Been replaying VtM - Bloodlines recently and I can't help but notice how a game that came out 13 years ago has one of...

Been replaying VtM - Bloodlines recently and I can't help but notice how a game that came out 13 years ago has one of the best facial animations to date.

There's a ton of problems with the game, no doubt, but it's weird how well it stands the test of the time as far as visuals, and not just the facial animations, are concerned.

Was Troika really that good or is Source Engine just well suited for this kind of stuff?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's the engine, see hl2

>The first thing that we wanted to explore with Valve's Source engine was the facial animation capabilities. The Source technology has an amazing tool called "faceposer" that we use to do all of our lip-synching and facial animations. With this tool, we can customize our characters with expressions, facial animations, and even gestures. We were blown away by the level of reality that this brought to our interactions with computer-controlled non-player characters (NPCs), as were the people we showed it to at last year's E3. No more using text to describe what an NPC is doing! Combining this level of animation and interactivity with voice-over really helped bring out the individual personalities of the NPCs. As you can probably imagine, this was also fairly liberating.

>facial animation
I only see the mouth moving and that weird TellTale eyebrow shift.

Half Life 2 cam out 13 years ago and there have literally never been facial animations as good as it since
I fucking hate AAA games

that's because most devs are lazy fucks who don't care about shit like facial animations

I guess it also helps that Jeanette, and everyone else in the game, isn't just standing still while she talks. Her body doesn't freeze up.


I'd argue Witcher 3 surpassed the source engine facial animations.


Motion capture aside, lip-sync today is done through algorithm reading the audio file and generating a lip-sync file. This is how you could import your own VA in, for example, Oblivion and game would generate its own lip-sync. I imagine Witcher 3 simply took this to another level.

Follower of Set here, all other Kindred can't fuck themselves.

It's both, although Troika did a REALLY good job at body language during conversations. This is really what's missing in most games - people don't stand perfectly still when talking. That shit was especially jarring in something like LA Noire, for example.

Other developers are shit at facial animation, relying on ultra-expensive mo-cap and overpaid actors.

By using Source and cartoon voice actors they were forced to use a cheap solution that works way better at a psychological level.

In Witcher 3 the algorithm created the base for every scene and then CDPR tweaked each of them by hand because no automatic algorithm can know based purely on the audio file if somebody is supposed to look sad, angry, happy, frustrated or if they're supposed to stand this way or move their hands in this manner etc etc.

They are just spending way more on mocap and visual design while neglecting gameplay and balance.


You can just see the insane amount of man hours spent on every conversation, making sure every fucking facial animation and body movement looks okay. It's not more impressive than an expensive cutscene.

And? Should they have given the facial animations the Horizon zero dawn or mankind divided treatment?

Not sure what you're getting at here. They have separate people working purely on the conversations.

All those developers could have usee techniques similar to the one Valve uses rather than throw money into more expensive methods.

Modern games that 'get it right' do so by virtue of having huge teams just dedicated to very specific tasks. Is very much like modern Hollywood.

No idea how LA Noire fucked it up so badly.

There is no magical techniques to get the facial expressions right, you still need the talent to do it ie developers who are specialized in face rigging and other body motions.

Troika did it right even though they had muh less money and people than modern dev. Clearly they had a more effective method that was similar to the one Valce also used for HL2.

Yes but the facial animations/body movements didn't look as good as they did in half-life 2. There were a lot of repeated movements between different characters, snappy and exaggerated movements in VTMB.

It was pretty alright; the first thing I noticed when playing VTMB was that all the characters slowly roll their heads in a circle as if they're constantly trying to work some stiffness out of their necks. Its a bit weird.

Clearly Valve put more attention to the unique traits and quirks of each character. And also had more time, money and experience than a bunch of bondage slaves working for Activision.

That's because everyone's on edge due to Ankaran Sarcophagus


time for another playthrough I guess

fuck VBTM is so good bros... remake when?

Never. Maybe a spiritual sequel in some shitty euro studio. Either way it's up to Paradox.

>it's so good
>version which ruins everything when?

I don't understand.



Is it just me or has she aged like fine milk?

The combat is incredibly floaty...


What does it even mean?
Melee if cool, you even have multiple attacks you can make depending on movement direction which also combo.
Shooting is standard FPS with some RPG stats playing a role into accuracy and damage.
Never understood people who complain about the combat, maybe they don't understand the first point?

Just you, she's an absolute stunner for her age.

The movement in VTMB is like you're constantly ice skating. There's that certain kind of delay to your movement.

Also the combat has absolutely no sense of impact whatsoever, making it dull and clunky. It also doesn't feel rewarding since the game is easy as fuck.

>There's that certain kind of delay to your movement
Well you need time to accelerate from walking to run and also change direction of strafes obviously.

>Also the combat has absolutely no sense of impact whatsoever
You can send people flying all over the place when you hit hard enough, what the are you even saying,

>age 43
Ah, right. Fuck.


It's just Soulsfags being autistic. Anything that isn't Souls or Bloodborne goes on the scale as either "floaty" or "clunky", nothing else is allowed to occupy their imaginary sweet spot.

Let me amend my post here since apparently
A game can now be floaty and clunky at the same time, what an exciting time to be alive

>You can send people flying all over the place when you hit hard enough

This happens constantly though, it isn't a "reward" for doing some combo or something like that. You just click a few times and the enemy in front of you makes a couple of UUUGH sounds while awkwardly standing still before he ridiculously flies back after 2-3 hits.

Indeed, isn't it impressive how troika managed to pull off two gameplay flaws at once?

That's not what "no sense of impact" means, though. No sense of impact would be something like oblivion, where you hit someone with a 60 pound sledgehammer covered in spikes that causes firey explosions when it hits things, and they slide back a foot with 12% of their healthbar gone. V:TM:B has, if anything, too much impact as people fly all over the fucking place at the slightest provocation, but considering you're a vampire and just as a base perk you're strong as absolute balls, it makes sense.

>it isn't a "reward" for doing some combo or something like tha

It actually is, a certain combination of moves does that. It sounds to me that you are the kind of player who does not experiment and understand game mechanics which aren't explicitly explained to them through a tutorial.

You realize you are just repeating buzzwords that you've heard around here without grasping their original meaning at all?

Post download link anons, please. The one I got wouldn't install.

Download link of what? The unofficial patch? The game itself?

can someone give me the skinny on where to download patches for this and how to play it and make it a better experience? I know there was a website for that. Thanks

The impacts still needs to make sense though in order to be satisfying. If you hit someone with an axe or a sharp sword they won't fly 5 meters up in the air and then 4 meters back.

I don't consider clicking left mouse button 3 times in row a combo. VTMB combat is basic as fuck, there's no room for experimenting.

And you're retarded, how about that?

>multiple Vampire and Hunter games
>new Werewolf game in the works
>Magefags will never ever have any vidya

>Magefags will never ever have any vidya
Try every fantasy RPG ever faggot.

Don't use the Plus option on your first playthrough, just stick with the basic fixes. It's in the patch installer.

>I don't consider clicking left mouse button 3 times in row a combo

Movement direction matters.
Moving backwards while attacking lets you make a jump attack forward for example.
Other combinations make a roll forward with slash and so on.
You are just a tard who's spamming the basic attack and complains about lack of depth.

Great rebuttal newfag

Mages in WoD literally shatter reality

They'd be almost impossible to implement how they actually play, unless you severally limit what they can do.


And what do I gain by doing those attacks over simply just spamming the left mouse button? Nothing since you can soak up so much damage before dying so there's no strategic thinking involved in the fighting.

This honestly, . You'd need a team that could pull off what guys like Todd Howard and Peter Molyneux promise combined with their games, and then some.

You can permastun enemies.
>you can soak up so much damage before dying
Not sure if you play with balance changing patches but against other vampires or hunters it does matter a whole lot.

Bloodborne lets you be a space tentacle wizard famm

But Bloodborne is shit though.

Why is this slut this game's mascot?

She is the game's most ionic character, pretty impressive considering that after completing their quest line you never need to talk to them again.

Is there any mod that allows you to backtrack more work with other characters again? After completing a club owner's questline there is nothing to do with them anymore.

Because she's a great slut and best girl.

Because she's a slut and sluts sell. I write a shitty online comic and my viewership increased tenfold when I introduced a girl with giant tits, people aren't kidding when they say sex sells.

tremere are faggots, can't wait for gehenna

Legit reason: most people quit this shitty game after couple of hours

Sabbat chase you in here, cammy?

so, assuming i bought the game off steam during a sale, where would I apply the patch in the folder? thanksk btw

You can have sex with Jeanette later in the game. She'll send you an email when she wants your hot vampire dick. It's a little difficult in the base game since you need to do literally everything to appease her, but with the plus patch I think they lowered the requirements somewhat- I didn't give her the amulet on my last playthrough but she still asked me to come back and fuck her brains out.


Call bloodhunt on this cunt

>you will never pump your elder blood into her womb so hard that she ends up your pet

Feels bad man, missed opportunity.

did you notice that first time you're in Chinatown there's a hooker blowing some suit in a remote alley close to the warehouses? it's stylistically vital to the setting as a whole

There's one behind club confession


Is there a way for a vampire to regain their sexual ability?

Ask this slut.

if your karma's high enough you resemble a human being much more

Post your comic.

tfw OP has probably never even seen dota 2's facial animation (still best in industry) because LOL WE HATE VALVE ON Sup Forums!!!!!!!

There's a very low level power that lets you replicate life for a short period and its specifically mentioned that it works for sexual activity.

It's more for blending in though, vamps typically have no interest in sex in the WoD

She does it cause she's a loonie

she actually looks prettier off camera than she does in the perfectly lit and composed movie shots

how does this woman exist? both her parents were fucking ugly too. shes fucking 43 and looks like this

provide source right this fucking instant

Jeanette is insane. She doesn't even seem to like sex that much- she gets bored about 5 seconds into your sex scene and yet she'll gladly jump your bone any time you ask. Same with Tung, she only gives him a 2/5 on her laptop and yet she spiritedly defends him from Therese and fucks him on demand as well.

Jesus fuck I want her to suck me dry

quality bioware animations

L I T E R A L L Y the only example of hot older woman, holy shit. Most women, especially white ones, age so badly.

hey Sup Forums what if you could get embraced, but it's by a nosferatu? will you do it?

There's a power called "Blush of Life" where a vampire can spend blood points to appear more human so that they can have sex, eat regular food, breathe, etc to blend in better.

That's the thing doe, kate isnt white

Nah, use the plus patch, the game is still good even with only the basic patch but there's no point gimping yourself out of all the extra content. The only reason to do that is if you're interested in seeing the difference between the plus and the basic. Plus is a straight upgrade.

Second kizumonogatari movie