Why don't you have a gaming gf Sup Forums?

Why don't you have a gaming gf Sup Forums?

I'm boring to talk to.

>smokes weed
>rap music
sorry but no thanks, i dont care what your job is, i wouldnt want a nurse who smokes weed to take care of me, let alone have my children

Because I have a gaming bf [spiler]:3

I will never have a gf.

Nurses actually have to go to school, lab techs just take a summer course

why are girls so bad at conversations?
>mildly attractive 6/10 at worst
>going to college
>have job
>only get one word answers or ignored
how do you even talk to these people?
i agree with this tbqh.

Because the last one I had was a massive bitch, lied about games she played to get attention and generally treated people like shit.

what games did she lie about?
one of my ex gf's lied about playing morrowind because i asked if Skyrim was the only elder scrolls game she played.
Why are women like this?

They easily tend to cheat on you

Maybe you're just ugly?

Maybe try being better in bed and being less horrible to be around and to look at?

my mom says i'm handsome???
i don't get what you're on about. she wouldn't lie to me fuckface.

Insecurity maybe ? I knew several guys who lied about having a girlfriend, maybe in some twisted way it's the same thing I don't know.

Because she left me

If it just a regular cigar then its fine I guess, otherwise no

>>only get one word answers or ignored
Ask questions that don't allow a 1 word answer.
>What are your plans
>Do you have any plans.

Danganronpa and MGS. Devil May Cry and Resident Evil were a few others.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those jackasses that ask questions like "UH. AT THIS ONE PARTICULAR PORTION OF THE GAME, HOW MANY TIMES DID THIS CHARACTER BLINK", but when you get asked general questions and don't know what the fuck you're talking about, then it seems really silly.
For example, a bud of mine did 'you're pretty good' from MGS, and she had no clue what he was talking about. Or just simply not knowing plot points about DR in general. I didn't think much about it, but as time went on, it just got more and more apparent that she didn't play it.

And look, I don't really care what a person plays, let alone what they like and all that shit, but don't lie about it. That's a massive deal breaker for me. It's so stupid.

why'd she leave you user? was it your superior taste in games?

Here's a tip, if a girl seems disinterested in talking to you then it means you're not worth the effort to them.

Its a fact tho, no matter how nice or bad you are. Well at least 90% of it just to be fair

my inability to express love

Because I have Asperger's and severe anxiety which causes me to push away every woman I try to even have a Platonic relationship with.

then why would they swipe right on Tinder?

i dont know where to find them. presumably they are at home playing vidya, while i am simultaneously at home playing vidya

Well girls is all about money anyway, no matter you're ugly or not

If a woman likes you, she wants to impress you. For some reason lying about interests happens.
Disclaimer: women do not lie about interests for 99% of Sup Forums as they do not care about our opinions on them

Also they tend to have very few interests, and almost no knowledge or passion about the few they do.

Terrible creatures really.

She seems chill, i'd go for it

They're trying to give you a hint.

Protip : they don't want to talk to you, you fucking autist.

Pic Related: my gf. She's a casual gamer. We play Mario kart together and some party games but not much else.

>implying that's a gril
hahahhahahahahahah you're in the closet you fucking faggot hahahahaha traps are gay hahahahahaha

Wait until she's cheat on you

girls who actually play Sup Forums tier games are losers. would rather be alone.

stop posting your ass on Sup Forums

>girl on tinder
>gamurr girl on tinder
>gamurr girl on tinder who likes hip hop
>gamurr girl on tinder who likes hip hop and weed
>gamurr girl on tinder who likes hip hop and weed and talks about weed in public

that's 5 red flags already
4 of them indicate her being a major slut, 1 indicates her being a massive moron

dropped immediately

Because I'd be a horrible boyfriend who would drive her to hate me.

I have a gamer gf. Our relationship is starting to stagnate and feel suffocating and hopeless. I think she might be gay. I don't work right now and I feel unfulfilled and depressed. We haven't had sex in weeks. We go to the same classes and I want to drop out and move very far away.

>Pic Related: my gf
I'm sorry, girls(male) don't count

>Girl at work asks me if I like games
>Come very close to sperging out but just hold back and say yeah and ask her what she plays
"I like Monopoly, Scrabble and Trivia Pursuit"
>Realise I dodged a massive bullet
And yes, she was talking about the board games, not the vidya adaptations

Monopoly is awesome what the fuck is wrong with you.

6 years together and I'm the one who cheats.

I swear you faggots are the most insecure betas.

>w-w-wait til she ch-ch-cheats on you

Oh no really? Then I just move onto the next vagina.

It is impossible to maintain a healthy relationship AND play Monopoly with your girlfriend.

>red flag
>indicates being a major slut


Nah I love those games, it's just I was about to talk about vidya when she meant board games.

what about it?

Do you work out ? I was pretty low energy until I started. You don't even need a lot to start to see changes either; just try doing pushups every 2 days.

He probably means he dodged a bullet in the sense that he misunderstood what she meant by games

What are the ideal games for your gaming gf to play? WoW or any MMO is terrible, she'll never have time for you

I'm sorry user.

im gay tho

Oh okay, I am a retard.


I keep gifting this one girl on my steam but just keeps saying she thinks I'm cute.