The quarterly Activision Blizzard earnings call was today:

>The quarterly Activision Blizzard earnings call was today:
>Activision Blizzard had 447 million Monthly Active Users (MAUs) in the quarter
>Blizzard had its highest annual MAUs in 2016 at 36 million, up 37% from 2015 and up 87% since 2014.
>Blizzard achieved record fourth-quarter MAUsA of 41 million.
>Overwatch became Blizzard’s fastest game ever to reach over 25 million players globally.
>Overwatch broke the previous launch year record for unit sales set by Diablo III in 2012 and received 55 “Game of the Year” awards.
>Overwatch had its second and third seasonal events, Halloween Terror and Winter Wonderland, each one driving new records for engagement with the game.
>World of Warcraft MAUs grew 10% in 2016 and over 20% year-over-year in the fourth quarter on the back of the successful third-quarter launch of Legion.
>World of Warcraft saw an increase in total play time for the quarter, surpassing the Q3 expansion launch quarter and all non-launch quarters in the last four years.
>Hearthstone had its highest annual MAUs in 2016, growing more than 20%.
>Blizzard’s fourth-quarter play time surpassed the previous record set in the third quarter.
>Blizzard had record levels of quarterly and full-year in-game revenues, driven by World of Warcraft in-game content and continued strength of Overwatch customization items.
>Activision Blizzard revenues from in-game content reached a record $3.6 billion in 2016, more than double the $1.6 billion in 2015. Excluding King, revenues from in-game content grew 30% year-over-year.

Blizzard is dying any minute now, a-any m-minute now...

>mention more WoW playtime because of Legion
>won't mention actual player numbers or sub count

for all we know more bots than real players are playing WoW now


>humans, night elves and blood elves way above everything else
Absolutely disgusting.
It's pretty fucking ridicilous how people can't play a fantasy role-playing game without needing a self-insert.

what the fuck? I purposefully didn't return to WoW because Sup Forums said there was under 2m subs left

theres not even 1m subs left kek

hahahaha that denial

in before the "they are all subs in china" guy

Good for them, meanwhile you can't walk from one side of a continent to another while encountering a player that's actually on the same server. Explain that shit to me.
Fact is whatever a "MAU" may be is driven up by the fact chinese people play WoW for FREE, those are not subscribers.
Sure they're not dead, but all they do is make shitty chinese games for chinese farmers, they're not relevant in the west anymore.

Blizzard's been dead to me ever since SC2 had no lan.

Chinese people don't need to sub, the game is f2p there, that's why they're using the madeup metric of MAUs.

WoW isn't F2P in china. Chinese people pay as they play. It's a internet cafe thing. Paying for 1 hour of play counts as a "active subscriber" to blizzard for the month.

I guarantee you that after 7.1.5 cocked up the class design for every class even worse than before that those numbers are nowhere close to launch anymore.

>Current content isn't crossrealm without groups, but the Broken Isles is incredibly populated
>Being surprised the content from 2004 - 2015 isn't populated
>t. Nostcuck

>Monthly Active Users
free to play games and console games

there's no doubt that blizzard is still on top but that's because everything else is indie dogshit. they're half as good as they use to be and so is everyone else

Player count went up during q4 with q3 being the launch quarter, so all things considered the chinese like those changes.

what? this is from this last quarter with 7.1.5

My statement stands true, even if you chose that continent to be broken isles.
At best you'll see 2 people at low orbit flying overhead, both of which will be cross-realm.

user you could get away with that bullshit if you were talking about EK or something, why do shit posters always push a good point to far.

Broken isles are super dense and world quests force people to constantly be out there you cant walk 10 feet without seeing some shitty alt.

>World of Warcraft MAUs grew 10% in 2016
Let's not forget they launched an expansion in 2016.

>over 20% year-over-year in the fourth quarter on the back of the successful third-quarter launch of Legion.
20% growth after its all time low at the end of WoD, without counting the obvious drop 3 months after the expansion launched when people started realizing how shitty the new expansion really was, and that it was all more of the same once again.

>huuurrr wow is f-fine g-guys
>p-please come back

>for the month.
for entire expansion time

All cross-realm bullshit alts user. They don't really exist.

No, it's more addicts are stuck on the AP treadmill than with any other previous type of content, and they consider that a good thing.

>World of Warcraft saw an increase in total play time for the quarter, surpassing the Q3 expansion launch quarter and all non-launch quarters in the last four years.

This is the most spindoctory one aside from Overwatch "players".

I don't give a fuck how they're doing just GIVE LEGACY YOU FUCKS REEEEEE

>i would totally pay for legacy if i had the chance... really! Its not like all these vanilla servers, even the most popular one ever, have to resort to selling gold, power gear, and instant boosts to keep their server afloat

Overwatch carried blizzard in 2016, that's not news to anyone. Let's see how they do in 2017, when overwatch starts to die off and with hearthstone heading towards wow levels of irrelevance.

>Did not even mention HotS after sucking it off at Blizzcon nonstop

wew. F

Just a reminder that this is now World of Warcraft.

I don't even think they remember HotS was a thing.

>game company releases a new game (hearthstone)
>they make shitloads of money for a few years
>it starts to dry up
>game company releases a new game (overwatch)
>they make hand over fist shitloads of money
>it might dry up in the future
>theres no possible way they're going to release another game, thats fucking retarded, watch them crash and burn and sink to the bottom of irrelevancy

not every company is valve

>space crucifixes taking about aliens and planets and spaceships and Cthulhu
>new to warcraft

how to spot an underaged Pandababy in a single post

on other news the summer blockbuster its the best movie game ever!

From what I remember Overwatch was supposed to be "titan" which they were already working on since 2008 (?), or something. The last product they actually tried to pull out of a hat was HotS, and you can see where that went.

You can't base their success on Hearthstone alone, which was HEAVILY carried out by wow's success, when even memewatch, since its inception, was intended to be a wow successor, but it just ended up becoming something else.

Like it or not, blizzard would be nothing without wow, and WoW still is, to this day, the ONLY reason why they are successful at all.

>When a warrior gets Draught of Souls

It won't be long before FFXIV surpasses WoW in subs

>WoW still is, to this day, the ONLY reason why they are successful at all.
without Warcraft 2 and 3, there would be no WoW.
Also, you forgot about Starcraft and Diablo being a huge fucking money maker.

>space shiny ghosts and glowing statues

What the fuck happened to this game?

too bad they killed both franchises

do WoW nerds really get off from these stupid numbers

I'm not saying they don't make money, I'm saying they've been successful thanks to the warcraft series alone, as you pointed out.

The warcraft series already died out with wow, and hearthstone is following wow's path of downfall pretty accurately.

How long do you really think overwatch will still carry them?

Overwatch will sustain them for a long time assuming that the Esports market doesn't crash and US laws don't ban underaged kids spending money on lootboxes/gambling crates.

If shit hits the fan, they make Overwatch F2P like TF2 and start jewing hard.

Of course they won't mention real player counts. They did it in SC2 and it's why people declared it dead.

Overwatch is a fad.

What happens after this fad dies off is what you should be thinking here.

I have no doubt they will make money with it for a while, but assuming they will pull another WoW out of a hat, just because they were successful with a wow card game and went viral with space-wow-2.0, is a little bit of a stretch.

>World of Warcraft saw an increase in total play time
>total play time
>surpassing the Q3 expansion launch quarter and all non-launch quarters
>surpassing non-launch quarters
>play time
>surpassing non-launch quarters