Only good writing allowed ITT
Only good writing allowed ITT
Marathon Infinity is the best written game of all time prove me wrong
God, Memelands 2 is so fucking cringey.
>Huzzah, and stuff!
how longer will they get away with painting laziness and shitty work to ironic comedy?
I'm serious, this is unacceptable writing standard
a. burch: so what kind of story would you like for your game, gearbox?
gearbox: just fuck my shit up.
I knew BL2 was some low-hanging fruit but god damn
At least 1/100th of the generated guns look cool
There are no standards required anymore. Just write "I'm progressive" in your resume and you are good to go.
I got one fresh out the oven OP
Serious question, who is a worse writer: Max Landis or Anthony Burch?
VtM:BL always gets a chuckle from me. It's mostly the voice work.
>implying video game writing ever had any standards
> Borderlands 1 had some okay writing
> Gearbox makes Anthony Burch, a man who never played the first game, head writer
If only Mike Neumann didn't have all that terrible shit happen to him, maybe he'd have been head writer for 2...
People say it's a game written by Reddit, but it's more Tumblr
>yfw you are not Anthony Burch
I liked the dialogue writing that Bungie did for Halo 1-3, surprisingly memorable stuff despite coming from a dude-bro fps
>Ma'am squad leaders are requesting a rally point, where should they go?
>To war
CE and especially 2 had some memorable dialogue, but the only time the series' writing shined was in the actual textual stuff
Imagine getting fucking payed for that
Anytime one of my friends asks me how far away I am I always say "ETA pretty damn quick"
Landis has put out some pretty good stuff, like Superman: American Alien.
Burch hasn't done shit.
>> Borderlands 1 had some okay writing
No it didn't.
Unless by "okay" you mean utterly banal but at least you don't want to put your fist through your monitor.
Max only writes screen plays and seems like a nice enough fellow.
Anthony Burch was the lead writer of an immensely popular game and consulted the wiki for lore.
Goddamn if that ain't the truth, brahs.
Someone had to read that text and approve it.
Landis is far worse, blames all of his failings on outside forces and is deluded into thing he's some kind of great write. Anthony Burch was just a retard who wrote for two games before being fired.
I enjoyed it. That's all I care about. If you don't that's fine.
Textual stuff as in the books?
>that amazing feel when the Gravemind speaks in poetic feet because why not
Hell, if you watch the Dev commentary playthrough with 2, they outright admit that they wrote Halo 2 around two lines they came up with
>I? I am a monument to all your sins
>The line. I'm going to cut it.
Bungie was pretty damn good at writing things short and sweet without sacrificing loads of time or good context
>retards have actually convinced themselves BL1 is the better game because of stupid SJW media bullshit
BL1 is complete horseshit. 80% of the areas are indistinguishable from one another, the pacing is horrendous, there is basically no characterization for any of the cast outside of the DLC, the loot is terribly balanced, the "plot" barely even has a consistent narrative, the character classes are AWFUL, and there is barely any enemy variety until the literal last area of the game. There is no argument for BL2 not being the superior game
""Do I think? Does a submarine swim?"
even while looking at the memorials of the men his father slew without remorse, Max Landis remains glad he's not Anthony Burch
So the monk robot doesn't think?
You reply to 3 comments saying BL2's writing is bad and cringey with arguments about the gameplay. Please slow down and understand what you are reading before you post an argumentative reply next time. Thank you :)
no it doesn't. Not really. but it does something similar but very different. It's a machine.
>One cut. One cut gonna make you bleed, but one cut don't kill you. One cut just makes a scar.
So fucking deep
At least Burch's dad wasn't a jew that literally killed 1 adult man and two kids with a helicopter.
>cherrypicking one line
>an argument
>actually thinking that "cringey" is a legitimate criticism
dont worry, Burch got fired and has now dedicated his life to ruining league of legends
that one line is indicative of the entire game
It's been said that the 501st got the best of the war. We also got the worst. On Felucia, the Seps dug their metal heels into the muck of that alien hellhole and dared the Republic to come in after them. So we did, only to be met with the month after month of flesh-eating diseases, shrieking nocturnal predators, and other sights that haunt me to this day. Cut off and for all we knew abandoned by our superiors, our only hope was Aayla Secura, our Jedi commander. Without her iron will, none of us would have come out of that mess with our sanity, or our lives. When her death came, I hope it was quick. She earned that much.
When the 501st was finally rotated out of Felucia, Aayla Secura made a point of seeing us off personally, calling us the bravest soldiers she had ever seen. It's a good thing we were wearing helmets, because none of us could bear to look her in the eye.
Which is worrying me, what the fuck is he gonna do with League?
>hey dude check out my plan, whatcha think?
>Like no, bro... you should kill yourself instead
Raziel: "Kain is deified. The clans tell tales of him, few know the truth. He was mortal once, as were we all. However, his contempt for humanity drove him to create me and my brethren.
I am Raziel, first born of his lieutenants. I stood with Kain and my brethren at the dawn of the empire. I have served him a millennium.
Over time we became less human and more . . . divine. Kain would enter the state of change and emerge with a new gift.
Some years after the master, our evolution would follow, until I had the honour of surpassing my lord. For my transgression, I earned a new kind of reward. Agony.
There was only one possible outcome, my eternal damnation. I, Raziel, was to suffer the fate of traitors and weaklings: to burn forever in the bowels of the lake of the dead."
Kain:"Cast him in!"
Raziel:"Tumbling, burning with white hot fire, I plunged into the depths of the abyss. Unspeakable pain, relentless agony, time ceased to exist.
Only this torture and a deepening hatred of the hypocrisy that damned me to this hell. An eternity passed and my torment receded, bringing me back from the precipice of madness.
Sweet. I love SW universe.
>I'm your prom date you ugly sack of shit!
10/10 almost Shakespearean
"A warriors greatest weapon...
is patience"
I actually felt impatient after the first line. Such good delivery.
Again, slow down and try to understand what you're reading instead of just trying to be argumentative.
Only because they stole tons of money from Sega from Colonial Marines
>you can't be president because you're a bad science so you need to die. Trust me, I'm a science.
OMG that moment when Handsome Jack(funny name for a bad guy, amirite?) is acting happy one moment but then does something TOTALLY insane the next is EPIC!!!! Borderlands FOR THE WIN!!!!
>"It's a me, Mario!"
really made me think...
xD He called the horse BUTT STALLION. How do they come up with this stuff xD
Not a single post you quoted said that BL2 was mechanically worse than BL; the only thing they shat on was the writing.
>"So long gay Bowser"
and the unicorn that POOPS LOOT in the DLC! XD How do they come up with this stuff???
>kill yourself my man
>he actually does it
The absolute madman.
>caring about writing in anything that isn't an RPG or VN
Fucking why? You're only setting yourself up for disappointment. I never once gave a fuck about the writing in any borderlands game and I got to enjoy all three of them very very much.
Borderlands is pretty much an RPG
>Were it so easy?
Still don't know what he meant though.
80% of his dialogue is really good, the remainder is bad but not any worse than the rest of the bad dialogue in the game. The "Kill Yourself" mission was a genuinely good parody of videogame quests if you ignore how it ties in with New-U's and leaves a gaping plot hole.
Master, look! I've done it, I've done it! I smashed and pounded and grounded this rotten siren into fleshy pink pulp! There, you filthy monstrosity! What good's your immortality now! Try stirring up trouble in this sorry state! All mangled and twisted, with every inside on the outside, for all the world to see!
The writing is so actively bad I can't ignore it.
Did a disgruntled Gearbox writer write this post, because that's pretty goddamn accurate.
His name being Handsome Jack is actually mildly clever. He named himself Handsome, but he wears a mask. It implies he is suffers from a inferiority complex.
Borderlands is still a shit series gameplay wise too. Why are you defending it?
Because I enjoyed playing them.
What are some good games with good gameplay to you then? inb4anything/v/core
Was I supposed to read that in Torque's voice?
It's paid.
You're not wrong
i read it in Claptrap's voice the first time i saw it and then Handsome Jack's another time. It works for quite a few characters.
This post is easy to shoot down because it doesn't capture the full breadth of how shitty the writing in BL2 is, so let me expand on this.
BL2 came out pre-TORtanic. Everyone on Sup Forums was looking forward to it, because BL1 did so many things well that it made a shill defence force before that shit became a genuine, unironic feature of every fucking fanbase.
So naturally, everyone on Sup Forums bought it. And played it to the end.
That one line is the entire game's story quality. This would be easy to rebut, if this was any other game.
If this game were new, in 2017, you could laugh them off for not playing it, but it came out in 2012. Everyone who wanted it got it, and they know without a doubt that the story is garbage.
BL2's gameplay is the same exact shit as BL1 but with a more shiny UI and a blander loot system. Making it more balanced was literally the devs' admission that they forgot what they marketed the first game on. Pretending that the gameplay was any better, or that the focus of an RPG sequel would be gameplay at all, is an admission that you don't want to argue in good faith.
Jack's voice really for me.
I have never played Overwatch but this dude looks the coolest
Don't slam the door so loud. It freaks me out.
There were plenty of areas that weren't sand, I'm sorry they're aren't any forests in a FUCKING DESERT.
Torque is one of the few characters that it doesn't fit. He was actually rather to the point, albeit obsessed with air guitar.
I know this is a Borderlands meme thread, but I really wonder why FF15's dialogue comes out sounding so natural. Maybe I just have shit taste, but it comes off much better than pretty much any recent localized JRPG and a whole lot of western games too. Like, there's a lot to be said for the meme-spewing faggot of the party not being a literal meme-spewing faggot, or the repetitive exchanges of dialogue coming off as charming instead of obsequious.
Giving factions motivations behind their actions is really just a suggestion when you think about it.
His mask is just his actual face minus a burn mark though.
fucking hell
>same exact shit as BL1 but with a more shiny UI and a blander loot system
And an awful elemental damage system, and still not useful class skills, blending all the guns together to take out what made each manufacturer feel unique (although I guess you could file that under loot system), and the worst enemy hp scaling system to have ever been implemented in a videogame that was bad to the point I'm starting to think it was "ironically" bad on purpose.
He used to be handsome until some crazy bitch attacked him for no reason.
cognitive dissonance.
>crazy brain scientists in jokey dlc make more sense than one of mainline game's major factions
can't make this up
I'll just dump my folder of times I've felt compelled to take screenshots during dialogue in New Vegas
It's called making the game not boring as shit.
Agreed. There's occasional bad writing in Borderlands 2. But there is a LOT of writing in the game. The characters almost never stop talking. Overall, it's pretty good and often funny.
The scaling in BL2 alone is enough to make it the worse game but there's other issues, though I will give that BL1 could use more enemy variety early on
If I can play the game, have fun, why do you think a bunch of meme, garbage VA lines'll make it better? If I have to sit through cringe dialogue, it doesn't make it better, it makes it worse.
Science says kill yourself