>it's okay when japan does grrrl power!
It's okay when japan does grrrl power!
Because they make sexy grrrrl power. Unlike the west that wants to make neon-haired butch lesbians grrrl power.
>it's a "Sup Forums mistakes otaku pandering for feminism" episode
Anyway the west use to make sexy girl power before SJW became a thing.
fuck yeah
Japs aren't hellbent on destroy any traces of femininity still left in this world.
How far off road have we gone....
Japanese female characters are actually sexy and feminine while still being cool. Western women are just men that may or may not have a female voice.
Their masculinity took a major hit, though.
A trap is fine too.
I'd prefer my girls to look like girls.
No, its not. Only pathetic weebs play this gay shit.
t.Ashley from Mass Effect 1
Why can western devs do delicious brown correctly?
>literally okay because Japan did it
There are people that don't like seeing cute girls do awesome shit?
It is though.
Japan doesn't try to push agendas with it like western devs. Just look at how The Last of Us 2 turned out.
yeah because they probably arent wearing much clothes and have big tits
Japan still actually needs feminism more than the west does
It actually is.
The vodkarunes make this.
I'd rather have the combo of sexy women and twinky fuccbois than bald muscular space marine (male) and bald muscular space marine (female)
Almost as fun as the "SJWs mistake fujo pandering for sexist exclusion of female characters" episodes we had with FFXV.
The west understands that any woman would be overcome with a deep sense of inadequacy when looking at Raven. She is pure sex.
Don't worry OP, this game sold really poorly.
Poor Kat.
Because Japan can actually do it well. Western devs literally always do it wrong.
This was actually pretty fun despite being too easy.
Being fair. That is exactly how I expect a western hacker girl to look. Not like that supermodel-looking broad from Valhalla
But its all waifu matetrial? What did OP mean by this? Low quality bait to start a thread?
I love grrrl power!
What I don't love is ugly girls. Japan keeps the ugly in check.
The difference is that japan starts with a girl, then gives her power. The west starts with a man, then gives him a vagina.
That's why Japan has strong female characters, and the west has strong characters who need to try hard to be female, and typically fail.
yes it is
>I don't want to escape reality to experience a perfect and impossible world
This is the West when they're doing girl power. Notice the difference.
meme this
We wuz grrls n shit
a strong female womyn who don't need no beauty
Left is a womanlet, though.
Can I get a quick rundown on Horizon?
raven is cute! CUTE!!
No anons, I'm talking about Valhalla, that has pic related be a cyberpunk hacker
calmate guey, don't jump to conclusions on what I want or not from a game from one post alone.
>comes out the same time as RE7 and Nioh
What the fuck did they expect?
its not cringy, they arent smelly fat bull dykes, and they have no "kill all cis straight men" attitude.
They're allowed because the make cute, likeable girls. Not ugly fucking bitchy bull dykes
thats not a woman, thats a fucking robot.
>It's okay when Japan portrays an idyllic lesbian fantasy island whose only problems originate from the outside world trying to use the women that live there as weapons.
Worst girl in the va-halla. Couldn't stand her shitty personality.
>le quadroon supergirl beating evul white men
Yeah, no, Sup Forums would have angry threads 24/7
Catgirl and Sei are best girls together.
Everyone else a shit! A SHIT!!!
I just want one decent GR thread for for the day, dammit.
Yes because the girls are actually cool and leveled people.
>everyone's bisexual
>literally a man hating female character leads a band of lesbo thieves who attack men on sight and leave women alone
>some missions force you into gay scenes
>but it's okay because le based japs XDDD
Japan panders to neckbeards and teenage boys in the western market who let their penises make their game purchases.
The West panders to a leftist media who prioritize works for their ideologies rather than their merits.
Anyone who disagrees is rejecting reality in favor of a narrative.
The game lets me play a loli and I didn't even have to mod it. Go away.
needs more navels
>Main heroine super-power is literally crying and getting angry
Which western dev ever did that?
>90% of the games are still about dudes being dudes
>get mad at some games with girls
you have my you
But I can jerk off to those.
Reject this 5 fag.
100% This.
>why the fuck is some nigger the protagonist in a mafia game? FUCK off
>why the fuck is some woman the protagonist in a hunting game? FUCK off?
>why the fuck is the last SAMURAI a white guy? FUCK off
>based japs made a white samurai game? Gomensamai XDD
Fuck off to your sewers Kat
So, if a girl is ugly, is a SJW conspiracy?
>i would rather have a thing that gets my dick hard than one that does not
wow shocker
That's correct. Nobody cares about fuglies.
It's not just the looks, but the bad humor and one-liners SJW insist on forcing down our throat
When people are so used to hot women only in video games, the sudden appearance of anyone who's not an anime fuckdoll probably looks like social agenda to them.
If you care about the race, gender, sexuality, attractiveness, etc. of fictional characters in any way you need to fucking neck yourself.
>the bad humor and one-liners
These are present in pretty much all videogames because there's no good writers in the videogame industry.
No writer is going to bother with videogames when turds like MGS2 or TLOU are praised as masterpieces.
Raven only hungers for gravity cake.
I wasn't referring to video games per.
>literally based on a Japanese story of a white man coming to Japan and becoming a Samurai and saving the Emperor's daughter
Yeah you're dumb.
well that was fast
>bad humor and one-liners
So, MGS, and DBZ are SJW?
>all those other games/stories have no historical precedence EVER
>only my vaguely noted white guy in japan should be allowed to be adapted into games
>ywn fuck her while "it ain't me" plays
Are you kidding?
I've seen autismos get triggered over Gravity Rush 2 having a female main character.
It's embarassing.
No, it's called not taking yourself seriously. Just take special victim unit with that gamergate episode. That's what SJWs consider witty
Fucking this. Japan girl power doesn't involve some bitch crying about how she's a victim and how white men should be castrated.
>some bitch crying about how she's a victim and how white men should be castrated.
Which games have this?
Sjw hated that episode because it made them seem ridiculous
Fucking this
OP you killed a thread for this, I hope you're happy
There is no fucking possible way that sjws like that episode. even normies hated it.
>inb4 screencap of a cherry picked tweet
>weebshits claim that it's okay when Japan does it
Why do millennials always talk as if they have a whole group backing them up? You are alone user.
Pence go back to sucking your master cock please.
The other ones aren't based on an actual myth you nigger.
It's okay because their face hasn't been fucked up by road roller.
Ah yes, le epic loli pawns of epic epicness XD
Thank god DD bombed on PC too and the franchise is dead, the shilling was so obnoxious on release.
>Because they make sexy grrrrl power.
My brother of African descent.
triggered tumblr whales
>le first post le best post
What the fuck is this Youtube-comment tier Reddit shit.