What are peoples play time on here?
Dark Souls
420 ROLFMAO, Yep ya reddit right 420 hours. I'm not even kidden.
148 hours. One full playthrough, and several that I started and never finished, usually around Anor Londo.
About 600, which is far more than any vidya I've ever played. Except maybe MGSV.
Bout 250 hours I think
if its less than 1000hrs you do not belong on this board
Only one game with more playtime and I don't even like it that much. And I don't even PvP.
Should I get this game? The bosses look like trash compared to the ones in Dark Souls 3 (the only Souls game I've played).
'bout like 500, most on DS3 tho.
>tfw i never got very far and basically just chill with the Crestfallen Warrior wondering how to get past the ghosts down below to ring the 2nd bell or with Ol Onion Helmet thinking about that gate.
Fire swamp guy is a heathen and i won't let his evil magic taint my purity.
Magician tells a cool story about Big Hat Logan though. It would be nice to meet him someday.
A lot of the bosses feel like filler, but it has some great fights too. You should definitely get it.
Around 800 hours in DS1, maybe like 100 hours in DS2, 70 in DS3.
Sounds like you got lost, friend. The second bell isn't with the Ghosts. Did you get to Blight Town?
Killed a big rat and gaping dragon in the sewers. Killed the glowy butterfly and got the ember up there.
I don't think PS3 tracks time spent.
But I still platinumed it. I'm thinking 90~ hours
I think it was around 400 hours on the PS3 and another 500 hours on the PC when it ame out.
On PC only 9, but I started just a week ago. On PS3 I would guess around 400-500 hours.
i finished it a couple of months ago and haven't touched it until yesterday when i saw bulldog's ds3 stream.
Like 40? I beat it once.
Find the big metal doors in the sewers. Open them. Go to Blight Town. Have Fun.
It did in DeS should do for DaS.
71 hours, never played ng+ though.
16 hours, first playthrough.
Currently in Anor Lando trying to get past "that part", which sucks 'cuz I beat the painting guards second try. Worst is that I ran out f fucking arrows.
Also, is the Lightning Spear alright for now or should invest in something else?
RIP muh niggah Tarkus
I used to to great effect in painted world and against the fatty and dragon man in front of big tits.
139 hours, 3 complete runs. Feel so burned out that I don't want to touch another souls game in a while.
*for a while
Lightning spear, as well as Great Lightning Spear, carried me through the whole game. I beat Manus using nothing but those spells at 50 faith.
At least 400 hours over the last 5 or so years. It was second game that I ever platinumed
103 with all achievements