Well first, Aonuma
Second, they were thinking of making an outfit that gives out energy.to your team. And since they're from Japan, they first thought idols. But then they realized idols don't really relate to other parts of the world. And that's how the Cheer outfit was made
Aonuma was a mistake.
Fun joke costumes were a mistake.
but we alraedy got Idol Link
I love idolshit so that's kind of a shame. Cheerleader outfit was good too though.
Dressing a boy as a girl is a mistake. Factually.
>But then they realized idols don't really relate to other parts of the world.
So just call it a singer
Dumb japs
way to assume Link's gender, shit eater
>I only play serious games for matoor gaym0rz such as meinself
They were going to have him naked to. Just for shits and giggles
>Defending Aonuma
>When the fucker almost fucke dup MM development until Koizumi helped the team
>TWW was a flop in Japan and the reason Zelda doesnt sell well there anymore
>Spirit Tracks being sold in the bargain bid few months after its release
>Skyward Sword having the most pathetic content of all the games
I'm happy that new people is taking more control of the franchise, so Aonuma can go away and make another Marvelous Treasure Island
Putting Link in cute costumes was the best decision Nintendo ever made!
What's wrong with dressing Link as a girl exactly?
Nothing. Just explaining to an user why was there a cheerleader outfit in a Zelda game
Is that a fucking Bible Black reference?
You're a mistake.
It does look very similar.
I wish I could bury my face in tiger Link's ass desu
That has nothing to do with anything.
>I can only speak in Memes
Zelda should have some amount of respect given to it.
It's the exact fucking same.
>red skirt
>black thigh highs
>black vest with white long sleeve shirt
>side high ponytail
Daily reminder that Triforce Heroes is canon
The only difference is Link has a bow instead of a tie.
[b]Link is a cute[/b]