When did you realize that Resident Evil 6 is better than 7?

When did you realize that Resident Evil 6 is better than 7?

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Removing sense of exploration and aiming at limbs was a pity. Still, 6 is better than everyone seems to think.

It really isn't

Small variety of enemies.

>Getting laid

Go back to bed, Albert, your tiny dick isnt getting any action.

I didnt because RE6 was fucking trash no matter how hard its retarded fanboys have been trying to convince everyone otherwise

When will RE6fags fuck off?


I don't like games that are cut up in segments with each segment changing playstyle. Make one game goddammit, not several smaller ones and bunching them together since one part always ends up being better than the rest. Had the whole game been Leon exploring spooky places I would've enjoyed it a lot more.

Being better then 7 is not much of an accomplishment

user, don't you get it?
You're getting 4 games for the price of one!

What was his plan?

Better that shit = isn't a good feat

Not enough ghosts, it was faux paranormal, and I was severely dissapointed.

I like both. Like 7 more though, because I fucking love RE1 and VR makes it way more novel of an experience.

butt sherry is best girl

The more time passes. The more I seem to love re5. RE6 is a shit show, and RE7 is just a boring knock off of every "modern horror" game and trope.

When RE8 exists, so RE7fags will become the current RE6fags


RE6 was and still is unredeemable trash. The only good thing it did was mark the end of the series' cancerous action shooter phase.

Sup Forums cycle never gets old. Remember when 6 was considered so shit that they called 5 a good game, even though they hated 5 a week before 6 came out?

Except RE7 was never bad. RE8 will just make RE4-6 fags accept the current state of the series as first person survival horror.

RE threads were gold
It will take years if they will do 8, might as well they do Revelations 3 or another spinoff instead

>first person
>survival horror
>shitty character design
>out of place story/environment
>generic outlast clone
>0 replay value

>3RD person shooter
>different types of zombies
>multiple playable characters/stories
>good character design
>memorable characters
>no "out of place" story
>the standard of Resident Evil games from 4+
>replay value

If you like re7 at all you're part of the problem. Theres no feeling of a global infection. It was sub-par amityville ghost hour, and there weren't even any ghosts. It was a short piece of shit with absolutely no reedeemable gameplay. It has 0 replay value.

10 minutes after i chose zoe

they both are crap so why bother?

>Theres no feeling of a global infection.
Thats not the point of Resident Evil you dumb fuck, go play any other zombie game if you want some cliche apocalypse bullshit.

The second 7 was revealed as an Outlast clone made by the B team in a year and a half to be streamer bait.

The entire purpose of resident evil is a fucking T-virus outbreak you goddamned moron. If I wanted generic survival horror id play silent hill instead because its better at it. Please fuck off and die you fucking underaged cock. Resident evil is and always will be about zombies.

Not even the first game was about zombies past the halfway point faggot, go back to watching the movies idiot.

7 kicked so much ass. With that and Doom I hope we see the return of tightly focused, shorter single player games.

fuck off nu-Sup Forums

>Outlast clone

So you haven't played it then.

day 7 was released

6 is really good. I like playing Mercenaries every now and then. And going through Leon and Jakes Campaigns is fun coop

this, Ethan Must Die being DLC and the
>spring 2017 for answers to the ending
are my biggest problems with the game other than that madhouse 7 is great fun, almost up there with REmake

the same time you blew your fucking brains out. Which should be soon, hopefully

>f you like re7 at all you're part of the problem

Holy fuck, RE6 fags honestly think this does not completley apply to them. How lacking in self awareness you really are.

The thing is though, it was overwhelmingly agreed that Re6 was bloated shit, whilst the only people actually mad about RE7 are action fags. We classic fags cannot be too mad because at least it cannot be RE6.2

I have news for you user. You are the nostalgia fags now.

RE died after 4 and it isn't EVER coming back. 5 and 6 were the nail in the coffin, 7 is simply a zombified corpse. REmake 2 will be shit without Mikami and Kamiya.

Too bad RE6 is not a T-Virus outbreak and it carried NONE of the true horrorific elements of a viral outbreak. Not like RE2 and 3 caught so well. The environments and files made for heart sinking display.

RE6 featured grey angry people with ehite contact lenses that could drunkenly fire guns and swing clubs with purpose.

Nah. RE6 was full of shit m8. Just like you.

It continues to get stronger with every mainline numbered release.

>Rebeccafag having shit opinion
Stop the presses

This is so fucking insufferable, how can people be honestly this goddamn mislead into thinking this game is a resident evil game?

This game is a fucking amityville simulator...

Re4, RE5, RE6, reRev,ReRev2 are the gold standard for the series, the ONLY reson this game is like this is not to appeal to classicfags, but its to appeal to the fucking VR youtube cashgrab clickbait asshats.

Even The Evil Within is better than 7!

I guarantee Re8 will be back to Re6 style once the VR craze is over.

Outlast clone
Amnesia clone
Evil Dead ripoff
Texas Chainsaw Massacre ripoff
Condemned ripoff
"Gone Home did it better"
Amityville simulator

Gee, I wonder what the next fucking meme comparison will be.

4 > Rev > 7 > Rev2 > 5 >>>>>>>>>> 6

6 is just a bloated mess. It's an argument for games having too much content. If the game had been stripped down, and only focused on one set of characters instead of trying to do 4 shitty campaigns it could have been good.

The problem is user, you speak of how RE7 does not appeal to classic fags and yet drone on and on about how all the shit RE games (except 4 of course) are the only good ones.

Im sorry that you probably first picked up gaming with a 360 controller in your hands, but Capcom have tried to emulate Re 4's greatness for over 12 FUCKING YEARS.

RE1 had TWO very good sequels in RE2 and RE3 and a world class remake... 4 could not even manage 1 decent sequel. Yes 5 sold well, but ask the fucking fans.

You are now the nostalgia fag user, and you can't even see it. I bet you hated REmake HD's success on current gen and steam.

You are not some misunderstood paragon of gaming user. You are just on the wrong side now im afraid.

>t. never played re6

It literally broke out all over the world with different strains that umbrella corp. unleashed. If dark corridors and undead monsters are not horrific to you, then why are you even playing resident evil?

Every virus is different, but the premise is the same. They all cause genetic mutations in people after they die. Resident Evil 7 has that, but the enemies are somehow sentient enough to hold a conversation. It's a situation in where the context has changed completely. You have a family of regenerating madmen instead of hordes of brainless zombies.

To sit there and complain about the sentience of RE6 zombies when Resident Evil 7 obviously takes it a step further is moronic...

In my opinion its more of a silent hill game than a resident evil game

>Outlast clone

>In Outlast, the player assumes the role of investigative journalist Miles Upshur, as he navigates a dilapidated psychiatric hospital overrun by homicidal patients.[3] The game is played from a first-person perspective.[4] The player can walk, run, crouch, jump, and climb over objects.[5] Unlike most games however, the player is unable to attack enemies, and instead must hide in lockers, sneak past enemies or hide under beds.



But I've been playing RE since the ps1 days and I love 5 and 6 alone with almost every other title in the series. The games I would say are trash are 0 and ORC.

5 was irredeemable trash

5 at least had tight controls and didn't have subsystems that weren't explained by the game.

I bet you guys hate it just because it is new. The modern game industry is a joke, but resident evil 7 is a good game.

>RE1 style has 3 ish games
>RE4 style has 5 ish games

Gee I wonder who has more of a right to talk you fucking fag.

>Resident evil is and always will be about zombies.
Explain RE4, RE5, every campaign of RE6 except Leon's, Revelations 1, Umbrella Corps and RE7 then.

>Gee I wonder who has more of a right to talk

>never played Re6

Fuck off cunt played your QTE shit show just fine. Thank fuck it ended by the time i finished ada's story.

Your time of shitty RE games is up user, capcom don't give a fuck about them anymore. Too bad they could not make RE4 again for you.

>Resident evil is and always will be about zombies.
If you actually played RE, you'd realize that zombies are just canon fodder enemies that are largely replaced later on with bigger, stronger monsters that didn't even start off as human.

Resident Evil isn't about Zombies. Resident Evil is about biohazard crises.

Dude it's a fucking clone, like, 100% the same. Story is taken straight from Silent Hill 2. I played for 45 minutes before refunding and never looked back.

games cant talk

No I hate it because it's not a fucking resident evil game

The point is that the Third Person Shooter style of RE gameplay has been around longer and has been more successful

>we are hitting levels of autism that should not be possible

By zombies I mean those infected with a strain of any numerous Umbrella Corp virus. By definition they ARE zombies because they die first.

>he played the worst version
oh okay then nice opinion i guess

>didn't plat 0
What a baddie

I know about nemesis and the big biological creatures and what not. But for the most part it IS about zombies. Its about the cannon fodder. It always has been.

>5ish games

RE5, RE6, REV & REV2. That makes 4, i seriously hope you are not including ORC cunt.

Whilst classic has RE2, RE3, CVx, REmake and Zero. And at least 3 of those games are almost overwhelmingly positivly recived as sequesls to Resident Evil 1.

Oh wait... What post RE4 games are remembered as fondly and live up to tge greatness of RE4?.... Thats right! Fucking none of them. Take your trash opinions somewhere else, the mojoraty of fans will not defend you. You have no right to talk and yet you continue you slag.

>RE5 and 6 are the best selling games in the series
>Because they're shit

Dos not matter what version you played of RE6, a turd is a turd. Opinions though, eh?

4 was the game that started the inevitable decline of the RE games. RE4 is a great game but it set in motion the trends that would begin to take the forefront in the series onward.

>he can't count
4,5,6,Rev,Rev2 makes 5 you faggot

5 is great if you play it co-op as it is intended. 6 is a mess. 7 is the most boring shit that gets worse the more I've played it

Yup. Must be why we all praise the REmaster of REmake and why RE7 follows the in the fashion of the two best selling RE games too...

You know what else sells well faggot? Fifa and COD.

RE7 is very different from previous RE games but look at how different RE4 was to the previous games.

How much replayability is there in the co-op for RE6? Was thinking of maybe getting it cheap for co-op purposes next time there's a sale.

You were counting 4 as well? I thought we were talking anout the sequels it gave birth too. That means 4.

Also you need to leave the conversation user. You think there are only 3 RE games that are in the orginal style. You are worthless to us.

>By zombies I mean those infected with a strain of any numerous Umbrella Corp virus

RE4 was a plaga controlled by an evil cult
RE5 was Tri-cell not Umbrella
RE6 was the actions of Neo Umbrella
Rev 1 was a separate virus created by a U.S. Sanctioned anti-B.O.W unit
RE7 was a parasite B.O.W that infected whoever she came into contact with developed by Tentsu

>Story is taken straight from Silent Hill 2. I played for 45 minutes before refunding and never looked back.

>You meet your definitely alive wife in the first 20 minutes of RE7

Poorly made bait, friend.

Because RE4 is what fucking worked, and they stuck with it, despite the bitching of whiny Resident Hill fans.

Now we have to deal with this fucking D00M, Bioshock, Outlast clone bullshit

RE6 is sonic 06 tier junk. Unplayable trash. Anybody who says they like that game is a fucking lunatic.

When I died and went to hell.

Irrelevant, theyre all zombie viruses made by biotech corporations that may or may not have ties to umbrella.

4 worked user. And RE5 carried itself on the promises of 4. If so succesful your TPS were, why did capcom change? Why RE7? Why bring REmake out of the grave for a well recived remaster on current gen?

>D00M, Bioshock, Outlast clone bullshit
What the fuck are you talking about?


>tfw never played RE5 or 6 because no bro to co-op with

hold me

He's referring to generic horror fpses..

Fallout 3 and 4 are the best selling games in their respective series and I don't see you defending them.

They didn't stick with it. RE5 was widely considered inferior to RE4, and RE6 is widely considered abject fucking garbage.

If they had made a 5 and 6 that were as good as 4, they wouldn't have changed anything. But they didn't, because they couldn't, and they still can't.

You think RE7 is a clone of Doom and Bioshock? wat?

For what purpose? To sound like a moron?

>OP is one of those last Action fags straglers that got BTFO all these last weeks
>he expected to drum up support in his shitty thread
>all these responses telling him to fuck off and calling him an nostalgia fag

Glorious. Mfw.

None had any ties to Umbrella, none of the made zombies of any kind. Some weren't even viruses, they were parasites or plaga. Ganado aren't zombies, they communicated via speech, could plan and coordinate and drive and wield weapons. As could the Majini in 5. The C-virus from 6 was mainly given to living beings who could inherit insect like abilities. T-Abyss turned people into barnacle water monsters (though even the humans could still talk like Mayday Monster and Found You Rachel.)

You're actually completely wrong on EVERY SINGLE point. Impressive.


You're a fucking moron, they're all zombies. I don't care what the fuck you want to call them. They're all zombies.

OP this BTFO next he will say they are all the undead.

When I became a contrarian retard, thirsty for attention. Sup Forums are my babysitters until mommy comes back from work with those tendies.

It has more gameplay
all that matters in a videogame

>RE5 is truly the best resident evil just Sup Forums didn't have a friend to play it with

It being co-op centric already makes it a poor RE game, really. I did like all those unlockables.
How come the gold edition of 5 for PC doesn't have split screen but the regular one does? That's kind of retarded.

Holy fuck all this rektness for OP in one thread. He is probably sat arms folded genuinly beliveing it is EVERYONE ELSE who is wrong about RE6


They are, they have all died at least once

So is Wesker a zombie? He was infected with an Umbrella virus in the first game remember. By your definition he's a zombie.

What about Sherry Birkin? She was infected by her dad in RE2. Did she look like a fucking zombie in RE6? She does have healing abilities remember? So she's a zombie right?

Oh yeah, Leon got infected by a plaga in RE4? Will fuck, guess he's a zombie now.

Jesus Christ son, get it together.

Technically yes, because wesker has died. However he still has brain functionality and isn't controlled by anyone.