Really digging game

>Really digging game
>Decide to go all the way and get that 100% completion
>Going for 100% completion makes you hate the game

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There are always two or three really shitty side quests or missions that deliberately sap all fun out of the game until they're completed.

>collect all 300 x

I wanna say soulsborne but thinking back, it made me appreciate the games even more looking at every little thing

>Really digging game
>Decide to go all the way and get that 100% completion
>Stop for a second and remember i'm not a faggot and don't care about it
>Finish the game and go to the next on the list

>Play Arkham Knight
>pretty fun
>getting about 70% into the main story
>realize if I want the true ending I have to complete all sidequests
>its ubisoft-tier bullshit
>drop the game because I dont want to get the false ending and cant be fucked to hunt down a gorrilion tanks and do riddler shit

That was straight up what happened to me with Black Flag

>Holy shit this is really fun, being a pirate is awesome
>I'm gonna stop doing story missions and start grinding out all this shit because I'm having a great time
>Wow this shit is getting really repetitive, lets go back to story missions
>The story missions are the exact same, just with a cutscene before and after the objective
>Drop the game halfway because the only missions I haven't done a million times are the 'tail the dude' missions and those are boring as shit

DMC3. SS ranking every mission is impossible

>Really digging game
>the game ends
>feel sad and empty
>almost want to start over again immediately

fucking FFX

every time i finish it that emptiness fucks me up

mabye i will finish my FF7 file

>they don't show up on the minimap
>you already collected half of them but can't remember which ones

You should have known this going into AC if you've played any of the other ones

>Really digging multiplayer game
>Decide to go all the way and climb the ranked ladder
>End up hating the game like a week later

>The tutorial boss on the hardest difficulty spends more time jumping around than he does hitting you
>Sometimes it will never do the fucking tail attack
>In phase 2 bullets will randomly wing you even if it's stunned
>Camera gets fucky way too easily with the multiple lock on points
>One hit will kill you, and if you die you have to start a new game and go through like 5 minutes of shit just to get back again

Literally Final Fantasy X
>collect NINE of each monster to unlock Nemesis
>play blitzball until you drop to get an item for Wakka's Celestial weapon
>play that shitty butterfly game for Kimahri's weapon

>play that shitty butterfly game for Kimahri's weapon

Fuck you Kimahri.

those are all piss easy and/or just take time
trying to get 00:00 in the chocobo race broke me and made me never want to play it again even though it's my favorite final fantasy.

But it's fucking Kimahri. that's the cherry on top the shit sundae.

You're forgetting dodging lightning 200 times

Tactics Ogre LUCT. Lost interest on the game and never finished the main story.

>love terraria
>want to get all the achievements
>never fish again

Chocobo race was easier than collecting butterflies and it was actually kinda fun for the first dozen attempts.

Infamous 1 blast shards RRREEEEEEE


>100%ing Runescape

>Literally every single upgrade to every upgradeable item is just a stat increase

butterfly catching and lighting dodge are both consistent with no random elements, especially if you cheese the lighting dodging. the chocobo race meanwhile is a gigantic steaming pile of shit with retarded controls and terrible rng.


Hello Binding of Isaac
McMuffin's "improvements" to the game didn't help much either

bullets never hit you if you sprint

literally easiest s rank of my life

>user it's easy just go to the waterfall

>Sundowner fight
>Always get chipped before you take the chopper down
>The one time you get the chopper down before chip damage you manage to fuck up in the fight itself
>Back to taking chip damage and resetting on the motherfucking helicopter boss

This probably sums up Super Mario Sunshine's 100% journey better than I ever could.

Assassins Creed 2

It'll be a cold day in Hell before I go for 100% completion in Super Mario Sunshine again.

weakling, i didnt even finish the last mission until i had everything else at 100%

But I thought Kojima was a god? what the fuck?!

>iron sword light stance +DMG % upgrade
>iron sword heavy stance +DMG % upgrade
>iron sword group stance +DMG % upgrade
>silver sword light stance +DMG % upgrade
>silver sword heavy stance +DMG % upgrade
>silver sword group stance +DMG % upgrade

>they all play exactly the same way apart from doing different damage to different types and numbers of foes
>you fight all types of foes in the game anyways so it's just guesswork on which types of foes you're going to be encountering the most

>It's a 'we intentionally put this trophy in an obvious place that you'll obsess over for the next 10 hours until you can actually unlock it then' episode

On the process of doing a 100% SMS save right now. A lot of repressed memories coming back, none of them good.

Talos Principle
>game prides itself on thinking outside the box and you often have to break the rules and use items from different puzzle rooms to complete a secret puzzle that spans the entire level, which is the case most of the time
>other times there's actually no puzzle, just a switch hidden behind one corner behind a bush that you can normally walk up to and flipping it opens a convenient door leading to the collectible, and you just spent hours trying to figure out how to use the several tools in your disposal

>play game like you would an rpg
>games chews you out for killing anything and recommends you try not killing anything next time
>get best ending for not killing anyone
>plan to start new file
>game believes you're going to try and see what happens if you kill literally everything and begs you not to
>killing everything is the most boring and tedious way to play, bosses are either too easy or too frustrating
>game is deliberately built this way and calls you out on trying to 100% it
>get punished in the end by having the best ending be permanently corrupted

A weird example of it being done right.

>progressing too far locks you out from certain areas
>they count towads 100% and achievements
Guess i'm never 100%ing Psychonauts

I'm never 100%ing the Wonderful 101 again. Pure Platinuming all the fucking secret Kakhoo-Rega levels was a complete nightmare. Especially the Punch-Out!! one where you need to punch out the second-to-last boss without being hit once.

Fuck you Kamiya. Fuck your bald head and fuck your obsession with Space Harrier. Stop making me fly aircraft through collapsing tunnels at the end of levels with no room for error you hack fraud.


>The vr missions