Discord Nitro

>5 dollars a month for animated gif avatars and custom emojis

But on the other coin, you are paying for services you like and want to support.

50 dollars a year justified to support your favorite gaming messaging platform?

Owned by chinks and records all you say and write. Don't use it.

It's not for me but shoutout to the people who can afford to support it and keep it going/improving for the rest of us.

Yeah I'm sure they're really concerned with autists talking about games and memes. God damn I hope they don't find out where they live based off that meme I posted!

In the thing you agree to you also give them the right to use anything new you create/talk about on it. It also lags non-stop. Keep having low standards if it pleases you, though. I'll just pay for a TS3 server.

Why the fuck would you support discord devs? They stole the interface from slack, their service is unreliable as hell and their marketing makes me want to shoot myself.

It never lags for me and so what if they use shit I say, it's not like I'm telling everybody where I live and what I do for a living or discussing multi million (currency) ideas. It's literally just video game conversations.

> $50 a year when it's $5 a month
Please learn math

Personally, you have to have brain damage to spend 50 dollars a year for this dumb shit.

>on the other coin

Come on Sup Forums

Use the Botnet meme.

Discord threads should be deleted on sight.

Works for me.

Why don't you fags just use mumble?

you get two months free

As much as I like Discord, I've never spent money on an IM client and I intend to keep it that way.

>Pkeks paying 50$ a year for a teamspeak ripoff
>"le paying for your own interwebz" amirite?

Nice to see you cucks get what you deserve. Paid mods, paid VoIP, paid unfinished games with greenlight.. You guys keep fucking yourself over and over.

> Don't have to play
> Still has all the normal features.


>discord literally says that you that you don't NEED to pay and will literally only be missing out on animated profile pics and custom emoji
>discord nitro is purely optional and is all about supporting discord by choice

Wht did he mean by this?

>paying for services I like and want to support
>avatars only animate when you hover their message
>custom emotes are teeny tiny

>favorite gaming messaging platform
Not even. It's bloated as fuck. It'll be good if it gets an ultralight version.

how is it bloated?

isn't this some alt-right software?

It's not.

Yeah, Microsoft Word is also extremely far left, don't use Microsoft Word. I also heard that Excel is a Muslim sympathizer program.

>5 dollars a month for animated gif avatars and custom emojis

for 5 dollars a month i can get a 30 slot TS3 server, which completely shits on discord

literally the only good thing about discord is that both the client AND the server are provided for free. if this weren't the case, everybody would stick to shit like TS3, vent or mumble, and when discord starts slapping a mandatory fee on either, people will leave and go back to TS3, vent or mumble in droves.

No. Discord is amazing, I use it for most of my conversations online now.

It's worth $0. Charging more is utterly ridiculous.

Good luck getting 30 people into that server.

If it can't run on a single core then it's bloated

how fucking new are you? do you think people just didnt use any voice comm until discord came around a few years ago?

we've been doing it without discord for decades already, and we'll continue doing it for many more decades to come once discord goes down.

This program is close to good
But until we're able to set our avatar and visible username (not just nickname) on a per server basis, it's unusable

Can't you host your own Mumble server?
IRC is better for text chat too. Don't need to rely on a shitty Web client, it's an open protocol with plenty of alternatives for clients.

>completely shits on
>no embedded media links
This sort of functionality is important

Why would I use this botnet instead of team speak hosted on my own server?

The best thing about Discord is that you can use it in your browser. If you're playing a game with someone and want to use voice chat and they don't have it installed, you don't need to sit and wait for them to download it and do the setup and find your server and all that shit, you just send them a link, they click it, and you're done.

Official browser-based and mobile apps
Media embedding
Those are huge enough features to persuade most people

No it's not. It's obnoxious and takes up unnecessary space.

>I don't like thing
You are not the prevailing opinion
A messenger that can't embed media these days is archaic.

no, when you pay for something you are not getting anything for free

There are plenty of other services that let you do that for voice chat without pushing a social platform on you. voice.gg for one.



>Can't you host your own Mumble server?

if your connection is good enough and you dont have a problem with your computer running all day, yes you can.
for most people it's just a lot more convenient to pay a few bucks for a rented voice server.

I'll stick with my "archaic" (meme-free) text chat that doesn't require gigs of RAM and processing power to run in an embedded browser.

How does it "push a social platform on you"? You just join when you want to speak then close the tab when you're done.

>50 dollars a year justified to support your favorite gaming messaging platform?


You can also get a VPS for even cheaper and host it there. I have a dedicated server that costs 5 euro/month and I can use it for Web hosting, VPN, bypassing region blocks to access content in the region it's hosted, FTP, torrents and all that.

well yeah, if you already have a dedicated server for other stuff, slapping a mumble server on top of it isn't a big deal and makes it basically free

Best part is the increased file size.
Good for dropping my soundless, low graphical asset, game prototypes in certain discords.

Mostly just bought it because it's something I use and have a little money to throw around.

Yeah, I too love to pay money to a company that mines user data for "features" that are free elsewhere.