

>Shields are useless
>Use knight shield half way through the game
>Then use Artorias shield
>Full strings from Artorias and Manus can't break my stamina with Art shield and around 33 endurance.

Shields and poise are so powerful in DaS1 its basically cheese tier

>Git gud
>The easiest game in the series

DaS1 has so many ways to become OP its ridiculous. Hell if you get a BK weapon at all you might as well just go to the menu and restart because that playthrough is done.

I think the problem with "gitting good" is that yes, you can take your time and manage to avoid/block any incoming damage and retaliate, but it's not cool-looking.

People are vain, and they're pouring themselves in their characters. If you're one of the people who don't see yourself as that character on the screen and just see the Chosen Undead as a thing you use to progress, then you have an advantage.

I'm guessing the real question most people want to ask is how to git gud and look stylish while doing it.

Whenever I play a souls game I follow these rules

> No online (it's shit)
> No summoning for bosses
> When I find a new bonfire, I clear the previous area of all enemies until I can clear it without losing any health at all - DS2 ruined this
> Always pick the class that looks rubbish i.e. deprived
> No guides until NG++

Make sure your equipment you carry is always the highest level you can make it.

Das3 question.

Is the chloranthy ring really useless?

Looking back it really is the easiest. Black Knight weapons killed all difficulty, especially if mixed with common sense.

I never unequip it personally, you get four ring slots so what's the harm?

There are so many weapons stronger than any BK weapon. Dont be retarded. They arent OP at all.

Patience is the number one virtue of Souls. Patience with your surroundings, with your enemy, and with your own failures.

Whenever you get hit, you have to take a step back and think about why you got hit. Blame the game and you'll never get better. Always think about what you yourself should have done differently instead.

Do you keep getting nailed by one particular attack? Think about why, and change tactics accordingly. Did you get backed into a corner and destroyed? Make an effort to keep away from corners next time. Did you get ruined by a shitty hitbox? Unfortunate, but easily adaptable if you keep in mind what the actual hitbox is, and not what you see on screen.


I do every boss solo but I like leaving my sign to help other people
And PvP is fun if you're not a cunt about it, red summon sign fights that don't run away and heal are good

>Do you keep getting nailed by one particular attack? Think about why, and change tactics accordingly.
No one ever actually does that. There's no grand strategy or expectation to change your entire playstyle on a whim. Sometimes ou just need to stack poise, sure. But most problems can be solved with a well timed roll.

Black knight weapons are later game Drake swords basically
They're strong but just don't scale well

> No online (it's shit)
It's not. PVP is still fun.
> No summoning for bosses
> When I find a new bonfire, I clear the previous area of all enemies until I can clear it without losing any health at all
This is just tedious bullshit
> Always pick the class that looks rubbish i.e. deprived
So some people don't care about min-maxing. That's okay i guess.
> No guides until NG++

Nah, Black Knight weapons are okay. Drake Sword ist just pure shit.

they are great for faith or int builds i find. just meet the min requirements and you can be set for a while.

If I keep getting hit by one attack I sure as fuck indeed have a moment where I think about why. I don't mean changing my entire playstyle, but merely how I deal with that one situation. Am I over-extending myself, seeing an opening where there is none, dodging the wrong way? Things like that. Brief, and simple, but it's there. But watching other people play, I'm surprised at how many people don't think about it at all and keep trying the same thing or operating on impulse.

The dog beasts in ds3 come to mind. (The one that you find in early Irithyll)

Those fuckers made me learn to dodge well. Even though they're still bullshit.

How did From Soft make 5 games in this series, and still not fix attacks going through walls or the ridiculous frames?

They realized they could sell a half-coded game for the price of a full one by claiming that their shit combat system is intentionally difficult.

Making everything dark and miserable also means you don't have to hire real writers or texture artists.