Anybody who owns a VR headset hyped for this shit?
How's the demo?
Anybody who owns a VR headset hyped for this shit?
Why not just interact with your girlfriend?
post more webms
I don't have a girlfriend you idiot
where do you think you are
Can you jizz on her face in this video game?
Those come at higher monetary cost than a VR headset + Highend PC, they also consume time and suck out life force.
Why would you want to sexually harass your girlfriend
What looks like harrasment to you is pretty normal for a relashionship in japanese culture.
Don't be so intolerant.
no i dont
how long until Patricia Hernandez makes an article on how this game is literally raping women IRL?
fat delusional weeb
My girlfriend would probably like this game better than me. I should get it for her so she can molest virtual women.
I own PSVR and I couldn't care less about shit like that. What I want is more games.
>owns a VR headset
stopped reading there
But some of them swallow your life force
just get a hooker neckbeard
This is the pinnacle of virginity
can I massage her feet?
I stopped getting hyped for VR the moment I realized Namco and the AMCG team basically promised me nothing
VR still seems kinda cool, though
Your fault for falling for the console VR meme.
What's the point when you can't even feel anything? I'll wait 10 more years for true VR.
She looks like she's horribly annoying to interact with and has a weird musk.
VR actually tricks your brain into feeling some things. It's not perfect but still pretty good.
Nigga you don't fucking know shit.
if your brain thinks it's real, you'll feel a real response, like when you cry watching a movie about some puppy that reincarnates, everything is fake but your brain doesn't know it.
So just build some sort of fuck doll with girl clothes and an onahole and your brain will make you feel like it's somewhat real. I mean I don't know how you can wait 10 years to masturbate, that's pretty hard user.
when you watch porn you dont feel anything too
but the brain can be fooled easily
If you fuck a virtual girl, do you lose your virtual virginity? For that matter, in the future would most normies be virtual virgins until late in their lives while we, the NEETs, would lose our virtual virginity early on?
oh that sad kino again
Ew, no one here is into bestiality
>That clipping
When it's so in the face, I just can't look past it.
It still upsets me that people managed to get VR Kanojo's entire youtube channel deleted, without any repercussions.
Well sure you'll get a boner but you won't feel the fabric of her skirt, her panties tightening around her pelvis as you pull them, you won't feel the warmth of her breath or her skin, the smell of her sweat, and you won't be able to hold her at all. Until that level can be achieved, it's just not worth it.
Nah, I don't even have a PS4.
But I still have hope VR even though everything so far still feels like glorified tech demos
>Die 10:1
>Sign treaty
>Wait until US forces leave
>Attack again
>Dumb libs keep U.S. forces from tearing your anus open.
I wish I was uneducated about the vietnam war, or maybe it's willful ignorance, America can't win at everything right?
Can you hit her? This will make or break the game for me.
No biggie, they now host the webm videos on their website so no homos can take those down again.
It wasn't a smart choice to rely on a privatly owned website in the first place, there can't be any repercussions because they can delete whatever they want whenever they want.
i can feel it, i dress like this
what your point? that you have no imagination\ you are retarded or you have a gf and trying to brag about it on Sup Forums
wtf man?
Trinus VR added PSVR compatibility so I just need to get some $200 motion controllers.
It is achievable if you go to gym for 6 months and hook up any 20 something slut with your properly trained body
Hey we're friends again since they hate the Chinese.
Sure. They'll do fine. But it still bothers me. They broke new rules and still had their stuff deleted.
that was random pic and you are still triggered
you are so smart. have a (you)
What is this and where can I get this?
Are most of those VR games released?
>be the little girl
This is what I want from VR.
>this kills the birth rates
Girlfriend cost more than ps4 + vr
Oh sorry, I forgot there's no point in virtual reality when you have your imagination. Why even play video games? Just imagine them. Fucking retard.
why am i speaking to you?
your world is black and white. hm .. maybe you are too young for this site with funny images
I love titty slapping
What an intriguing argument. Wanna follow that up with calling me a Nazi?
wait, is Moot a faggot? like I mean a real homosexual who kisses penises and puts dildos on his butt?
Who the fuck is moot?
Yes. Nobody really knows, he supposedly had a girlfriend.
can you play this with out vr?
you think you're being real clever and logical right now but i hate to inform you that literally nobody in this world cares in the slightest
Make that everyone in this world minus one ;)
Honey Select
Yes you can.
You can even fuck plush toy like my dog does every day without even needing a computer.
I can see the headline now
>ALT RIGHT GAME LETS YOU GRAB WOMAN BY THE PUSSY (what this means for equality)
Everything is possible.
That's one cute boy, who is this guy?
Can you mod the voice though
Completely free customization - face, body, clothes, you name it. Extended slider mod let's you build lolis
Also character sharing via .png files, there's an illusion booru for that
Why do people think this would make people molest women in real life, real life looks no where near as cute as virtual.
they fucked up the french too
Nigga that's Sigourney Weaver.
Merkunt is a sore loser.
wow gay
>Mad third worlders.
I love how everyone lives in fear because the Don could wipe you out if he woke up pissed one day.
Wew lad, and here I though that it's sfw cute kouhai training.
You really thought an illusion game wasn't going to be porn?
>Being this triggered
>Not knowing that the US 10:1 kill count comes from bombing civil areas
>I wish I was uneducated about the vietnam war
You really are though.
>There's a booru
>tagme: 4492
NVA killcount was still much higher than dead US troops, stay upset, America is number 1.
Oh I didn't know it's from Illusion, it was on the forefront of VR so I thought it's close to virtual demo from big companies like batman vr
Nah he thought it was Summer Lesson
Whoa, a trained military with the biggest military budget on earth can kill rice farmers? Shit, you must be so proud of yourself.
Can you fags drop the Vietnam war topic already and focus on VR Kanojo?
>"Heh dumb ameirfats farmers killed u all lol"
>"Not true, he's some statistics moron"
You fight back even if the retarded kid hits you juan.
I wish I had a gf Sup Forums
>Ameriburger might
>Gets clopped down by rice farmers
Really gets me going, reminds me of that time you faggots tried playing war in WWII and had to fight kids and then pretend like you fought the bulk of the nazis.
We created the nuclear bomb. We could have destroyed the rest of the world and nobody could have stopped us.
>reminds me of that time you faggots tried playing war in WWII and had to fight kids and then pretend like you fought the bulk of the nazis.
It's even funnier because that's how it's remembered.
You know what they say about history and who it's written by.
I want to see Renge and candy store make love.
>We could have destroyed the rest of the world
Cute but WW2 bombs were not at that level nor could america produce them that fast.
Even the raw materials weren't available just yet, it's what Uranium fever of the 50s was all about.
Come back to me when there is actual nudity.
Here I am, there is.