Did anyone else love Gwent in the main game and look forward to the Gwent Beta then completely lose all hype after trying it?

I didn't even bother playing against another person after getting my ass handed to me by the AI four times in a row.

I might dip back in just for the campaigns but I don't think I'll ever want to vs another person.

>Keep playing scrubs until you have decent cards.
>Win every game

Acquire cards


Are you a fucking idiot?

Why did you horn the middle and not the bottom row?


So 4+4+8

Guess it's still better

And why the fuck is Olgierd in the top and not them middle row?

That' s why you should keep weather cards in your deck all the time.

Also scourge.

Gwent is the most unfun card game I've yet played. I got in early and boy was it a waste of my fucking time. I'm currently playing Smite Tactics. I have an extra key if anyone wants it.

I spent a week trying to make a deck to win against the AI consistently. I then went to on to win most of my games in quickplay, I probably have a 80% winrate without adding a single card to my starter deck. kek

You are fucking stupid.

No thanks Smite Tactics marketer

>use frost card
>opponent just lost all their bottom row power
>win match

I'm game:
[email protected]

Kill yourself with that email, if that's even an email.

Op's retarded yes.

But does it look like that he has a frost card in his hand?

>Not using 10 minute mail for Sup Forums
[email protected]

Welcome to all the mailing lists I can be bothered to add you to.


Here's the key. I'm not mailing you anything. It's pretty fun desu.

got it, thanks.

Not that guy though.


Any more keys marketer san?

I'm not a marketer I just have no friends and I got two in an email.

But you can pay $19,99 for the founder's pack and get into the beta immediately + get an extra key!

Got a key yesterday from , not sure if any are left tough

I just broke and bought a key. It was only $.49 so I don't feel too much like a chump

How is this balanced