How can they even exist in 2016-2017?

How can they even exist in 2016-2017?

By this point, everyone should know about their company and experiments and zombies and shit after the GOVERNMENT had to NUKE an entire town. And the whole "business decree taken away" and "stock prices plummeting" They shouldn't even be a company anymore.
Modern day internet would have a shitfit and SJWs and leftists would be shitflinging this company for even attempting to come back.
Even if it is a different company, why on earth would you name yuourselves after such a company?

They got their PR person to go out and call zombie attacks fake news

Just by shuttering the company and reopening under a new name. See when Blackwater changed to XE and then changed again to Academi.

zombies are a chinese hoax and cause autism

Eh, Maybe the BSAA changed themselves to umbrella for some stupid fucking reason.


why did people care about Blackwater again? they're a fucking PMC. They don't have to care about what the public think

Because it's a shit game with even shittier writing and direction.

Because RE autistic bitching nonstop about muh Umberlla.

>They don't have to care about what the public think

To an extent they do. Their mercs were hired by the military to supplement US forces in Iraq and to guard diplomats. Due to their fuck ups going public and mounting pressure, the military stopped hiring Blackwater (and their later newly named successors).

it's the Umbrella Corps with faded paint
which is different from the Umbrella Corp. from RE1-3
though I don't know why they adopted "corporation" on the helicopter

Because if the public eye is on them, that means there's an audience for news regarding them, which means reporters will start hunting for their dirty laundry and air it in the open, which means organizations will want to distance themselves from the PMC, which means less money.

I used to see shit about Blackwater all the time, but I ain't seen shit about Academi yet. Could be that they've learned to play clean, but more likely they're become much better at covering their footprints.

Spot the RE6 babby

I think they mostly cleaned up. They cleaned up the board of directors and leadership with ex-Bush, Clinton, and Obama senior leaders and stand up generals so I think they cleaned up most of the shady shit.

>Spotted the shill
>Doesn't know how to green text
>$0.36 has been deposited into your account.

I would think that everyone and anyone is crazy about zombies, even if in a fictional world. Even the slightest mention of "yah this company has been making zombie stuff for like wars and stuff" would have everyone's eyes on them. You'd be hardpressed to ignore the badassery of it, or the ethical standpoint if you're a fag.
Why can't an electric company today call themselves Enron?

Memes won't save your shit Michael Bay game.


>7 hasn't even come close to selling as well as 6 or even 5.
>Shit reviews everywhere.
>Capcom's stock has taken a nose dive.
>$0.36 has been deposited into your account.

They're a mercenary unit called Umbrella Corporation.

They hire themselves out to various companies and powers who want to claim research data and BoW's from the likes of Umbrella/Tri-Cell and Neo Umbrella. There's a huge black market war going on for Bio-Terrorism after the events of RE6. But companies that want to get their hands on these things cant risk sending their own guys because of PR. So mercenary groups like Umbrella Corporation came along to do the grunt work. They called themselves Umbrella Corporation because they knew it'd be such an attractive name for the kind of people looking to hire them.

HUNK is rumored to be on their squad and Wesker was revealed to be alive and well and in command of the team. He makes sure to get samples from everything they recover. This is why people think that "Chris Redfield" is a credits red-herring and it's actually just a codename because Wesker is a dick like that.

All of this is canon and can be found from playing the campaign mode of Umbrella Corps along with the Resident Evil mango. Why Capcom made their multi-player shitshow essential canon going forward is anyone's guess but here we are.

Or rather, they slapped some RE references on a generic SonyVR demo, and now they're figuring out how to tie it together

More likely they called zombies "alternative facts", and that zombies are actually a disease of peace.

Let's be honest here.
Ethan is Wesker. A revived version or kid of his at the very least.

It's why he was never infected once the entire time, why he can reattach his limbs (even if it also requires the medicine to speed up the healing process), why he can use Wesker's gun (and why it was in bumfuck nowhere in the first place), and why Umbrella would go out of their way to rescue him.

>Ethan is Wesker

He might be A Wesker, but he isn't the original. Umbrella Corps had D.C. Douglas back to voice Wesker's lines.

He had those hallucinations caused by the virus though, so he should've been infected.

Thing is he wasn't though, and he never got the black shit running up his limbs that normal people get when they're infected.
So he probably has some version of the virus, or is Wesker's biological kid which gives him immunity.

>It's why he was never infected once the entire time
But he was. He could see the little girl. That meant he was infected.
He could reattach his limbs because of the strong healing item. Read the description. also one of the notes tells you the medicine only works on the infected.

There are notes telling you multiple different people had different reactions to the virus.
some people died in a few hours. some lasted a few days.
All of this happened in a night. Nathan was a lucky one.
There is a note of people who have died and turned to the virus in the first few hours of the game.

Nathan was just lucky.