Overwatch thread


General overwatch thread
when do you think doomfist is coming out?

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I want Doomfist to be an omnic that takes the gauntlet to become a super hero, but he's the big clumsy strong type, so he messes stuff up, so he's dangerous, even to team mates. You know, something like that. I still want terry crews to voice him too.

I just want a punch-bot. I was thinking about his abilities last night. He could have a fast ball where he chucks a team mate/enemy anywhere really mf hard. I want him to reload punches by cracking his robo knuckles.

I dunno, eat do you guys want for doom fist?

Speaking of Monica I want, GIVE ME SOUNDQUAKE.

lol that'd be something, you just see doomfist chuck tracer at a high nooning mcree, I want to see that

i main dva

Hey there


I want pic related in overwatch.

How much do you want to bet Blizzard will do something stupid and make Doom fist a girl?

Pharah is best girl.

thats not gonna happen

Keep your cancer contained in /vg/

why dont we all go play a well designed game that the devs arent killing slowly


Nah, she still looks like a Tumblr power fantasy.



>basking in Hanzo's ult
>watching as D.va players run away when they discover they can't block the particle beam
>baiting and harassing Reinhardts from up close and afar
>enemy turret detected? Pop shield, wreck shit
>Symetra problems? Pop shield, wreck shit



I just did my placements and got 1700

Now what?

now you stay there forever

>tfw placements put me at 1142




Just found out from little brother they're making changes in the PTR so custom games will allow you to customise a ton more stuff, like
Team A > Hero > Ability > Cooldown

But then I figured as long as there's no dedicated servers, no dedicated server control and no way to load scripts (so you don't have to fuck about with menus every time you play) it's still not going to be enough.

>Game mode logic tied to map, so you can't re-use or mod a map
>No 7s or 8s mode
>No TDM/CA mode
>No "If : " so you can basically rewrite character abilities or game mechanics

Come the fuck on Blizzard.

>play placements
>win 3, lose 7
>platinum 2550 rating

..Okay? Is that average? I thought i'd be completely trenched

There's a server browser, too.

A guy did placements and won 2, drew 2 and lost 6
He got placed in Grandmasters with 4421


Where were you when Bastion/Ana became the new Tank meta?

I know, was genuinely surprised to hear they'd allow XP for it too
But there's only so much you can do with in-game custom options and I'm willing to bet the server browser will be arse to an extent too, like perhaps you can't name your session so it's all just "Map - Mode - Players -

Who gives a shit?
When are they fixing matchmaking?
When are they fixing comp?
When are they going to properly balance their fucking characters?
When the FUCK are they going to fix the shitty maps?
This game is trash.

Whats the point of 76?
Bastion is him but better
Mcree is him but better

That's absolutely retarded.

Except the knuckle cracking thing to reload.

I think it's funny you all have a main.

I'm sitting here doing great with any Hero.

Get gud.

Terry Crews is an annoying nigga and I hope they don't choose him for such a srs role.

In other news, you're not that good with that weak af charge shield.

If you start posting fanfart in a discussion thread, JunkHog will come out and post yaoi.

How do we make Mercy more useful? There is no reason to pick her instead of Lucio or Ana.

she is now going to be invulnerable when she rezes so there you go

Only for 1 second

Anyone can look great when they only show the parts where they're getting kills, but I bet you anything you want that 90% of the time on those matches, that widow was useless. Like all Widows.

How do you make Sombra more useful?

That's great.

I still don't want any Widows on my team.

>This entire post
Get the hell back inside my head where you belong other me.

I don't think he'll be Doomfist. They might want him in some other role, but if Doomfist is the next hero, then they probably had his voice lined up ages ago.

Doesn't it take into account previous season rank?

My cousin won 6 and got placed into grandmaster because he was grandmaster last season. I placed only plat and I've been stuck in plat hell.

yes let's make the definitive griefing hero

i agree

Yeah, doomfist NEED to be a melee heroe just like reinhardt.
Melee heroe in general need two thing :
Mobility: They depend on being very close to their enemy and thus being in their max range of damage, he need to be able to close distance easily or else he's just going to get shot at without being able to do anything
Survivability: He needs armor, and self healing or some forms of shield.
You got shit taste
you got great taste, the best ever in terms of woman, i wish she existed.
give her new skin, hightlight intro, give her a sit and laugh emote.
Also, make her SMG faster at killing thing. It's crazy how much she relie on headshot to hurt people, armor COMPLETELY nullify her damage. She need a tighter spread, and more headshot damage multiplier.

Left click heals, right click steals enemy health.

How are you that bad? What is it like at that rank? I suck ass and I still ranked 2300.

I think Blizzard addressed this by saying damage reduction caps at 70%, but not on PTR for some reason.

That said I like the new Bastion so I'd be okay with him getting to have nice things for once. Reaper and Reinhardt were unstoppable for months before the nanoboost nerf, maybe this will encourage Blizzard to nerf Ana again.

>to nerf Ana again.
Ana is fine

>It's a someone picking hanzo on attack episode
>It's a someone picking widow on attack episode
>It's a someone picking sombra on defense episode
>It's a someone picking torbjorn at all episode
>It's a no healers episode
>It's a 3 DPS, 1 Tank, 2 Defenses on attack episode
>It's a friendly Junkrat keeps charging the enemy Zarya episode
>It's a everyone ignores the enemy Phara episode
>It's a "dòng zhù bùxǔ zǒu!" x 30 in a single round episode
>It's a genji getting angry for getting killed and not being healed when he fucks off by himself and tries to kill enemies outside their spawn
>It's a you get 5 medals, 4 of them gold and someone on your team still has the audacity to get angry at you Christmas special season finale re-run.

even after all of this, I still love this broken, dumbass game

They just need to nerf that grenade a bit.
Rein is invincible if Ana keeps healing him.

I love the game, but for fucks sake this fanbase is awful.

Even when they're not abondoning huehues that can't comprehend 2 tanks-2 healers, they're stupid fucking Reddit kids that never stop shouting "HARAMBE XDDD" whenever Winston does something

Hell, people have had the audacity to call me "Close Minded" for saying that picking Torbjorn on fucking attack is a bad idea

It's hard to hate the game, isn't it. Maybe it's just the fact it's a new IP with pretty fresh gameplay, but it's hard to stop playing, in the long term at least.

>wahh reddit
>posts reddit: the game
Maybe you should head back there, friend.


If Rein keeps his shield up, any healer can do that.

t. reddit

>It's a no one has a mic episode

or worse yet

>It's a there's a group of three and another of two and they don't join team chat

Death to these people.

>I saw a video where Torbjorn put a turret on the payload and raped
>guys if you let me set up we'll win
>will you guys take out that Pharah
>You guys fucking suck


>none of them are healers

Not to the extent that Ana's grenade can.
At least if Rein decides to go on the offensive while being healed by Mercy or lucio or zen, there's a chance you can outdamage the healing done to him.

But with Ana's grenade he can get healed 100 *plus* that 50% boost in healing which Ana is ofcourse doing with the dart gun. Combine that with any other secondary healing and Rein or any other tank is unstopabble.
They need to nerf that grenade to do at most 25% healing boost instead of that ridiculous 50%.

>bapping people away with Lucio
Man, when I heard you guys talking about it I didn't think it would feel this satisfying.

>It's a there's a group of three and another of two and they don't join team chat
Oh my god, I instantly want to quit whenever I got on comp and see this shit but stop myself when I remember the force ban or rage quitting.

Christ at least when they don't have mics and are all solos they can still hear you and there's a possibility that you cans still coordinate a bit even if they're not talking back.

But when everyone's in their own little group they can't hear you and you can't hear them. It makes my goddam blood boil.

>Playing on ching chong tower
>Playing the map with the big dojo or whatever it is
>Guy's the enemy lucio will keep booping you off if you go to the sides, let's attack from the main entrance
>No one listens
>They keep getting booped off the fucking map
>Throughout the entire match
>We lose
>Enemy Lucio gets POTG

fuck the fanbase.

this, this so much

i want to kill myself. ive been at 2k all season

>Get placed at the mid 2400s
>Fight my way up through shitters, quitters and retards to 2985
>Just one more win baby
>Enter losing streak
>Get dropped down to the low 2200s
>Every fucking match theres a torb or a widow or a torb and a widow
>4 DPS
>1 (one) healer if we're lucky

Made me not want to ever go back to comp.