Mario kart

What can they do to change up the formula?

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you can be hit by a blue shell if you're not in first place

>literally nintendo's business strategy so far

Rly makes u thing huh

make red shells require line of sight
replace the blue shell with a thunder cloud that only effects first/second/third place
add wall-riding
ban this guy and a custom map maker

ITT: Nintendo's business philosophy

all items are various strengths of mushrooms

Tweaking the items is not changing the formula.

Add CTR-tier powersliding.
Also, can't you dodge a blue shell if you use a mushroom as the very last second inn MK8?

I find the lore lackluster in the kart games. Maybe add more lore?

Why would they want to change it when MK8 finally got it right? Just fix battle mode and it will finally be what it should have been.

That said, I think they should remove the boomerang and replace it with a new item.

Imgur the meme

Those are pretty significant changes considering the series, besides if it ain't broke don't fix it. How about adding the ability to jump vertically? That would be pretty crazy


Less dumn same characters like baby mario, pink gold peach, cat mario, dry bowser

Throw in CTR-tier adventure mode as well
In fact just make CTR

You know this is already true right?

Add Mona and a few other characters. Remove duplicate characters.

remove rng entirely, make all boxes in a certain place give the player a specific weapon, making the levels with a bunch of forks and alternate paths.
actually start removing classes or make them all just cosmetic instead of slight speed advantage or handling and whatever else (pay to win garbage like amiibos need to fucking die).
no wagglan gimmick for fucks sake.
if you fly off the track you start freeflying but slower than just driving. maybe it opens up shortcuts, i don't care i hate that slow transition back to the track.
stop remaking the same fucking level themes every god damn game you rehashing fucks

More depth. Maybe an advanced RPS system.
A bit like Smash, but less complicated.
Tradeoffs perhaps?

Would possibly include making items something that can be chosen rather than random



Make Mario racist

say no more fám

Bring back airtime. Nothing more satisfying than seeing an opponent go airborne and fly beyond the railing.

Snowboard Kids perfected that shit. Nu-MK just barely makes you flop when hit by something, there's no strategy involved.

It's a racing game, don't they all have the exact same formula?

That's not a joke, I really don't see what kind of significant change you could make without it becoming an entirely different genre

But honestly I don't see why changes are needed, anyway. I've only ever played the portable versions, and every iteration had noticeably better (or at least, more responsive) controls, so I always enjoyed playing the newer game over the previous one.

dumbing down the gameplay is a nintendo tradition

Why do you stupid fucks want to radically change a system that works
Stop asking for change for the sake of it

>amiibos only give cosmetics to miis
>he thinks this is P2W
Neck yourself

>Nothing more satisfying than seeing an opponent go airborne and fly beyond the railing.

They should have that in MK8DX, or at least an option for it. They had items that flung racers in MK7, but now a blue shell is just a red shell that goes after 1st.

Are you implying being incapacitated more makes the game more 'strategic'? You should just play Mario Kart Wii then. Where anything, even touching another driver or a wall, brings you to a dead stop.

MK8 has less air time and speed ups when bumping other drivers because of how bad it was in MKWii.

boot up Mario Kart 8 just now
>go online, worldwide:
>only 1 person in the lobby
>go to Regional
>fucking empty

Why is daytime MK8 always dead?

Shove that opinion into your ass dude

>add more Nintendo characters and create either a mode called Super Smash Kart or Super Nintendo Kart
>add Bomberman
>include the option to get out of your car and equip a semiautomatic rifle to shoot other players while they drive
>add a new bonus game mode where instead of a car the player rides on another character, essentially it is a piggyback race that runs a lot slower than an average lap
>remove pink gold princess peach i mean seriously what the FUCK
>proper build-your-own-kart a-la that lego racers game for playstation 1
>bring back custom emblems on your car (was featured in mario kart DS)

there i just fixed your fucking game nintendorf

kids at school/sleeping in on weekends/neets all nocturnal schedule

Literally the only non-retarded posts ITT that actually discuss "changing the formula",