Bloodborne is a masterpiece

Bloodborne is a masterpiece

Motherfucking Bloodborne thread.

Bloodborne is better the nioh, it's not even close.

I want Lady Maria to bully me

black pudding!

Best PvE in the series

Worst PvP in the series


>slap female had on male torso
>call it a day

All souls games but DS2 are better than Ni-Oh.


Bloodborne isnt even the best PS4 exclusive anymore

yakuza is

Its Yakuza > Nioh > Bloodborne


Bloodborne doesn't do that, though

Pvp is pure cancer in all souls games. To be more accurate: the whole multiplayer system is a steaming pile of shit.

Its Bloodborne > Gravity Rush 2 > Nioh > The Last Guardian > Yakuza 0 > Odin Sphere

Anyone have sliders to make Maria in the character creation?

Not really, it perfected everything except the map design. if it had the map design like DS1 where every area is interconnected instead of warping around it would be a masterpiece

Yeah just search on youtube

Just beat my first Boss in this game (cleric beast), first soulsborne game I ever played btw. Still get a boner thinking of it. Thanks to the user who gave me some pointers yesterday.
Ps4pro boost mode btw.

More like Bloodborne > Yakuza > Nioh

It has that though, most of Yharnam and the outskirts are one big world. And not every area in DaS1 is connected.

>Worst PvP in the series

It's fantastic but the lack of build variety, shit npcs, awful awful covenants and the dungeons keep it from being a masterpiece.

Demon Souls was better


Dark Souls > Bloodborne

Not a chance, BBfags


>lack of build variety


and all of the weapons have really unique movesets

build variety is one of BB's strongest points.

tips for someone new to the series?
picked it up yesterday but I've got some other games to finish first

>war on attrition

Sell all your games, only play bloodborne. They have a chalice dungeons with unlimited content

This fan-art is cool sure, but it doesnt make any sense, why its Logarius and Paarl here, i get Shadow of Yharnam and Rom but the other two doesnt fit there

>Bloodborne is a masterpiece
It's not even considered game of generation though and after 2017 two more games will jump it.



>pro boost mode

Does it make a difference?

If preferring The Shitter 3 is the "right" opinion then I'd rather be wrong.

>coolest NPC
>gets ass kicked by some twink unless you help her out


She's probably old and the Naruto guy is strong and has vampire magic, to be fair.



>1.17 png

Ahhh puke

I figured it was just the bosses that were the artist's favorites.

She's 60 or some shit and can't respawn anymore

I mean it was cool and fun but it didn't do anything revolutionary, it didn't even do anything revolutionary for the souls series. But still had nice environments and a bunch of different enemies to fight. All in all its nothing special but still good

Like 5 fps

The witcher 3 was insanely boring m8 dont joke around

Dear oh dear what was it? The hunt? The blood? Or the Horrible Dream? It doesn't matter. It always comes down to the hunter's helper to clean up after these sorts of messes.

Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt.

Best Soulsborne boss hands down.


>your favorite boss
>hardest boss for you
>your favorite weapon

lady maria
ludwig sword.

Literal it's fucking expansion is almost considered better than Bloodborne

Rockstar and Nintendo are going to wreck FromSoft this year too. Face, it they will always have to settle getting looked over and getting circle jerked by a minority.

Holy Moonlight Sword

The fuck are you talking about

That they're overrated and make great games but industry defining games.

The only influence that's come from the series is Nioh, and it will tank in sales.

>Orphan of kos

Why does this give logarius such placement, he's irrelevant to the story and doesnt fit in stylistically to bloodborne at all

Orphan of Kos
Laurence (not counting Chalices)
Saw Cleaver




What spec should I do for my 2nd playthrough I did quality the first time around

>build variety is one of BBs strongest points
Not really

I fucking hate "autistic skeleton doggy" bosses, and 90% of them are just that
And you cant even cheese most of them like BSB or Cleric beast

Humanoids are best in the series though

fuck, I love Michelle

Try Bloodtinge, but you will have to go to Cainhurst early to get Chikage/Evelyn so be prepared to fight Logarius underleveled

Bloodborne and Witcher 3 are my favorite games of this Gen so far.
> Ni Oh doesn't come close!

Ni oh is fantastic. If you compare Let it Die or Shadows of the Fallen, you can easily see how much of the "souls" formula nioh gets right while doing its own thing.

my problem with the souls series is that there are five full entries and 4 fucking expansions. They've had time to tweak it quite a bit and the only unique entry to come of it was Bloodborne.

also why I didn't salivate over DaS3 as it took the baseline from BB and copy pasted it right into the dark souls world. I'm more impressed by fresh ideas and takes (samurai/Lovecraft meets brotherhood of the wolf) than repeating the same fucking lore/setting for another four games.


Abhorrent Beast in Chalice
Stake Driver


I honestly think I'm burnt out from soulsborne games.
>Beat cleric beast, Gascoigne, blood starved beast without dying
>every other boss takes no more than 3 attempts
>some like rom, moon presence, and wet nurse I beat first try.
I haven't done the dlc yet, gonna fire up the ps4 and do it soon.
Does this game get harder in ng+? Does it add cool things like dark souls 2 or is it like 3 where they just add numbers and call it a day



The DLC has the best parts of the game.

I always try to look at Ludwig and imagine how he looked before turning into rapehorse
It never works

i think this is a decent interpretation

anyone got any more wallpapers?

i use Bloodborne as my phone's wallpaper, and it genuinely makes me happy to see it when I turn off my alarm in the morning.



well... I dunno
I mean it's better than nothing, but of course everyone imagines something else
by the look of his beast form, I always tought he had long dark hair

>Tfw just started a full BLT build

fuck dude

>Formless Oedon is represented by water and sound
>blood echoes

Queen Yharnam
Simon's Bowblade

Why do you do this to me?

How about that ending though?

How much endurance do I need to equip all the cool weapons?

All the cool weapons are arcande or bloodtinge with exception of the beast cutter


i finally got a ps4 and bloodborne
is the playerbase dead?
is the dlc worth buying?
is it worth doing a skill bloodtinge vitality build?

>got bloodborne
>is the DLC worth buying
>didn't get GOTY edition
Jesus Christ, dude.

>bought bloodborne without DLC


You forgot something

>Laurence (maybe I should cheese him with Simon's bowblade next time)
>Holy moonlight sword

I paid $10 for it on offerup
fight me

I don't fight retards sorry, it's unsporting.


i am literally saving money if I buy the DLC on the psn store.
on amazon a new copy of bloodborne goty is $40
the DLC is $20 on psn store.
if I pay $10 for the base game and $20 for the dlc
that equals $30
I am saving $10 by doing so. you're the retarded one user.