Remember when you were supposed to have a climatic boss battle with the Illusive Man?
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I honestly really enjoyed the dialogue centric confrontation between Shepherd and the Illusive Man. I felt it was proper since all of their interactions were extended conversations.
Was there actually supposed to be a boss battle?
we were?
Honestly, I haven't cared either way in years
>ME3 was released 5 years ago
Remember when they were actually right and having a guy whose main character trait is being the "charismatic and intelligence leader" turning into a monster for a token boss fight was retarded?
I think someone from Bioware said that there was going to be a final boss fight (not sure against whom) but it was to "videogame-y" so the scraped it.
it would have been pretty dumb, the same way it was pretty dumb in bioshock 1 when it went the same route albeit the fight was boring
The point wasn't to fight him, it was to fight Harbinger. You can't set a guy up for an entire game and then never face him, that's bad design right there.
Harbinger? You mean Not Appearing In This Game?
is kingdom of the flies still canon despite not getting finished?
This. The final mission should been an assault on Harbinger, taking him down from the inside. Though they would have to shoehorn in some bullshit like a networked virus from Indepedance Day that kills all Reapers the Harbinger commands.
>shoots your boss
>you shoot your ex boss
>dreamy dudebro moment with dying nigga
>both dead
>you suicide after talking to ghost of nintendo audience
shit was so dumb and uncalled for. why they just couldnt do everything i liked in mass effect 1? tfw bioware will never be good anymore, it´s like blizzard with two games and rest being garbage
>it's another concept art thread
>it's another why 3D model isn't the same as 2D art thread
>it's another why isn't there a mechanic that destroys usefullness of every other mechanic thread
Wasn't liam neeson also supposed to have been mutated and be a boss or something?
>Blaming Bioware for EA forcing them to do stupid shit
Turn your ire where it needs to go, user.
Remember when the illusive man wasn't even supposed to be a main villain in this? Remember when the reapers were actually scary? Remember space exploration? Star trek in videogame form?
He was a good friend.
I do this every night with your son.
>Forcing them
user, you know nothing. Nobody that worked in Bioware when they made their best games is still there. Not even the founders remain. The studio is filled with new blood, most in their 20s, and they're the kind of people that drink out of "white tears" mugs and post stupid political shit on Twitter all day. They shut down their official forums because people were too mean to them on there. They started the whole "toxic consumer" thing when people hated Mass Effect 3. They haven't put out a single good thing since Mass Effect 2, 7 fucking years ago, and even that's debatable.
Prey did it first and Emil didn't want to be a copycat
>trying to separate bioware from EA
>implying bioware was forced to keep the shitty writer and let the good one go
>suggesting that EA forced bioware to make their game look like cat turds
>Being a biodrone in 2017 after all that's happened
What the fuck is wrong with people?
Remember when the Human Reaper wasn't just the Terminator?
>with your son
calling the cops coz you´re implying pedo shit with a kid and i dont have kids yet
>the west does qte bosses or just a cutscene because they are 'too videogamey'
>Yakuza 0 gives you essentially a boss rush at the end with 3 fights, the fights involve changing styles to keep it fresh and it's fucking glorious.
>"you have to destroy yourself and the base because I have 7 charisma, mr president"
>you need to suicide yourself to input a goddamn 4 digit code for some reason
>the paladin (!) of brotherhood of steel (!!) tells you you're a terrible human being when you refuse to commit suicide (!!!)
>you have literal supermutant who's immune to radiation in your party, and he can't input a goddam 4 digit code for you
>you can't send a drone, you know, like those enclave had in every corner
That was a trainwreck since the very beginning and to the very end.
It would have been incredibly refreshing if they stuck with the whole "he's just a man who wants to defend the human race, albeit with extreme measures"
You assume he's indoctrinated, Alliance sends you on a bunch of missions to cripple Cerberus, destroying several key locations and facilities eventually culminating in an assault Cronos station. You then end up in a final confrontation with the Illusive man only to find out that he's not indoctrinated.
>Well Shepherd, you've achieved your goal
>Cerberus' facilities and forces lie in ruin, the Reapers are assaulting Earth
>Before you finish your objective, let me ask you one last question
>Did your actions save the human race?
First boss best post, the idea that the "boss battle" with the Illusive Man would be fought purely through dialogue is ingenious, alas since the ending was such a colossal fuck it ultimately doesn't matter. The pic in op's image is goofy as fuck.
That would've been good assuming other writing was good, and it was terrible.
Two words: Kai-Leng.
Lets get this started
The idea of a dialogue battle is good if you have a dialogue system where it matters what you say. In ME you basically have 3 (+2 paragon/renegade) answers that mean the exact same thing, at least most of the time.
I hope you never play the Metal Gear games,
Zero is setup in literately every, single, fucking, game, in, the, series, and he has a total of >1 minute screen time total spanning through all of the games and you only directly see him in the third game. Beat that.
yes, that's why they included it in the special edition, so you at least know what became of Sahelanthropus and how Eli&Mantis made it to America.
Oh fuck me, there are inbreds who believe this now?
What was the point in the human reaper, it never made any sense to me.
Zero is in 1?
he isn't even a character until MGS3. the setup you're thinking of is CIPHER/The Patriots, which Zero doesn't even control for a majority of the series, and is more of a system than specific people or some giant robot thingy you can fight.
>keeping on good terms with Cerberus in ME2 leads to TIM seeing shepherd as a friend
>will lead to the possibility of talking shit out and "fighting" through a series of speech checks
>playing moralfag shep who constantly dicked Cerberus leads to enraged TIM
>goes full resident evil mutantion and tried to crush shepherd in classic boss fight
>4 digit code
It was actually 3 digits. And the Enclave still couldn't hack it.
Reapers make a new Reaper every cycle from the most dominant/viable species available.
Chiper/Zero are the same, and like I said his only appearance is in 3, less than one minute total. The ending of 4 doesn't count.
I don't remember that DLC, was it shit?
>bioware couldn't keep the stories and themes straight after losing almost all of the original writers from ME1
No kidding.
When the human Reaper was designed, the story wasn't retconned up to that point yet.
Remember, Shepard, You are the most Illusive Man.
Anyone have that pic of that one Reaper enemy that was considered to unnerving to include?
Yakuza is a beautifully videogamey mess from the word go. Climing through the first building being chased by that one guy until you throw him out the window just to reach Kuze was fucking insane.
Fluff clashed with game mechanics hard. Basically, you talk with those great old ones, and it's like the greatest discovery for all sentient races of the universe, but what you get is just 400 war points and like 1 e-mail about it, then you don't see those guys again, even though they're supposed to be fighting reapers on your side. Pretty fucking stupid. But then again, ME3 has a lot of stupid moments, and I'm not even talking about the ending.
>Techno fetus
Well that's kinda cool I guess but the concept is still retarded
no, they aren't. Zero is the man, David Oh, who originally founded the Patriots and created the system CIPHER, which is also a name he adopted. but the actual antagonist of the series was the system, not Zero himself. MGSV even goes on about this for a long time, about how the system grew out of his control, which is how Skull Face staged the mutiny to begin with. but even without Skull Face it continued and grew without anyone at its head and would go on to orchestrate Solidus becoming President, Shadow Moses, Big Shell, etc.
To be fair entering in the wrong code kind of kills everyone in the room.
Still stupid, it wouldn't have taken a lot of guess work or looking through his diaries to figure it out.
They should have just done something like either force you to enter in some code in a terminal to kill mutie dad / leave him there alive but suffering. Would have been better than the half assed sacrifice.
Didn't the original writer pen the entire story, but after he left the head of development basically rewrote most of the third game just to spite him?
Either way, it's pretty funny how that guy is back working for Bioware now that the damage is done.
>entering in the wrong code kind of kills everyone in the room
Entering the RIGHT code kills everyone in the room
To be fair I imagine the "leviathan" species probably were always intended to be the original race, but you more than likely were never supposed to encounter them other than maybe some kind of fossil / vision of them.
They could keep the foetus shape, but have its skin made up of hundreds of husk faces that actively move
Yeah, it would have been great if you actually had to pick the right dialogue to get an ideal resolution like in Deus Ex, but you just need to pick the red/blue option and you're good to go.
Fuck you, Mass Effect. I liked the first game but even then the cracks in the dialogue system showed with the Wrex and Saren arguments, and they never bothered improving it. In fact, ME2 made it worse by forcing you to pick one side entirely in order to get the Charm/Intimidate options as the game progressed, meaning you couldn't actually say what you wanted. Then ME3 went too far in the other direction by making your dialogue choices totally useless.
Does anyone have the edgy email KL sends Shepard?
You're wrong. Zero is the main antagonist of the series. You see him for 15 seconds during the credits of the third game, and you see him shitting himself to death in the last 15 seconds of the fourth, and in the last game in the series you get a 15 minute audio clip of him pricking his finger.
>Zero is the main antagonist of the series
This, TIM should have been Humanity's Richard Spencer.
>forcing them
why would EA force bioware to make a shit ending for no good reason? fact is hack walters and casey hudson wrote this shit with their own free will.
he should be a fuckboy and then get knocked the fuck out like a bitch?
You are so fucking stupid.
Zero is the catalyst, no matter how you twist and turn the story the threads lead directly back to him. Which means everything that happens through the course of the series is a direct consequence of his actions, now explain to me how that same man who pulled all the strings is not the main antagonist.
The guy who sucker punched him is a cuck.
No wonder it barely did any damage.
>the devs at Facepunch can make 3d models look exactly like the 2d art
>no other dev can
>The illusive mans weapon is his intelligence, not his physical strength
>so heres some concept art of an extremely strong and physically imposing illusive man
What a bunch of hacks. You cant just slap a ton of fantasy sci-fi on the hulk and call him "intelligent" because he uses technology in a universe completely ran, and engulfed by technology.
What they should have done was have a less physically imposing man, who uses subtly powerful technology underscoring his.. i dont know intelligence rather than strength? What ever, just have them fight a giant skull thats better.
>reading comprehension
>The illusive mans weapon is his intelligence, not his physical strength
>(Which is why we didn't use these designs)
Are you really that fucking dense?
>knocked the fuck out
He got hit by a running suckerpunch and didn't even fall over.
He instigated it, but he certainly wasn't pulling the strings all the way.
>who cares what they produce if they dont use it
Yeah ME 2 and 3 turned out fantastic, my bad
>>reading comprehension
you both missed the entire point, read what I wrote again. Im not bashing them for putting in the game, im bashing them for sucking at character creation
What, youre telling me a giant skull is so much better?
are you a retard? that guy died last year
I guess you dont need reading comprehension if you cant read, huh?
ask your parents to come read my post for you, i do use some big words like "not" and "me" didnt mean to throw you off
How come there were no more Saren type enemies in ME3?
They would have been excellent mini-boss type enemies.
The Reapers harvest specifies every cycle and make a proto-Reaper out of the species used. Then they create a shell for said new Reaper that looks like the leviathan. The terminator Reaper was just gonna be the interior of the new Reaper, they eventually make the cuttlefish shell
Remember when in 1999 mode we would be able to choose a class for Booker?
Remember when we were supposed to fight Songbird?
I do, and I'm fucking pissed at that
>t. biodrone
dude zero was a retcon created for mgs3. Claiming zero to be the villain of the entire story is the same as saying Lucas was planning to get Snoke introduced back in the '70s
So? A retcon is just that, a retcon. It retroactively changes everything including past games. If you don't accept that you're in denial.
You obviously don't have any idea about development, so stop spouting your stupid opinions user
oh god that would be good.
andromeda will be fubar even more
he is like a husk
I was a developer for 4 years, i still do programming work but for backends of websites.
Why do you think a giant skull is better?
It would've been good if the dialogue system was something like Human Revolution's. You literally have to be retarded to "fail" the final confrontation.
Half Life 2 got a lot cut content like Mr Friendly or this abnomination.
Bet those got cut very late so the models are not polished yet, but still fully funtional instead of just concepts.
>barely did any damage
>didn't even fall over
If the punch was so weak, why he didn't run after him? What a fag. Just shows what kind of weakling he is.
The burrow are mutated raccoons that was created to make the Glow easier to do in a Fallout 1 run. They weren't added because it wasn't "fallout" enough. Then again Fallout 2 happen and there were strange and random stuff left and right
the original plot of Dinosaur planet before/during the shift to SFA
The boss of dragon's rock that has no dialog in SFA was the main antagonist of DP
>in the last game in the series you get a 15 minute audio clip of him pricking his finger.
I'm shining a light to teach him about the universe.
oh u must mean this one!!!
so...ewoks basically?
Is he autistic he literally could have just put Kai-leng and Shepard would have opened it. This whole thing reads like something an edgy 13 year old would write.
someone post the cereal eating from one of the books
Yeah, I remember. Man, me3 was biggest mistake of videogames history.
Is it worth to do a playthrough of Mass Effect 3? I finished both 1 and 2 but never got around to playing 3 mostly because of all the criticism it got.
only with all dlcs and a grain of salt