I played dark souls for the first time last summer, and I loved every second of it...

I played dark souls for the first time last summer, and I loved every second of it, after completing it I decided to play DS2 SOTFS, and just tonight I've completed that too, but I found it really forgettable.

I want to buy DS3, but is it any better than 2? I found the zones and bosses super boring in DS2, they're a far cry from the greatness of the first.

Is DS3 worth buying?

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DS3 makes tank builds and heavy weapons useless, so if you like being a fast moving straight sword/magic user then DS3 is pretty good but if you like having a ton of health and tanking hits in full havel then just replay DS1

My build in DS1 was a DEX heavy, halberd+elite knight set warrior.

My build in. DS2 was half STR, half DEX bastard sword+Alva set knight.

I'm flexible with builds, but how does the level design compare? Is it more like DS1 or 2?

The level design is shit. It's all flat and like a maze because everything is a shade of brown grey and green. Every level is just a castle forest or dungeon. Also the gameplay is as if they tried to combine bloodborne and dark souls because all the enemies move really fast and stun lock you a lot with seemingly infinite stamina, but you move and attack at the speed of a dark souls character. The PvP is okay though

>DS3 makes tank builds and heavy weapons useless
My first build used exclusively UGS as soon as I found my first one, this post is bullshit. It's only useless for PVP and arguably makes some bosses harder (and some easier).

I felt that DS3's singleplayer was much better than DS2, however in 3 they fucked up invading horribly

Level design is great, world design is not.

There's no poise and it's a lot harder to punish enemies with the attacks being so slow. I'm a UGS user too and it's terrible. Armor is definitely pointless though

DS3 is a big improvement over 2.

It is pretty consistent in quality and level design, it has great boss fights that are best in the series (second half at least), good open level design, looks fantastic and it's still pretty challenging.

Bad stuff is bad collision (yes, still), very linear and not many areas, disconnected world design (bonfire teleporting), reusing of old stuff (swamp areas, weapons, etc.)

It's just more of a matter of timing and learning enemy movesets than it was before. Poise would be nice but I got by fine without it, heavy weapons definitely aren't useless, they just look like it next to overpowered SS and other fast weapons. Greatshield also helps.

>Is DS3 worth buying?
Come home, ashen one.

Champion Gungnir, Lothric and Dancer were piss easy with a tank build, the fuck are you talking about?

not really. ds3 was just as much of a let down for me as 2 was. maybe even a bit more because ds3 was supposed to be the A team and it felt like B team again. there is less replay value in ds3 than any other souls game.

>3 bosses were easy so that makes the entire game easy

if you loved ds1, ds3 is pure perfection for you son

Dark Souls 3 is faster than 2 if that's what you are looking at.

Level design and bosses are also better, at least for the main game.

It's pretty unoriginal though( takes even more stuff from DaS1 than DaS2 did), and short.

>level design is shit
>level design is great
Oh my dear Sup Forums... never change...

Dark souls 3 felt lifeless to me. It has none of the spark 1 (and to a lesser extent 2) had. It's an amalgamation of half thought out concepts and aesthetics mashed together to make a whole game. The game was ok, but I have no desire to play it through again at all or to look at the dlc. Which is sad given how amazing Bloodborne was/is.

>one level makes up for the rest of game
>even though it's just another boring castle and callback to ds1

>to look at the dlc
you're missing the best boss of the fucking trilogy, you shitstain

DS3 had its good number of shit zones, but you can't deny that Irithyll, the Cathedral, Lower Lothric, Upper Lothric, The Archives and Arch-Dragon Peak are absolutely amazing.
And the Ringed City will be even more fucking awesome.

You know how Dark Souls II improves some things but is majorly lacking in others.

Well III goes back to the first game as a base and does exactly the same thing as II but the other way around, improving different aspects but lacking in areas II did well.

For example III has some of the best designed areas in the series.
But there are far less and they are organised one after the other linearly rather than being interconnected Metroidvania like the first game, even more linear than DaSII.

You get a full red eye orb and a soapstone straight away, but the covenants are very dumbed down.

3 is basically better than 2 in every way imaginable except for pvp, but people will tell you otherwise to be edgy and cool, because this is Sup Forums

Please explain how defense being a useless stat is better

Played through the whole with Zweihander -> Fume's UGS and didn't have any trouble. In fact, I'd say the main problem with DaS3 is that it's the easiest game in the series since DeS.

If you liked 1 and got bored by 2 chances are you will like 3.
Just accept it will be less original then 1, and more action-oriented.
There are great levels and bosses, but the world interconnectivity is basically a straight line, and few levels feel completely new.

It was a great game for me.

>Is DS3 worth buying?
Yes, it's more of the first one. It's what 2 should have been.


it's better than ds2 imo, but not by much. And that in itself isnt even impressive.

It lacked the amazing interconnected world design like ds1. It lacked that mistery.

Its aesthetically not bad, has even better graphics, but just doesnt captivate you like ds1 did.

No it's not. Play Bloodborne next and pretend Dark Souls 3 never existed.


If you liked Dark Souls for the world design and interconnectivity, you'll not be satisfied by DaSIII
DasIII world design isn't as disconnected and incoherent as DaSII but it's even more linear, and the constant fanwanking makes it quite redundant for veterans
There is some great parts but the main appeal of the game is that it looks drastically better than the first two, and has a much more complex NPC quest system

are you talking world design and atmosphere? because while i agreed everyone on there is pretty the only truly good level design on there is Cathedral everything else is fucking garbage


DeS, DaS and BB are great, the other two aren't

Come on, give points as to why don't shill here.
Op dark souls 3 is the safest by the books sequel they could have made, it a good game, but if you've played the rest of the series already (including bloodborne) , there's nothing that stands out about it.

i already beat artorias though.

Artorias is a meme boss.

You're a meme boss

he was one of the best in the franchise imo plus the added lore is ++

If by better you mean like DS1, then yes, you should really get DS3. I started with 2, still fell in love with it (especially the great DLC, if only the rest of the game were like them), went back to 1, then got 3 and honestly, I like DS3 better than 1, especially with The Ringed City coming out, which according to a friend who got to experience it, is going to be the largest, most lore-heavy DLC to date