Hello, I am Itagaki's worst game.
Hello, I am Itagaki's worst game
>Hello, I am Itagaki's best game.
t. contrarian
Well get ready.
Because in 5 years this game is going to be all over the
>le Wii U top 10 hidden gems
videos and people will pretend it was good just so their Wii U goes up in value and becomes a collectible item.
user its a game that's so fucking bad its good.
When's the PC version coming out?
>>le Wii U top 10 hidden gems
Wii U has like 10 games total
It doesn't help that Nintendo didn't produce very many copies in the West, I'm betting it's going to be worth a fortune.
I really doubt it, it's too generic of a TPS game to become a cult classic.
Has anyone played Siege Mode in Devil's Third and multi-player in Ninja Gaiden 3 here? I really would like to see a comparison done.
>I'm betting it's going to be worth a fortune.
nah. since wii u was such a failure, theres no collectors/demands for any games. nobody is going to give a shit.
this, people expecting the Wii U to be the next Dreamcast for collectors are retarded
Haven't played multiplayer in NG3, but only tried siege mode on the last night they had the servers up and it was great.
The versus mode is the best multiplayer online because it's actually about skill and reflexes.
Higher level players would just spam rockets and molotovs, but once I unlocked the scar-h and out some addons on it I would always be in the top 3 at the end of the match.
Literally the best run and gun game of this gen. Actual control of your character. Parkour worked. Shooting worked. Melee worked.
Damn shame NoA ruined it.
The WiiU outsold the Saturn and Dreamcast and there's a ton of nostalgia for those. Also Jaguar stuff seems overpriced considering it was a shitty console with shitty games.
>Actual control of your character.
As opposed to fake control? Stupid namefag
>The WiiU outsold the Saturn and Dreamcast
Dreamcast was on the market for less than 2 years and sold 10 million.
Wii U took 5 years to reach 13 million.
Yeah it sold better but Dreamcast would've sold more if it wasn't discontinued because Dreamcast actually has a good library
Don't post ever again my board, tripfag.
There are several games with sloppy and unresponsive controls. This game is not one of them.
Seeing how the game pad is 100% required to even set up its gong to be on the level of the Virtual Boy.
The gamed are also on really nice bluray discs with curved edges, so used games will be in good condition.
And seeing how it has a hackable virtual wii installed itll be the best place to run emulators in a box with HDMI or component output.
>There are several games with sloppy and unresponsive controls. This game is not one of them.
Go be wrong somewhere else. DT has shit controls.
>walking dead faggot
Fear the Walking Dead is better. WD is literally for casuals.
You only think it has shit controls because you're terrible at the game. If we 1v1 you'd lose every time.
>i-it'll be a collector's item I swear!!
Not even just the virtual Wii. The Wii U mode itself is hackable for piracy, translations, mods, cheats, region-free, homebrew, and emulation. Retroarch in Wii U mode is way better than the Wii version.
>translations, mods,
nope, only loadiine can be used for uncensor patches or mods. And
>using loadiine in current year
Yea, the region-locked online was a terrible move.
You should write a review for the multi-player. Can you post it on soundtrackcentral or link me to your preferable writing space? Wii U had such unique multi-player experiences.
No, Xtreme 2 was worse. Devil's Third wasn't a good game by any means but it's also not the unplayable mess it's made out to be. There are a few great moments mixed in with tons of filler.
>And seeing how it has a hackable virtual wii installed itll be the best place to run emulators in a box with HDMI or component output.
or people will just run them on PC just like they've always done
That doesn't contradict what I said. Loadiine is still Wii U mode, as opposed to vWii mode
loadiine is SHIT
I'm not disputing that, user.
Already came out in Japan last year and was shut down after only a few months. Worldwide rollout was cancelled as well.
I think Oatmeal said he enjoyed working with Nintendo to a point because Iwata really wanted the game to be a success and he had great dev advice but it got lost hard in the shuffle and Nintendo made a lot of wrong moves like telling them to do it in Unreal 3 while there was no official revision for Wii U and Nintendo wouldn't license the version Armature made for WB for them (Or even discuss licensing the Darksiders engine which the game was originally being built on from Nordic).
It sounds more he's not opposed to doing small projects like that 3DS board game to keep the lights on but his next AAA game is going to be funded by someone else.
This nigga. Check my Xanga.
Yeah but some people don't sit at desks to play their vidya. I have my PC hooked up to the living room TV and sometimes play Emus on that, but I can't use the Gamepad screen for emus when I want to have some movie or show in the background if I"m using a PC.
Iwata was the only person who actually believed in the project that he actually became the game's producer.
Iwata dies and obviously now Nintendo (Obviously Nintendo of America) wanted nothing to do with Itagaki.
Seeing how Microsoft treated Scalebound I doubt they'll pick up his next game. I'm really curious of Kimishima will support Itagaki on a new game because Nintendo + a good third party director is always a good game.
Sauce on PC version localization getting cancelled?
I missed out on the Wii U version's multiplayer, so I was looking forward to the PC version. I'm not mad at the single player campaign, but everyone says the multiplayer is way better.
>Seeing how Microsoft treated Scalebound I doubt they'll pick up his next game.
You mean cancelled it because Scalebound looked terrible every time they showed it?
With how Oatmeal is positioning his next game and setting up a second AAA studio. I could see him pitching to MS since they helped set up Valhalla (But turned down Devil's Third and organized a publishing deal with THQ).
Scalebound looked like trash because they forced the multiplayer gimmick into it. You know that was just so Microsoft could get the Xbox Live subs.
Microsoft was a big supporter of Itagaki but that was when he was the king at Team Ninja.
Sony might pick it up seeing how they're supporting western focused games.
>Sony might pick it up seeing how they're supporting western focused games.
>Oatmeal EVER working for Sony never mind doing anything for Sony
Holy shit dude, no. Never happening.
He's said he's trying to get his next title to mainly PC focused anyway because "That's where the money is". So more than likely it's going to be a big online publisher if it's not MS.
So EA.
Ubisoft doesnt give a shit about games.
Activision only wants yearly rehashes.
Valve doesnt make games.