Which GTX 1070 is the best?
Which GTX 1070 is the best?
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Any that isn't from EVGA
MSI is probably the best, EVGA might come in second place (First if it wasn't for a couple ones exploding early on)
The one that suits your need and budget best.
This one.
the cheaper one
they dont oc well anyway
G1 Gaming for light OC.
Gaming X for heavy OC.
>GTX 970 3.5 GB scam
>GTX 1080 horsefire scam
Still buying this shit.
You'll be happy with whatever one you get.
If you really want EVGA get the newly released FTW2.
Owning Two Titans.
That problem should be fixed by now so if you buy a new EVGA 1070 it won't explode
They said the thermal repaste would fix it, it doesn't.
I would wait until we get confirmation.
As long as you don't draw short straw in the exploding lottery EVGA is probably the best.
If you're not willing to take that risk then MSI I guess is a close 2nd.
real though, shit time to buy; if you wanted a 1070 you should've bought it 8 months ago. 1080 Ti soon, Vega 10 and 11 soon, $250 1070's soon
>$250 1070's soon
You fucking wish. If anything actually happens to their price they'll be between $350-$400 instead of $400-$450.
but user
they're already there
did some 1070's really explode?
I have a Zotac 1060 that seems to be going well, do those explode?
the problem was only with evga 1070/1080 cards
only EVGA ones, they cheaped the fuck out on the cooler and it didn't cool the VRM at all
and trust me, the VRM is the hottest part on any large GPU
Not a single 1070/1080 from another brand has issues so far.
Other cards are unaffected.
Just the EVGA FTW cards.
Vega's not coming out till August right?
>never get above 70c
man I love msi
>not a single mention of ASUS
Only good ASUS is the 1080.
the fuck told you that. Vega 11 is all but confirmed for a June launch during Computex (specifically an event mentioning a recently released AMD midrange GPU), and Vega 10 is confirmed to be Q2, but not enough time after Computex so it's probably a GTC (early May) spoiler.
evga (double fan, superclocked), asus (strix), msi (gaming x). Take your pick
This bad boy is the best.
the one that lights up
I was on a budget so I got a pny 1060 6gb. No issues so far.
is msi good now?
i remember my friends telling me they were shaky on component quality
opinions on the 1070 g1?
The 1070M obviously. I can play all the latest games without carrying around a heavy desktop. Building is difficult anyway, you can never get the parts to fit!
Check out the latest range of Razer™ laptops. If you buy one share a picture on twitter with #Razer.
> I can play all the latest games
I don't want to pay an extra $1,000 to play the same games
>without carrying around a heavy desktop
I never learn my basement anyway
Yeah so the cheapest 1070 at my microcenter is the Asus Strix one, and it's considerably cheaper than evga or msi.
Is there anything particularly wrong with this Asus one or are the MSI and EVGA just meme priced.
also can a 450w psu handle it?
It's been a while since I built a PC so I want to ask. If I'm upgrading from a 770 to a 1070, the 1070 should have no compatibility issues with the motherboard, correct?
Asus is one of the brands for graphics cards right now, so yeah, it's perfectly ok to get an Asus card instead of an Evga or whatever.
Your 450w psu might not be enough though
I haven't heard of any issues with the ASUS Strix. You should be fine with whatever you get honestly. 450W is a little low.
No, there should be no issues.
No, the GTX Titan is the best
it better be for the price.
It isn't anymore, depending on what the 1080 ti costs.
The one with the best deal going on, though there were some issues with earlier EVGA cards, it is likely patched out.
>1080 Ti soon, Vega 10 and 11 soon, $250 1070's soon
I'm buying my components one at a time due being poor and I won't be buying my graphics card for another month or two.
What's going to be happening? New cards and a price drop for old cards?
At the moment I'm planning on getting a 6GB 1060 but if the 1070 gets significantly cheaper, I may get that instead.
When in doubt, buy asus. It never fails in the quality and cooling efficiency departments.
If you have the room. Palit/Gainward has the best cooler this gen.
If your PSU can actually push 450W and isn't some chinese crap, and your system is a normal PC otherwise, you'll be fine.
And yeah, nothing wrong with ASUS
the strix
shit i have this exact model. bought it back in early august. what do?
You can contact them and they'll apparently send you cooling pads that you can apply yourself. Other than that, pray.
>get a 1070
>random artifacting while idling at desktop
I haven't heard of this issue but try to update drivers at least. I'm having no issues with 378.49 myself. It actually fixed some screen flickering issues I was having.
Dont block the fans so that the cooling doesnt work, like in the video.
>get a 1070
>no problems at all
Its even from EVGA.
Someone make a .webm out of this, so we can add it to the collection of other NOVIDIA Housefire tech .webms.
Founders edition, no exception. Gold picked cards in general.
Nah, Zotac tends to do fine with their cooling designs.
the 1070 is stupid middle ground cuck card. either shell out for 1080 or get RX480 or Fury(X). both are getting comparatively faster while the nvidia line up will only get worse.
980 Ti, doesn't cause housefires.
running msi gpu and mobo for 2 builds now, no problems. Just don't get the cheapest shit possible, actually that counts for every brand.
I wish this was true where I live. The cheapest 1070 if the KFA2 for 400€. I really want to buy a new card but I kinda want to wait for Vega to drop just to see what gives me better price/performance.
Should i buy a 1050ti or 1060 3GB?
this bad boy serves me well for about 2 years now
WTF do you need a 1070 for? Is there a decent new game to play?
never buy low/mid end nvidia card.
EVGA has always been the best. A couple retards overclocked their factory overclocked cards and caught their shit on fire.
actually glad i got the 1060 instead now, wtf I used to love EVGA
1080p 144hz
For me it is the Zotac Amp! Extreme... The beefiest 1070 on the market.
That webms years old newfag
1440p 60fps
27" 1440p 144hz IPS is the perfect balance of display size and pixel density, just don't expect horror games to be dark on it
>even murican gpus are fat
Well I just got a free upgrade to a 980 Ti Classified from a 780 Ti Classified via EVGA RMA, and the 98 Ti is like 2% away from a 1070.
Iron warriors are shit
Fair enough I guess. Just didn't want you guys to be disappointing when looking at the current choice for games. Not worth paying for one to play modern games.
Phoenix GS
Could you explain why to me like i'm a retard? I've spent the last week buying and reseaching parts. I just want this hell of indecision to end.
There is no reason. Past gens were usually weaker equivalents than AMD cards at the price, this gen is pretty fair overall.
It is for the high res', framerate, and max settings.
Well your friends must be pretty fucking stupid.
I've had three msi gpus and they all performed wonderfully.
Cool and silent.
Not him, but don't buy the 3Gb version of the 1060, at least buy the 6Gb version. The 3GB version is gimped not only in the VRAM amount, but in other aspects as well.
Yeah bro your friends told you something it has to be true and speaks for most of the consumers.
You're probably one of those retards that thinks he had to use Norton back in the day when someone else put something much better on like Nod32
Question, would a 1070 be a decent purchase if I don't plan to upgrade for like 4-5 years and only want 1080/60fps? I don't have that much money which is why I want to have something futureproof instead of paying 300€ for a card I have to kick out in like 2 years again.
>tfw 1070 Amp! from Zotac
Yes, wait a few months for 1080 Ti to lower the price of other stuff, unless it won't and is a nich anti titan card.
If you're going to upgrade consider DDR4 3200+ and a better CPU depending on what you have.
no. just look at the 970.
The 1060 3gb is considerably better than the 1050ti, but it's also more expensive (~$50 in the US). Note that (again, assuming US pricing) for $200, an rx 480 4gb is a better purchase than the 1060 3gb, but that's completely up to you.
1070 is overkill for 1080p, but enough for higher resolution gaming. It's a shitty meme card. Either buy a 1060/RX480 or a 1080.
What do the non-vanilla brands like ASUS and EVGA bring to the table?