This great game is 66% off on Steam. You have no reason not to get it.
This great game is 66% off on Steam. You have no reason not to get it
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Godly soundtrack desu
Can you sell me on it? Perhaps describe what games it is similar to?
>great game
It's a space exploration/combat/trading game with 2D combat. It's basically tall ships in space where your main weapons are broadside cannons. Pretty fun really.
It's like Freelancer, but on a 2D plane. So, just like Freelancer.
It's even more like Freelancer. Missions play out like Freelancer on free-flight mode.
The main story, however, is only superficially like Freelancer. The premise is the same, but the execution is entirely flat. It is literally a handful of goto quests, then some kill quests, then some goto quests, then a kill quest.
freelancer, X3:AP, starsector
>It's basically tall ships in space where your main weapons are broadside cannons.
Might be cool.
This is something unique that it provides, but you're really just encouraged to get lasers and just range everyone while occasionally afterburning around in circles waiting for your shields to recharge.
The green lasers that drop are really quite good, though.
Honestly, I'm just a sucker for broadsides in space, so if this can scratch that itch I might get it.
Well, you're in luck. It does capital combat very well. It's about as good as it gets.
The damage effects are quite pretty, too. It's really just damage decals being projected on the ships, but it's still a great looking effect.
Game runs well on lower-spec systems, too.
Game is the best when the warp bubble hits and the vibrations running through your hull sync up with the beat.
It does have a really nice, unique, soundtrack although if those tunes aren't to your taste it also supports custom soundtracks. I remember adding the Firefly and Serenity soundtracks for some variety.
It's also made by 2 main Blizzard North dudes. That's what sold me on it, had a bit of fun with it.
Looking up gameplay videos, it seems in line with what I'm looking for. Thanks, user.
>66% off on Steam
gimme a torrent senpai
Get a job you faggot.
protip for new players, when you go through the jump gate to the isolated system during the story, stay there and do guild quests to farm cash/faction favor. all the quests are in system and pay tons. that way you wont have to be jumping across multiple systems. saves tons of a time and is super easy to just jet in and grab a dead drop and get out.
also beams are OP
The game isn't that great. Fetch quest after fetch quest with stale combat and travelling.
>needing people to spoonfeed you torrents
>t. shill
>It's a space exploration/combat/trading game
>freelancer, X3:AP, starsector
Rebel Galaxy is fun but you're going to really disappoint some people if you amp it up to be a grand space game.
It is really basic and simplistic in all aspects. It's like the arcade equivalent of a space game.
Lance batteries are fun
It does have issues, it gets very repetitive after a while, theres a distinct lack of things to do and enemies get stronger roughly at the same rate you do without changing much so the challenge is pretty stale.