First game is more or less about fighting for what you believe in until the very, very end...

>First game is more or less about fighting for what you believe in until the very, very end. The characters are a little shitty and unlikable except for the trademark traitor who actually has a good moral dilemma but all around passable.

>The second game absolutely SHITS all over everything the first game tried to go for with its theme of "If life is going to fuck you, just let it happen because you're fucking powerless you little shit, kys"

>Succeeds in doing nothing but making the whole cast unlikable as they just let God kill either a little girl or the broest bro just because he was "testing humanity lol"

Tales Of already has somewhat of a reputation of being mediocre, but holy shit I've never played anything more shit when it came to telling a story.

Phantasia and Destiny were the only goods one story wise, if you're playing modern Tales games you're not doing it for the story

Xillia was so much better than Xillia 2.

When it comes to JRPGs, the story is what fucking matters. No matter how good the gameplay is, if who you're playing as is fucking garbage you're not going to want to play it further.

This was the prime problem in both Xillias, the story in the first game was mediocre but at least somewhat passable but the story in Xillia 2 goes balls to the fucking wall.

Also I'd like to play those games but the objectively better remakes are Japan-only. Frustrating.

>Xilla dual pack
I really need to stop buying games at day 1

What good tales of i can emulate Sup Forums ?

Stop playing Tales of games they're all garbage.
Garbage story and mediocre gameplay. The most basic of JRPGs that even normies enjoy.

I actually like xillia 2 more than the first one.

I never even finished X2 because the whole thing felt like bad OC fanfiction.

>in the first game when they find out there's another world on the brink of destruction Jude punches god in the face and saves both worlds
>in X2 they find out there are multiple dimensions and immediately decide to go around destroying all of them because fuck you the plot said so

I stopped playing after the other Milla died and only the annoying little girl gave a shit while everyone else just shou ga nai'd.

It gets worse in Xillia 2. Jude was okay at best during Xillia but in Xillia 2 I want to curbstomp the fuck.

Ludger ends up having to sacrifice himself or his alternate universe daughter because the REAL 'God' Origin made a test for humanity that would save the prime dimension. Instead of telling him to go fuck himself and punch his face in and force him to fix shit, everyone else, Jude especially, tells Ludger "OH WE'LL MISS YOU PAL" instead of "Fuck this guy, right Ludger? Let's kick his ass!"

xillia one was an ok 7/10 game. It had its good moments and the combat system was great. Every character was useful and had their own gimmicky artes flashed out. Millia was main.
xillia 2 is just a piece of shit. Luger is a major sillent faggot and he's a forced party member for whatever stupid reason. Debit system is just a stupid way of padding the nonsensical story by giving you fedex delivery man fetch quest. I just dropped the game when the jew asked me to cough up 50,000 glad after just paying about 25,000 glad to start a shitty cut scene to progress the chapter..

the combat of xillia 2 is way better than 1 though

I do too, I liked the costumes you could get that made you look like Tales of Destiny characters

Ludger is an absolute blast to play, thats why I like Xillia 2 way more than the first one

Xillia wad already a shit game, boring story with ps2 animation tier cut scenes and as always, god awful English voice acting.

I think it's the second worse Tales of I ever played, the first one being grace F

Same here since Ludger was fun to play as. Tales has never been that good as far as plot and characters are concerned.

>god awful English voice acting.

Jude and Alvin were better in the dub. And the rest of party was fine, aside from a few odd lines from Milla.

Yea I actually enjoyed Xillia 1 and therefore disliked Xillia 2 as it actively shit all over every character from the first.

If you want a likable cast play Berseria. I don't know why but apparently when you get more than three edgelords together their edges mellow each other out

Jude and Milla are fucking terrible. Ludger is nothing. Making him silent on the first playthrough was a mistake

I liked both.

This, spent more time playing Xillia 2

Xillia games were okay. Still a better sequel than symphonia 2 and still better than Zestiria. Berseria redeemed the franchise.

I'll give you plot, but characters are usually what carries these games.