For Honor

Post those mains

>Swift strike

>Swift strike

>Enemy tries to run
>Help splitter

I played the first Knight up until level 7 and did badly in every game, switched to Kensei and had the most points in the game like five times in a row. This prick is way too overpowered.


I had the excact same experiance, only I started out as Conquerer



Fuck wrong pic

>literally aids: the character

The game has a few glaring flaws.

For starters, it is peer to peer, which is just an awful thing and entails tons of problems related to connections.
The fast attackers, put simply, stomp pretty much everything else in a 1 on 1 fight as a result of poor attack timing and because hehe xd peer to peer.
The controls are also a complete abortion. If you aren't playing on a controller, you probably aren't doing well.

mad cuz bad

What is the Viking with shield?

I dueled one and had no chance. Was playing a warden.


Warlord is very strong indeed

Anyone else already bored?
I really liked the game but after playing the two previous closed beta stages I'm already kinda burned out.
Tried all characters, got good with the ones I wanted and thats it.
Hope they add more stuff as soon the game releases.

Fuck this character

>still using Deus Vult when Non Nobis Domine has a much better ring to it
Low energy memes

Is this worth downloading if I'm only gonna get a couple hours on it before its down?

>Want to main Nobushi
>But I know how shit she is and that you have to play against an idiot in order to win

>The only other character in the beta that I play is Raider, being able to 3 shot people is hilarious after it takes 10+ to kill somebody with Nobushi, having utility is nice as well instead of poke in one of three directions and backstep after blocking

>I will probably main either Shugoki or Valkyrie on release, but I know valkyrie was really broken in the closed betas, which is why I didn't play her

Valkyrie was like reverse Nobushi, you can be retarded and still win even against players that are good unless they were also playing valkyrie.

Shugoki was great fun though, only had enough stamina to swing once, but if you just parried and countered he was fun to play.

Love this guy.

My main is the raider

>Man with a shield is strong in 1v1
Somebody call the police.

>Nobushi is shit

Nobushi is great once you start stacking all her bleed attacks. Nobushi really punishes those who run from battles, most end up keeling over before they reach the health pack.

Bleeds don't stack, they re-apply the full length of the effect.

Debuff resistance reduces bleed damage taken, and it's the best stat to have on your helmet anyways. So outside of 1v1 and 2v2 game mode, bleeds do no damage at all.

Source: I played more than just the open beta, that's how shit ended up after 3 days in every single test that Nobushi and Peacekeeper have been in. The other tests also had gear stats enabled in 1v1 and 2v2. Trust me, once people start getting debuff resistance helmets bleeds are worthless.

>They also don't stack, they just refresh.

>mfw thick blood


mah nigga

>just got thick blood for Warden
Prep those anuses PKs and Nobushis because I'm going in dry

Got any general Warlord tips? I don't really know how and when I should be using full defense stance or headbutt

>prep those anuses
>going in dry

So basically just bend over, Nobushi and PK.

I just use full block to stomp my feet and shout with the conqueror

Hestitating on getting this, game is fun but HOLY fuck is the p2p shit cancerous

>middle of a fight and some faggot leaves and whole match has to reconnect and pause

>tfw you 3 shot orochi

It'll give you an advantage over total newbies when the real deal debuts, and let you not fuck up your initial purchases as hard when you get your starting gold.


I have no problem with nobushi as a character but more with the way people use her. Always proc a bleed and run away, don't know how to play effectively against that because she has pretty decent range too and getting in on her is hard as balls unless I play PK. Bullshit PK players that go for the same tactics can kill themselves too for all I care.

I dont understand how I'm supposed to defend myself from arbitrary one shot environment kills from raiders

You can tech the guard break but the timing is so small and if you guess wrong once you instantly lose

Never lost against one of these. Get good.

"Blocks your path"

>keep getting into 1 on 1 fights in the last match i play
>just as i'm about to land the killing blow on the enemy a fucking faggot conqueror sprints in and shield bashes me onto my ass every time out of nowhere


>Know the base mechanics fairly well to the point where I can play any character effectively and 3 - 0 most games

Am I actually good, or is everyone shit?

That's what shitty raiders do, they just bait for hazard kills, if you fail counter guard break once you're fucking dead. Especially in 4v4 modes where they are using throw distance gear.

But honestly? Raider is INCREDIBLY easy to counter when they attack normally, they don't have a lot of utility outside of their unblockables which can be parried and dodged, and their guard break throwing distance being so high.

>Tip: If you guard break somebody against a wall as raider, you'll do a knee to the face move that drains a lot of their stamina
It's some of the only real utility they have outside of unblockables.

my man, idk if im just gud or he needs a nerf

I want a shield, but I fucking hate the flail

Berserker is actually one of the worst characters in the game against anybody who has played the game for more than a day. It's a one trick pony character, has no utillity skills and only one combo attack.

Both applies I guess. Fundamentals are pretty easy if you bother to learn them and try each class for a few rounds. But since it's open beta you're bound to run into complete shitters.

Play Warlord then.

Fuck you, ain't giving you my contact info.

Nobushi fight like all corageous woman, with poison as deception, very realistic!

fuck this guy, ive played against like 3 in 4v4 elimination and those fuckers are guaranteed to run away at the start of the round. every fucking time.
>friend 1v4's the enemy team since they didn't gank and let him duel them one on one
>mfw every other round they ganked him as hard as they could
>mfw they send him a message saying that was some nice shit

There is no guess. The guard break tech window is large enough that you can reach near 100% consistency on it off reaction.

i played some conqueror that would do nothing but shield bash to open the fight, if you realize that's what they're gonna do you can just do a light attack and stop the faggots right in their tracks.


I'm still a scrub myself, but I imagine his autoparries and dodge attacks alone would put him at a solid mid-tier.

I only play 1v1 and 2v2, as the picture shows. Dom was with a friend who wanted to try it.

Beserker is garbage and has no place on the battlefield besides being the fucking loser who runs away to try and make someone else's fight a 1v2 and still get killed

>an Nobushi tried to run away to gangup on up someone
>mfw I did the sprint heavy attack using Warlord to stop her and kill her
Warlord is great fun. Warden a fun also

>Throw in any other fighting game
>8% of your HP and a setup
>Throw in For Honor
>100% of your HP


I just came in to say i like this game a lot and it's the only AAA game i've enjoyed in a year or so

Kensei is so damn good.
Him and berserker are my mains right now. I'll probably try out shugoki and main him too in the full game.
Berserker is just so great in 1v1s due to that insanely good zone attack and the dodge feint.

How do i beat a decent orichi as kensei pls help i'm in a 1v1 now

Peer to peer is perfect for 1v1 games

>Insanely good zone attack

How is it insanely good? She might as well be shouting "PLEASE PARRY ME" while doing it.

>I only play 1v1 and 2v2, as the picture shows. Dom was with a friend who wanted to try it.
are people more "honorable" there? dominion is fucking gank city where you'd be lucky to get a 1 on 1 and even 4v4 elimination where you get put in front of someone has moments where people will just run away and try to gank.

>Playing 2v2 to do a mission and no other reason
>Enemy team is peace keeper and raider
>My team mate is a peacekeeper so I pick conqueror, first time playing it
>Shit on each one of them in the 1v1
>Next round the peacekeeper does nothing but sidestep and guard break
>When you counter guardbreak a peacekeeper you can't fucking hit them, so even though I countered every time I couldn't actually counter for damage
>Finally I fuck up a counter guardbreak because he manages to grab me mid attack (Which isn't supposed to work)
>Throws me off the edge
>Next match I'm against the raider
>Ignore him and go charge attack the peacekeeper off the cliff at the start of the round
>"No honor faggots"

Why do people perpetuate that dumb meme? If you want to 1v1 and only 1v1, go play 1v1.

>you hear a faint splashing sound
>a quiet whisper tells you p2p matchmaking is garbage
>the splashing has turned into large waves
>a low rumble explains that lock-on in a team based game is fucking retarded



What really throws people off about Kensei is that his side dodges have him attack in the opposite direction he's moving. Every other character attacks in the flow of their movement.

Everyone keeps saying this without understand why they say it's bad.

The game doesn't even use traditional p2p and you're not losing to "bad timings" and i've yet to see an example of this from anyone that doesn't just suck at the game honestly.

>not having wings on your helmet

Lol are you serious. He gains revenge on attack and is insanely good at 2 v 1s where he is the defender. I've taken down entire teams thanks to his revenge gain passive.

i was playing a 4v4 elim and came up against a berseker, i killed him and a conqueror with low health came and revived him so i 1 shotted the conqueror and proceeded to destroy the berseker a second time.

No, nobushi attacks opposite the way she dodges with heavy attacks, light attacks hit the way she dodges.

It's her only way to mix up her attacks since even her light attacks are slower than heavies from other characters.

>start chain into unblockable
>enemy dodges to right like he always does
>read it and cancel into side heavy
This works on like 95% of people, I swear. They always dodge to the right too, which is odd.

>I'm autistic and don't play the game right, why do people hate me????

who else feels like you'd have to be autistic to play this game for more than 1 hour? are these threads paid advertising?

Stop fighting near ledges if you suck at guard block counters

If you want to fight 1v1, play 1v1? In 2v2 if your mate dies you can expect the 2nd person to come over and try to kill you, every now and then they will wait, but typically they will try. Don't be a ding dong

who else feels like you'd have to be autistic to shitpost in a thread you obviously have no interest in?

Can't get your revenge if you die from 3 hit man.

Go play 1v1 if you think ganking people in 2v2 is the wrong way to play

>don't play the game right
>Not playing the game right
Go play 1v1 if you only want to 1v1.

>Be warden
>Playing 2V2
>Berserker and nobushi playing like niggers
>About to kill the nobushi
>Runs away
>Chase him
>He starts hammering my teammate and killed him
>They both turn on me
>Block everything i can
>Execute the nobushi
>Berserker constantly spamming attacks
>Parry him then break him
>Combo him to death
>Win the final round
>They both quit

If you try to gangbang in a brawl, you are a shitter and deserve to be dealt with as such.

P2P just means the game runs much slower and its unnecessarily difficult to find or start matches.

The only people who cry about it affecting gameplay are actual shitters, though

You can gank all you want but you're a pussy for running from your battle

4 strikes in quick succession that can be chained into the infinite combo. It's worked great for me so far.
Bait him into his rush then sideswipe into a unblockable top heavy. You have longer range by far so keep him at a distance with your ranged lights. LikeThis guy says the sideswipe is great for throwing people off their regular rhythm. It's great for classes that rely heavily on side attacks like warden orichi and others.

if i finish off my target ill usually let my friend try and handle his fight, i have a bigger problem with people who run away at the start of the round run away and try to either gank of grab a bunch of powerups.

>having a blast
>every drooling retard is complaining about p2p and how it completely ruins the game without giving any explanation as to why
>not a single problem with lag
>blocking, parrying, guardbreaking without an issue
>but muh p2p

Reaction is extremely important, why the fuck would you want to fuck it up with dedicated servers? Do you fags want Dark Souls PvP?

You shouldn't be getting hit as a berserker. Especially with his guard break dodge.

>TFW you go kill your team mate's 1v1 opponent and he stands there being a faggot complaining that "his team mate has no honor" and so you kill the other person by yourself as well
>"Omg you're a pussy you ran from your battle!"

and i'm not disagreeing with either thing you said because that's exactly my point

How do I get the tin can helmet for my warden?

I just played a 2v2 where I needed to win for a quest, and I won each of my 1v1's so all 3 times I ran over and swooped the guy. My teammate and the other guy were in the red all 3 times i did it.

By the end I got called a faggot but, you know, i won, so whatever

I've had maybe 2 games out of 50 where lag fucked with me. Yes servers would solve that issue and it sucks that it happens, but it's seriously not so bad that it ruins the game.

how are you playing that character?

Yeah, of course. Just trying to say why p2p is an issue but its not costing anyone games

post fashions too

They are simply meme'ing

The game has server issues so they say it's due to p2p

they don't realize that ubisoft is just shitty at making servers and p2p is actually better

IE see siege with it's terrible lag comp and peakings advantage CONSTANTLY

So if I want to embrace my rich and chivalrous British heritage, slaying savage vikings and ignorant asains while hoping to eradicate mudslimes in the future, is Knight the class best for me?

>mfw I accidentally dismantled my own blade when I meant to upgrade it

does anyone have problems with inviting friends? We just get "can't join group, try again later"

Last night I had a couple BAD matches in a row, playing at EU/AU time, over 50% of the time my sidestep attacks weren't working, it would sidestep and I'd just stand there like an idiot until I got hit. Lag is BAD in this game, especially if you parry instead of block like I do.

Not being able to time a parry and losing twice as much HP than if you had just gotten hit normally, because of lag? Fun times!

It's from the last NDA'd beta.

He's in the closed tech test.

The knight's are a faction not a class
The warden is a 2hand God fearing cleaver though so just play him

i'd be mad at you too. i want to fight my opponent 1v1, if he kills me by all means step in but at least let me try and finish my duel with the person.

You're lucky then.
I had problems with hosts ragequitting, laggy hosts and even more ragequitting idiots.

I had a fkn game where the host left right at the beginning. The new host left too and the host after him did the same only to end up with a host that had a single red bar connection. P2P can work but when it hits you, it's the most annoying shit ever.