Why does Sup Forums hate Witcher 3's combat again?
I think it's fun
Why does Sup Forums hate Witcher 3's combat again?
I think it's fun
I like it too user
Witches 3 was seriously my GOAT and Blood and Wine was even better than Hearts of stone
Because bamham combat got boring after Arkham City
increase damage done by and to the player and bam, everything is good now
i want story without that ballerina shit
Better question, why does Sup Forums like Dark Souls "roll around until you can hit them in the back" combat?
It's just a bunch of bitter Soulscucks butthurt due to The Witcher trilogy surpassing and stomping the shit out of their meme trilogy.
Just ignore them.
It's good, but the hitboxes and feedback in general could use some work. Sometimes you dodge right through an attack and don't get hit at all for some reason. Then you dodge flawlessly past something and get hit behind them.
I like how groups of enemies force you to play carefully. In games like Dark Souls you just pick a weapon that can stunlock entire groups and abuse iframes, but in W3 you have to take your time and not fuck up at all, at least on the harder settings.
there's probably a mod for that
maybe you should just read the books
Witcher has a roll to get away from enemies and a dodge to avoid their attacks. I like this game because it feels faster and more fluid than dark souls. There isn't a formula to winning in a fight like there is in those games.
i do that, but there are no quasiinteractions in them
Signs and Alchemy builds are so irritating to play, I spend more time in the interface than I do fighting things.
Also Quen is cancer
It's fun, but it gets too easy pretty fast, even on hardest setting, so second half of the game you can just spam and win 90% fights. And that's without even using alchemy which makes you even more powerful.
next OP will tell you that gothic 3 had the best combat system
Quen is so fucking broken, I abused it a lot my first run but it was useful in every single fight and it could restore your health to max quickly with no effort whatsoever.
Most fun is speccing for adrenaline, but you basically need some signs to crowd control, at least on deathmarch
Just like Dark Souls!
>Get powerful weapon
Except that, as points, The Witcher 3's combat is accentually fluid and tactical.
it's not bamham combat, this is the worst fucking meme of all time
bamham/asscreed isn't combat. it's a series of context sensitive button prompts that only interact once enemies are attacking you
Witcher is more like LOTR on PS2 except more strict/handholding lock-on which can be fixed/disabled with mods here and the combat system works pefectly giving you more control over geralt and turning combat into a movement and skill based event rather than a gimmicky slow grind
It's pretty shit. You can basically spam quen and fast attack the entire game.
>"I've never played the game"
Get the fuck out of here.
Except you can't just spam in Dark Souls like you do in TW3 because stamina exists.
I have like 170 hours on it, I'm just not deluded enough to think the combat is anything but garbage.
The only problem with W3 combat is the fact that the ability to jump disappear in combat mode and you're stuck on the smallest ledge because your combat moves don't allow you to jump over things anymore.
Otherwise it's competent. Not amazing or super fun but decent.
It's too easy. I ridiculed the game for it while my friend was playing and he said "yeah? Play it" as I have never played the game myself. He loaded some save (at second highest or highest difficulty, don't remember) where I was supposed to fight a griffon and let me play with a smug smile on his face. I raped that griffon within a minute, not including the three minutes where I ran around confused by controls and oversensitive mouse (in a decent game the griffon would have ripped me into pieces and smeared my guts all over the world instead of letting me run in circles for three fucking minutes with my cursor pointing somewhere in the sky).
it's good if you play on harder difficulties and try to make the fights look cool without taking any damage n shit
But Witcherfags will defend this
it is a fine game. i expect cyberpunk to blow everything out of the water now.
Ever played DaS2 with the mace?
>what is death march
>what is ng+
>what is level scaling
It's like you didn't even play the game.
Gothic 1 and 2 had a better combat system than Witcher 3 even though they didn't have alchemy nor signs which should have given W3 an enormous advantag over G1 and 2, as their combat was just respectively 3 and 1 button. W3 had all those modern gimmicks that G1 didn't have. It had dodging and rolling that G1 didn't have. It had convenient sign system allowing a swordsman to cast simple, limited spells. It had alchemy which ideally should differentiate combat from that in which Geralt wasn't on potions and enhance the possibilities of the player (it didn't). Gothic 1 didn't have all that and managed to rape W3's system with three fucking buttons.
But the Griffon is like a tutorial in witcher 3. You played yourself, son.
No, it was a later griffon somewhere in the game. I specifically asked my friend about it, as I knew there was a griffon in tutorial.
Combat just has a terrible feedback to it. Everything has an obnoxious input delay and none of hits feel like they have impact.
Also the griffon I fought didn't have those retarded stages where it ran away and you had to follow it on horseback until it decided it's the time to try to kill you again, and I know that tutorial griffo had them.
It looks so fucking sexy. Is that maxed out?
I only have a 770 now, so I'll probably play it on medium unless I get a new GPU before I start playing it.
>GDC will have no news on Cyberpunk 2077
>E3 will have no trailers of Cyberpunk 2077
>TGS will have nothing about Cyberpunk 2077
>The Game Awards last trailer will be PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
Every single griffon fight is the fucking same, shoot him down, put fire on him and silver sword all the way. There is nothing hard about that.
God bless you, you beautiful man.
Yeah, I didn't know that. I fought it with steel sword and didn't use the crossbow because 1. couldn't aim that shit 2. it's fucking retarded.
Get over it. W3's combat is for fucking arpg babbies. I managed to completely destroy a middle sized monster within 1 minute after I managed to get a grasp of controls within 3 minutes, not having played the game ever before, on hardest or second hardest difficulty, using inferior weapon and without signs or alchemy. If it wanted to be any easier, it would have to enable the infamous auto-mode.
I'll go further and say that if anyone thinks W3's combat is difficult by any measure, they should 1. live this forum as it is for adults 2. stop playing video games, because they are obviously not fit for the "challenges" emerging from this medium's interactivity. You probably think watching movies is difficult.
Nice b8
>middle sized monster
It is fun.
But because Bloodborne was released in 2015 as well, this meme was created to shit on it.
Don't get me wrong, it's not the best combat system ever, but it offers a variety of tactical options and requires a modicum of thought.
Because it's simplistic, has no weapon or build variety and the controls are clunky.
It's not bad, but it certainly is mediocre and drags on for a game as long as W3.
There is build variety, and the controls are not clunky.
Then again maybe it's because I played it on gamepad.
When you're on top, faggots will nit pick any little fault they can find to bring you down.
So I own all the witcher game but haven gotten around playing them since I tried the first one and the combat disgusting.
But now I'm thinking about playing the 3rd and was wondering if it's best played with keyboard and mouse or a controller?
>misused greentext
fluid and tactical? By that do you mean, roll->hack->(optional quent if not good)->roll ETC. The combat was so boring. And who thought it was a good idea, to slow down time when in the menu for choosing what spell to use?
>quotations quoting you
dont ask and play your shitty game
Build variety is piss poor for an RPG. You essentially have 3 build paths with slight variations
Controls are def clunky even with a gamepad. The input delay, animations and movement all lack polish which is to be expected since the game is Polish.
Too easy, too casual.
There is a very easy way to fix combat in this game. Remove quen. The sign alone broke all difficulty in the game. Making it so quen can't be used twice in a row would also help, while being more forgiving and also encouraging the player to use more signs.
Also, potions need to have more of a downside.
movement in combat is too slow, which force you to canstantly jump around, which looks retarded
alchemy and magic is boring
>Witcher 3 combat
yup maxed out. have a gtx 980 + i5
get a 1060 6gb and you are set for max 1080p settings for almost any game.
Game isn't too pretty either on max. Only place that really blew me away was skellege. Textures pop in and people glitch all the fucking time.
toxicity is a pretty big downside, but you can ignore it with perks. but then again you did spec for potion use so I don't see the issue really.
agreed when it comes to quen though
Alchemy seems superfluous compared to the first few games, you can just spam igni all throughout the game to murder the fuck out of everything, and the best skill in the game is available at level 2 (or 1 if you find a PoP) that makes food healing last for 20 minutes instead of ten seconds, 80/hp a second IN/OUT of combat means everything is trivial. I've been playing this game on Death March for about 20 hours and while I got my shit pushed in early on due to a total lack of any gear options past my starting witcher shirt until about level 10, everything is a breeze. I can easily fight fucking red skull enemies by just dodging in, light attack combo, dodge out. I don't even need potions at all, I don't know why they gave you an infinite amount of them. I have no clue what to do with all these stupid alchemy ingredients aside from sell them to amass an even larger pile of otherwise fucking worthless gold because all the good gear is either crafted at level fuckbillion or found in chests anyway.
Quen is an important part of the Witcher world and characteristics of Witcher as a class of a warrior. Removing it completely would not be a good thing, but it certainly should be nerfed. The way I'd like it to be is for it to create a very short-term (1-2 seconds) or hold-to-maintain invisible shield in front of the character (not around them), just like it was in the books. It shouldn't give too strong of a protection neither - I remember that in one of the books Geralt fought some mage or something and blocked their spell, but the latter was so strong that it thrown him back on the wall anyway, stunning him for a second. IMO it should be done that way.
Potions use strong alcohol to recharge. If you have none of them then no more potions.
Might also be better if time didn't slow down everytime you're deciding what spell to use. Just hotkey it and force the player to make a quick ingame desction
That's my point. I have something like 30+ alcohest not to mention so much fucking other shit tha tI can use to craft it. Looting peasants shacks and shit just fills my inventory with food and alchemy ingrediants out the fucking ass and I have nothing to do with them. I'm constantly offloading 100's of gold worth of ghoul blood and phantom dicks and nekker balls and stupid flowers to every herbalist I come across because I'll never have a use for 50+ glowballs. You only have to craft a potion/oil/whatever one time and then you just "refill" it with alcohol to get your stack of shit back. At least in the other games I had to craft more of the fucking potions.