I sure hope you guys boycott for honor, it's a terrible alt right game

I sure hope you guys boycott for honor, it's a terrible alt right game.

Other urls found in this thread:


gaming """journalism"""

Lets make the same thread over and over again.

>game set in [any time in the past]
>the characters you play as are actually racist assholes
is there any game where this isn't true
everyone in the past was a dick

?? Alt-right??

open history discussion is better than hiding it, allegra is a retard

stop making this shit thread


Ohhhh no! Not KOTAKU?


7 Bring me power!

It's a keyboard shortcut. Hold Alt and press right arrow and you'll get trips summoning the power of an ancient shitposting deity.

Is that Polygon?

8 for Sup Forums being always right

Who cares? im not a autistic faggot that cares about meme bullshit and lets it ruin a game

>SJWs won't buy it because muh nazi crusaders
>Sup Forums won't buy it because of black vikings and female knights
>ubisoft tries to please everyone and instead gets a beating from both sides

vessels fashioned from clay and ceramic

Great now I gotta pretend to like this game so Sup Forums won't accuse me of having a stepchild.

Edgy Republicans.

They really shouldn't be called "alt-right" because that implies there's anything alternative about them. The only difference between the "alt-right" and your typical conservative is the former calls people cucks more.


Also, Sup Forumsfags you are retarded, please leave.

post tunes for each faction

altright is Sup Forums rebranded to to have better PR with normalfags who dislike swastikas

t. Cuck

More like most people today are huge pussies.

Like pottery

>Well you see Deus Veult has appeared in a lot of stuff before and is historic
>but Sup Forums uses it so the phrase is actually bad and you're racist

Quality journalism right there. Bait headline, spend 3/4 of the article talking about the history of the phrase, and then a couple final sentences to make their title not entirely irrelevant.



Why wait for a new thread when we can have the same thread within the thread.

Cuck, n.:

1. A liberal winning an argument against a conservative.

2. An acronym for "Can Understand Common Knowledge," a term that does not describe conservatives at all.

gaming """journalism"""

gaming """journalism"""


>that game you like is problematic

ftfy my man

>game set in [any time in the past]
>the characters you play as are actually racist assholes
is there any game where this isn't true
everyone in the past was a dick

gaming """journalism"""

These companies should try pleasing the people who would actually buy their games for once

swag is for boys class is for men


GAME """""""""JOURNALISM""""""""""


Don't try to appropriate 'cuck' it doesn't work.


?? Alt-right??

That would be SJWs.

SJWs play video games. Anti-SJWs think video games are Satanic tools to teach kids evolution.

Deus vult is literally just the Christian crusader equivalent of Allah Akbar. Bloggers are stupid.

hey look it's the same fucking thread as earlier.
For calling sjw's triggered snowflakes you guys sure do love working yourself up over other's opinions.

Yeah, the word cuck is a retarded insult but trying to redefine it just makes you look like a massive cuck.



it's literally a Inch'allah or christian
they're racist against christian people here

this article is retarded. liberals are retarded. republicans are retarded. jill stein is retarded. can we please talk about video games without the fucking disgusting shadow of our modern day political climate looming over us?

I would never call myself a cuck, because I'm not a Trump supporter.

>Bloggers are stupid.

And I thought this should have been obvious since a long fucking time ago.

I hope they don't have the white nationalist symbol known as pepe the frog in the game.

Lets make the same thread over and over again.

Ryse: Son of Rome, it made me angry that the main character, a Roman born into an upper class family (can't remember if they were plebs or patricians) was getting upset about slavery

not really allah ackabr means something
like "allah is great"
deus vult is more like
"god wills" or "god wants"

What's your favorite genre of gaming?

That's a good burn right there.

>a Roman born into an upper class family (can't remember if they were plebs or patricians)
>plebs and patricians were the only two classes in ancient roman society

>N-n-n-no! You're the cuck!

Like pottery

probably fantasy rpgs, of all kinds. been as sucker for fantasy my entire life, and nothing beats playing dress up as a knight.

Trumptards burn easily.

>ignore all his other points


Are there Muslims knights in this game? I'm not buying it if there are no Muslim knights.

>epic virgin insults
wouldn't expect any better from the woman who wrote harry potter

>alt right game
lol wat

A new term in the political lexicon made soley to create bogeymen e.g. Fake News, Post-Truth, Global Elite et al.

I guess European countries just needed to have their coasts raided monthly without doing anything.

Sjws drop support and do everything they can to destroy anything that even vaguely resembles something they dislike.
How about selling it to people who just enjoy good games, im sick of all the pandering

anti-sjws are just as bad as sjws
gamergate was wrong
anita sarkeesian was made famous because Sup Forums wouldn't stop harassing her

Rowling bringin the bantz.

You know Jews run the media when it's morally incorrect to reference Christian culture.

This can't be a real thing
Oh wait
Gaming """"""""""""Journalism""""""""""""

Simplifying it to the game, my nigger, but I do understand where you're coming from.

>Wah Hillary won't go to jail!
>Wah he hired someone who used to work for a big company!

I don't give a shit. My taxes are going to be lower and I won't have to pay to subsidize baby killing. I've already won.

Why do they always resort to lack of sexual activity as an insult?

allahu akbar is just "god is great"
deus vult is "god specifically wants me to do the exact thing i am doing right now"
im not sure why they feel the need to announce this though because as far as i can tell most religious people thing this is literally always true about everything they do


>shitty website makes this article
>Knights assume their rightful place at the top of the Faction War

Damn, that old hag is mad as fuck

How can one woman be so based?

Better translation would be "god is great" since allah is literally just the same god as Christians and Jews have.

Does this mean I can't use this image anymore?

Rule 1
Gamer Gate wasn't about ethics in games journalism

because reproduction is your primitive goal it's what your born for
and also an indicator of how well place you are in a society

Daily reminder that the FBI had to investigate this shit.

This is where our tax money goes.

Rule 2
Gamergate is about harassment and removing women from gaming

>this shit fails to take root anywhere

>meanwhile netflix is getting fucked up over the dear white people thing


people with political opinions are playing videogames REEEEEEEE

This list is funny.

>stupid sjw shitpost
>equal pay
Wow what are the odds

Virgin shaming??

TRIGGERED. This J.K Rowling person should check her privilege

Then why do they want to be Pro Choice and kill unborn children?

Isn't that going against the primitive goal?

I bet those FBI were facepalming the whole time.

>Being an altright autist
>Not taking the Mosley pill

Is this before or after they investigated Trump taking big shits in Russian hotels?

>dear white people thing
please explain further

it was probably part of a battle cry
nothing more motivate people like screaming repetitive stuff

>participating in twitter "political" "discussions"
>participating in twitter period

how can one species be so full of retards

>h-hey wait that's no fair

LMAOOOOOOO drumpfkins don't get laid

wtf? i hate ubisoft now.

search dear white people on youtube

it's a way around it
but it doesn't really have to make sense it's insult you know
like "motherfucker"
that doesn't make any real sense

If we banned everything to do with history that negatively affected other people we wouldn't have nay culture.
>Kiki's Delivery Service
Came from a country that once committed war crimes
Cultural appropriation of a Muslim like race
>Lion King
Lions eat and kill strong independent African womyn

That's polygon not kotaku