Is this truly the best RPG ever made?
Gothic 2
Slap NotR on and that's an affirmative yes.
Who won the most GOTY awards? The Witcher 3.
Who saw more success? The Witcher 3.
You old, ugly, boring game simply can't compete.
>Literally hand holding you entire early game
Does any other game have woods as atmospheric as Gothic?
They're really dense and make you feel isolated
>tfw you discover a hidden crypt with skeltals inside
I really want to play this game, how should I go about doing it? Any patches I need to install?
Witcher 3.
Not even close. The most critical component of an RPG is the writing and a setting with depth worth immersing yourself in. There are plenty of games that trumps Gothic in this regard.
start from 2 NoTR, get the gog version, DX11 mod and optionally L'Hiver
>18 posts
>8 IPs
So is this one guy just spamming "our game is awesome" webms and vocal minorities just saying it's a good game?
Are you retarded?
Is it not obvious that I'm posting all the webms?
The impression I get from the webm spamming is that Gothic is a shallow game with nothing more to talk about than the visuals. Nobody ever talks about the lore, the setting, or characters. There's just that guy clogging up the board with mediocre visuals.
It's impossible to describe Gothic's lore and other stuff with 3mb max webms with no sound, but here you go
>challenging and unforgiving combat
>comfy as hell
>amazing music
>dense atmosphere
>challenging quests
>no holding hand
>great NPCs
>Interesting and funny dialogues
>amazing world design and attention to details
>great character development
like most good products in any medium, the fanbase is horribly obnoxious
see: radiohead, breaking bad, the wire, morrowind, atlas shrugged
it terms of immersion, lore, settings, characters, I would say it's VtMB-tier
Neither you or the video explained anything about the setting. Other RPGs also fulfill all or most of the points you listed there.
It's VtMB tier? Okey.
And here we are, the thread is dying. This is what I see happen every time the webms have been exhausted. The Gothic community on Sup Forums just seems so forced.
You also seemed very forced at your birth.
>all of your choices get streamlined after Act 1
>Literally one ending
>Shit plot
>Retcons shit from 1
No, no it isn't
It truly is.
This just means you haven't seen any Gothic threads before this faggot started spamming them. No one wants to do genuine discussion in spammed copypaste threads.
>can't go from Y to Z
>have to go through F, X and A to get there
>run from Y to Z
>can't go from Y to Z
give an example?
Can you do this in your bamham game?
that looks fucking bad
middle to top left for example
name a 2002 game with big open world that looks better
But that's not Ancient Domains of Mystery.
20 threads in one week, thanks to OP for spamming. Some threads still made it to 100+ posts and had decent enough disussions.
>all of your choices get streamlined after Act 1
There is enough variety prior chapter 5.
>Literally one ending
Implaying it's something bad.
>Shit plot
It's not shit, just generic.
>Retcons shit from 1
Excuse me?
that picture is retarded, it makes gothic look like a corridor game when it's open world and you can go anywhere
I guess you could use it for a decent witcher 2 vs 3 comparison though
Here is a more accurate representation.
>having full UI on
>using witcher senses for anything that is not smells
What a filthy casual made this thing?
using this logic, if a game is too easy why don't you just blindfold yourself, or play with one arm?
2 is undoubtedly the better game but he should start with Gothic 1. You can appreciate Gothic 2 more if you've played through the first one.
If you don't like Gothic 1 you won't like 2.
>falling for the open world meme
>having options is bad
Is my monitor fucked or are these webms dark as shit
>having all the optional helpers turned on
>hurr, why don't I blindfold myself if that's making it easy
All the visual cues for quests are visible without the senses, aside from smells mentioned before. The minimap actively ruins the game, it's much more fun trying to get around on landmarks. You can find a lot of secrets by looking for stuff like smoke or carrion birds as well.
It's only a bitch game if you decide to play it like a bitch. But don't complain about it if you do.
I hate to ruin your fun, but Gothic is just as much open world as Morrowind is, the difference being in scale and the concentration of unique content only. So if you have some kind fetish for being able to walk to a location from all directions, well, Gothic allows you to do that as much as Morrowind.
>ui is clattered with useless trash
>devs think gamers are so stupid they need to have instructions on how to control the game all the time
>no sense of exploration because everything is marked on the map and also shown on radar
>no danger of ever getting lost because roads and everything is also shown on the radar
>character is dressed like a clown
>character has 2 swords, yet can't dual wield
>can't take a step without being told were to go
just give it up you massive faggot
Gothic is the best example that open world can be done right, if the devs aren't lazy fucks
except that gothic had no repetitive content since there was no respawn
Jesus, I always wanted to talk with Sup Forums about Gothic, but not in as obnoxious a thread as this one.
Gothic 2 is one of the best games ever made, but no need to antagonize everyone trying to prove that with some shitty webms.
>Waaah, why do I have all of this UI
>No, I won't turn off the elements I dislike, it's just shit, waaaah
Most people will quit Gothic 1 after 15 minutes because of clunky controls, it's more likely someone will get into it by playing 2 first
You Gothic fanatics really are intense huh?
He asked a question and I answered and here you are sperging out.
>having to turn off elements of the game to make it good
>Oh no, I have to enter the OPTIONS MENU
How do you operate a PC with such a low IQ?
>>all of your choices get streamlined after Act 1
Not at all. It's just that your choice in act 1 set up your choice options in the later acts. You can still very much choose between different shit later on, it is just that quest lines mostly are self-contained and you don't have some kind of greater moral meter or some shit like that.
>one ending and shitty plot
Yeah, the ending is definately Gothic 2's weakest point, but the generic plot never bothered me, since the game is about you within a world making decisions, not about some great narrative.
What is retconned from 1?
They take getting used to but once you do it's fine.
I dont think anyone playing a game as old as Gothic is likely to just give up after 15 minutes. They know what they're in for.
how do i into combat
i keep getting hit
you shitposting doesn't matter boy
spam back-step
you can do that in two worlds as well, doesnt make it a great game
>you can just turn it off
That's a fallacy.
Nobody turns things off that are there to help in the first place.
Also game is unplayable otherwise because the world design is literally just taking completely empty and open field which obviously isn't fun to navigate on verbal directions alone. You also often don't get verbal directions at all in the shitter 3.
Then again, assuming you turn everything off and it would cause no issues, it only fixes the ui being cluttered. There is still the issue of the map being cluttered, combat being just bad, rpg system being beyond ridiculous with no noticeable character progress or customization whatsoever, the main char being absolutely shit, the story being about following some bitch the player doesn't give a fuck about, enemy ai being bad...
When attacking, swing left and right, not forward. Back step, hit, back step, hit, try to get a rhythm going. Against humans, block instead of back step.
You just don't understand what atmospheric means.
Retcons are fairly simple
>suddenly Water Mages and Fire Mages always existed, when in G1 the split happened after the barrier was erected, inside the colony
>Raven survives for no reason
>suddenly you're the chosen one for no reason
Nice goalpost moving, faggot
>you also often don't get verbal directions
Which is why you get a map which loads in a nanosecond
No judging from your list of "arguments" you don't understand it.
you're a fucking retard with awful taste
They did always exist, they just cooperated in one order and then stopped doing that in ther barrier.
Raven survives because you killing him is not canon. You could also complain that other characters from Gothic 1 survived in G2 that you could have killed in G1.
ANd you are the chosen one because you killed the arch demon in G1, or something like that? My memory is foggy. Who actually calls you the chosen one in G2, and at what point?
>get called out for being wrong
>can't admit he is wrong
>proceeds to whine about how the other guy must be wrong and hopes nobody notices he can't come up with an argument
nice damage control
Except the woods in TW3 have absolutely no sense of danger, all enemies can be easily spotted with witcher senses or using your map, and all enemies are easy as fuck and it's easy to just run away from them if they're too high lvl
In Gothic 2 there are many strong enemies in the woods that can one-shot you, and once they spot you it's hard to get away from them. Also the woods in TW3 just look all pretty and happy, while in Gothic the woods are dark and mysterious
Why do you think so?
>Who actually calls you the chosen one in G2, and at what point?
Basicly everyone from the moment when Eye of Innos works when hung around your neck
>They did always exist, they just cooperated in one order and then stopped doing that in ther barrier.
Nope. Get back to G1 and read all them books about magic. All the stuff about world creation and how magic works varies a lot in 1 and 2.
So is it about being atmospheric or about the sense of danger?
Because these two are two totally diffrent values you twink
sense of danger = great atmosphere
>Basicly everyone from the moment when Eye of Innos works when hung around your neck
Wasn't that more of a joke? I think the nameless hero was kinda dismissive of that term, now that I think about it.
And what exactly is so different about the magic? I am honestly interested.
By that logic everything IRL has shit atmosphere, including woods
That's not Fallout.
You can't interact with any clue whatsoever without using witcher senses. You also don't get detailed directions from NPCs.
In other words, you are full of shit.
the atmosphere of the forest and woods in TW3 is generic, just pretty forest with nice ambient, birds chirping etc
Not many games can do the forests like Gothic did
>lists a bunch of things that has nothing to do with atmosphere
Go into the woods without your cluttered UI, magic map and witcher senses and see for yourself.
Want to know how I know you are a spoiled kid?
>the atmosphere of the forest and woods in TW3 is like a forest
So they nailed it then?
>I was just pretending to be retarded
t. retard that doesn't understand atmosphere
> think the nameless hero was kinda dismissive of that term, now that I think about it.
He was, but he still apparently has enough divine protection to not get instagibbed by that artifact. Then again, that might've been a superstition.
>And what exactly is so different about the magic? I am honestly interested.
Ah, fuck, I wish I had exact specifics now. Basicly, rune magic was only a cheap offshot of real magic, Mages were a uniform organisation before the barrier (and not really that religious). The whole world creation mythos wasn't even in 1 at all, I think
>>suddenly Water Mages and Fire Mages always existed, when in G1 the split happened after the barrier was erected, inside the colony
This is false. There were always separated, they simply worked together.
>Raven survives for no reason
Not a retcon.
>suddenly you're the chosen one for no reason
You were the chosen one in G1 as well.
Yes, Adanos was not mentioned in G1, only Innos and Beliar.
I lived in woods for around a decade, user. It is more comfy than dangerous, really, except maybe at night.
Shit internet connection, though, even wireless. 100 kbit at best.
Because I dare to like a modern game?