claim your tile, blah blah blah
selection size: 240 x 126
lets go boys

Other urls found in this thread:

I claim D2

C4 claimed


I lay claim to D1.

Actually scratch that i want B2

I claim B2



just posting it like this for now
someone post the booru

I call c5

thanks lad


I claim D2

the first blood has been spilled

as the person working on D2, i thank you, I too was planning on a purple dildo.

Nevermind, D3.

Nippon thousand-fold ass-sucked rubber is the only way for a Japanese man to fight.
And as always, the only acceptable color is purple.
Retarded minds think alike.

nice way to promote your shitty game shill

Did the bad Peacekeeper touch you?

Really hope somebody finishes that Sup Forums


this tbqh

Claiming A3

I dont know if i did this right. First time Doing this.

Forgot image fuck

This mosaic is weird. Is this actually a shill?

Looks normal to me.
Remember, if you're looking for shills, you'll "find" them in places where there are none.

B3 and B4

Try actually redrawing it instead of just pasting two things over it

Alright bros, here's D3


Shit I didn't scale it right

Now thats a suspicious thing to say.
Why say anything at all?

Because I'm bored and anti-shill screechers are always fun to have a laugh at.
For Honor is shit, but this Mosaic has potential.

Not him, but it looks good, fuck off, some re-draws are complete paint shit.

here's D2


give me 1A

I desire A2.

C5 Done

I want E3, time to get dissapointed

Here you go, a "quality"™ Sup Forums mosaic tile

is this the worst mosaic we ever made?

What the fuck

Even if I did contribute one of the worst tiles on there, it still has actual consistency unlike that one original Monhun.

B3 and B4 done

here ya go boyo

That is atrociously bad.

>not thinking it's the best
Shit taste

Why didn't you pick a regular-sized box? Space on left and right is filler anyway.

Holy thats bad

Is this the best mosaic we ever made?
I can't find the fixed version


With respect to some other dude who made one piece which he actually claimed; i'd like to submit the following


Jesus christ this mosaic is shaping up to be absolute garbage


wew lad

I'll take 4a

Also, OP ded?

nigger, make it clean cut


nono, im alive.
im cancelling b3,b4, and d3 because they were hot garbage


im letting this one in over the fucking kfc meme because it makes no sense.

Submitting A3
I worked very hard on this

Mobilefag spotted

Still better than anything you've made, user.

mods please do something about the blatant ubisoft shilling

"intensional" challenge

i just dont get it
why are you spending time shitposting in a mosaic thread

jesus christ

use the same background you idiots
or at least make it the same color, otherwise it's going to look like absolute shit

You are like a child.

Is this your first mosaic thread? The end result always looks like shit, that's the point.


i mean sure it looks like shit but
you dont want it to end up looking like this

I've been in mosaic threads since the deus ex one
they should resemble the cover art, otherwise they will be total shit

post your favorite mosaic

>inb no memes


>ID Softwar



claiming E4

Nice way of shilling, how much do you get paid?


and done


>making an empty tile

What's the point? OP, don't accept this trash

Shill-posters are the worst

Fucking moron, solid snake is right there!

Not sure if I'm getting tricked here.

What's with the brick wall on the right side?

since no one is contributing might as well grab another one


claiming B3
are you still there op?


game is heavily luck based at higher level play

fuck it

>join beta late
>game is literally unplayable because all the high-level basement virgins with too much time on their hands
Oh, it's one of those games