Tales of Bersera

Will you help give Velvet a better ending in Tales of Berseria 2?

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Well Sup Forums?

Tell me, why don't ostriches fly?

only if it involves me getting to replace laphicet for an eternity of naked cuddling

I want to be buried in Medissa's tits

There will be no Berseria 2

Because they live with niggers.

Because the don't possess strong wings


>Tales of Berseria: Velvet Returns

It's going to happen

So when's the crack comin'?

I'd be more content with a Velvet after story DLC and have them put more effort into making a new game.

never ever
buy the game

crack is already free and uncensored on PS3

It'd be Tales of Orfelia/Zestiria 3, not Berseria 2.

How on Earth do I increase my grade level? The only time I ever had it above single digits is when I ran around and let the AI kill everything.

>Phi never hugs Velvet when she's losing it.
>No one hugs her.


>Velvet After Story DLC

The game has been out for a year in Japan. They haven't added it yet, and I'm convinced it will never happen.

At this point, given Velvet's Lightning status among the JAP Tales community, they're mostly likely going to bring her back for another game or in the anime.

They don't always use all of the names they trademark

Japs actually love sad and bittersweet endings, so I bet they don't even think about making Velvet appear again.

Tales of Waifusia fucking when?

>Japs actually love sad and bittersweet endings
>Lightning was sealed away forever
>Brought back for another game

>Velvet sealed away
>Going to be brought back for another game

Do you faggots really want a Berseria 2 after the trainwreck that was Xillia 2, Symphonia 2, and Destiny 2?

What's with Japan's obsession with leaving protagonists in limbo states? Off the top of my head I can only recall Persona 3 doing something similar but I know for a fact I've seen and played a lot of j-shit where this happens and I can't figure out why. It's an awful plot device, it's the equivalent of painting yourself into a corner and throwing the towel, it feels cheap in a way that the writers couldn't find a satisfactory way to conclude the story so they go with the easy way out which is the limbo state, a ambiguous slate between dead and alive, It's like if Han Solo's storyline ended with him getting turned into carbon.

For the record, there is only one way this game should've concluded and that was for Velvet to sacrifice herself. Like actually die, and that means zero possibility to ever being resurrected.

>tfw bought Vesperia when it released because the purple hair chick was hot
>find out in the first minute in Vesperia Yuri was a dude

I don't know how to feel if Namco turns Velvet into Lightning. Her character felt cheap after a while

It's an easy way to conclude the story with an option for a sequel. If no sequel then fine, they're in limbo forever.

No. Shit girl, from shit game, deserves the shit ending she got.

Easy to make sequels if the character/series becomes popular

What is wrong with destiny 2?

You're sounding mean today mister, low blood sugar?
Have an apple!

Has Tales ever had such a good child character before?





i thought elle was pretty good

I'm glad you're still with us, user.

Cause if they want to do anything aside from a 100% happy ending they need that what if scenario for sequel hooks. Or in Xillia's 2 case showing a child character grown up.

Look at the ending of Vesperia. Yuri takes out his giant dick sword and then the game literally just ends 5 seconds later. You get a couple of drawings in the credits. Japs are notoriously bad at writing a fulfilling ending even though they pad the middle of their stories for fucking ever.

Has Tales ever had such a good witch character before?

She really felt cheap when she returned to her village late in the game. She became happy and gave up on revenge.

>someone saved my transparent
T-thanks user.

Man what a wasted character this was.

Combat system ruined by garbage new battle resource that's not TP, made Destiny 1 characters even more shitty, random encounters, and confusing 2D map layout for dungeons.

The sound test menu was pretty amazing though, I'll give it that.

Black hair and amber eyes are so overdone.

Snake pussy

Okay you can probably stop attempting to talk about this game now Sup Forums. You've failed absolutely miserably like 150 times now. Just make a thread about Denuvo and cut the bullshit by getting to your rehashed point already.

It's a shame that the Therions don't join your party.


if you had any sense, you would have pirated the game on PS3 where it's fully uncensored and free. the game runs exactly like xillia does so it's fine.

No they like sentimental sappy stuff in general which those are common aspects of. Haven't you ever seen the weebs that claim every little thing that could possibly be construed as slightly sad as making them absolutely bawl their eyes out all the time. Either we're talking about the absolute most emotionally sensitive demographic on the entire planet or they're kind of full of shit.

Pirates can't play a game about piracy. Feels good beating the game without a bunch of whiny thirteen year olds spoiling everything.

>Buy an RPG
>It dosent end.

Why do you motherfuckers buy this shit, this shits awful.
Ontop of that, how do you have enough time to play 2 of these long ass games.

Can you please extract and upload all the skit images from the PS3 iso?




Uncreative writing tendencies and wanting to close things off but with the potential for a sequel if something is a hit. Japan seems to express little to no real confidence in most things it puts out nowadays though so more and more games are leaning towards the 90% entirely closed out side of things.


What the fuck Destiny 2 is from like the early 2000's and was generally well received. In fact I think it's the most popular one in the franchise in Japan.

Yup. Seriously though why would anybody ever not do that here? That would imply not being a 100% complete and utter shithead towards the general community for half a second

Destiny 2 only did well because it was a early PS2 launch window game and otakus were starved for JRPGs.

Guys i love Velvet ;_;

Why does the AI opponent get three turns for every one that I get?

Yes, we saw the thread you made.

Maybe even Sup Forums takes a periodic break from shitposting to actually play a game once in a while. Or maybe not and people are just talking out of their asses again

Me too, I want to kiss her

Okay glad to know everything is still absolutely terrible and you've got that one covered too Sup Forums

stop asking for sequels you fucking retards.

Because the card game fucking sucks

>raw text translation team and the ones screening the game for "problematic content" are not the same people
>somehow surprising
wew lad

Tell me where in the game files and how do I extract it and I will.

Nope. I didn't buy it because it's on PC.

You both only get one turn. If the next card drawn from the deck matches one in play you automatically get the pair. Once you make a set you can choose to end the round or keep going in hopes you get more combinations.

I don't get why people are confused by the card game.

Because it's rigged so the other player always seems to receive pairs and sets.

Extract the "TLFILE.TLDAT" and "FILEHEADER.TOFHDB" containers using quickbms with the "tales_of_xillia.bms" profile

That's all I got from googling. I hope you can manage.
Quickbms seems to be a program for extracting this stuff. Unfortunately Sup Forums won't let me post a link to it, but you should be able to find it easily with google.

This serie needs to fucking evolve really bad.

Why is it still so ugly ? why are dungeons so fucking empty and boring?

When did tales of started lagging behind other licences ?

Surely the next one we'll be a game changer right ?

Why is it and xillia 2 still mainship titles and symphonia 2 a flag ship?

Don't die.
Use Switch blasts.
Don't use items.
Make big combos.
Finish off enemies with mystic artes.
Finish fights as quickly as possible.
There's a crystal you get from a code red fight I believe that gives you a multiplier that increases with successive battles.

Still less of a contradiction than the entirety of Zestiria's story

so when's the next tales game going to get announced?

Thanks. Glad to see one kind user replying.

While sales of the PS4 were huge in America due to Sony blocking new PS3 titles in Japan, the Japanese audience still largely plays PS3/Vita. So when this game was developed, the PS3 version was the one that sold the most copies in Japan.

I messed that up. Sony offered incentives to publishers to only release PS4 versions in America. Japanese publishers told Sony to fuck off due to having such a large install base in Japan.

No prob, bob.

It seems there's a tales of berseria.bms too, probably better to use that one.

>why are dungeons so fucking empty and boring?

Which JRPG's even have well designed dungeons?

Reminder that we could've had a game about Vevlet's sister if she became a demon

But there would be no game if she became a daemon. It was only after her death birdman went full retard.

Melchior would have done something else to trigger him.

I think it's dumping right now, I'll report back and see if I get any results.

Git gud and take cards that would ruin their sets while building your own.

Very nice!
I managed to do the same with the steam demo, but I'm not sure what to do with the extracted stuff now. There's just a bunch of .dat .nus .dpd and .dc5 files

Celica goes on a mad quest for revenge after Artorius sacrifices Velvet and Laphi

Can I change the audio to japanese like the good weeb I am?

Yes. In fact every time you turn on the game it asks you

I wish Seres would have done more while in Velvet's arm. Though that's mainly due to the Soul Sacrifice parallel.

The Zestiria jokes are making themselves at this point

Dark Souls

Reminder that Eizen will never get to pet his imouto's head again

Exactly, modern Jrpg don't even bother with dungeons anymore.

The last one I have in mind is Woff and there weren' as shitty as berseria because

1) they were pleasant to look at
2) music was good.
3) there were short.

Berseria dungeons are big copy pasted empty boxes with corridors between them where you have to find switches that open doors and backtrack while listening to some ultra generic pieces.

Why do they put so little effort in this ?

It finished dumping. I got the same .dat and stuff files. Dunno what to do with them. I can't open them unless I need some other program?

>Tales of Zestiria the X episode 19
>The Good Shepherd

>While trying to save Rose from an ambush, Sorey and friends run into a similar looking girl who claims to have once been a Shephard
>However, she cheerily says she's a Hellion?!

Are you fucking kidding me

It's fucking Eleanor

How many more episodes is that show gonna run?

Rokurou you fucking asshole

Beats me, I think I found some audio files in the demo by extracting GAMEDATA/BASE/CHUNK0/SOUND/COMMON/SPSIS22

They are all 3-4 MB, but it's also just dat files and I don't know what to do with them.

Seems other people have the same problem.